Sunday, November 29, 2015

Another Addendum ~

What we feel, in any circumstance, is the literal energy within 'our-being'.

Deepen your awareness reading today's post ~

And the more*more that accept this standard of being the stronger this "Invincible-Energy" manifests ~ (IE, thought, to inspiration (words*actions), then come habits (so 'choose your battle'), followed by our character, all within the experience of our 'illusion' ~ XO

"Ah ha" . this is what mystifies and becomes diluted if we let it ~

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post to begin) ~ personal challenge

Okay, here we go. A reader asks: "How can it be possible I've 'attracted' the neighbors in this awesome new area I live? I believe this particular next door neighbor goes through my trash as if she wants to count liquor bottles or something?" Without actually seeing any activity; the reader saw trash disturbance in conjunction with preconceived notions.

It honestly comes down to the basic 'illusion' of our life-experience. Considering the series of events leading to the property, there is no question it is exactly where this person is meant to be. A manifestation of our subconscious feeling of self we must face (for whatever reason); none other than just to 'see' further into our own emotional-self. SBC strengthens this.

It's simply to make speedier, cleaner connections from the brain (all it has and does) with the system of our heart muscle's intelligence /set-up\, which is more intense than the brain's /set-up\. Thoughts, words, actions, habits, character. Heart-intelligence is the subconscious self coming into the light.

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you kno 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Isn't it ironic ~ designated gratitude XO ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post to begin) ~ personal challenge

Isn't it though .. It's becoming harder*harder for me to 'play along' ~ no matter how seemingly benevolent the "event". Designating one day a year to show, feel, share your gratitude centered around an illusion of unconditional goodness?!? A date to celebrate the birth of another illusion centered around religion*'buying'?!? I tried; I failed; I'd rather live it 24/7 ~

What crosses my path this very morning? A quarter century older than LL, surgeon-philosopher with immense accomplishment*insight welcoming a visit and sharing insights. Coincidence in timing, again? "No, no, no more, I'm blown away already." The joy of me continues to manifest stepping-stones directly to 'another teacher' .. 'seeing' me as 'another teacher'.

Yes, LL will take the awareness of how to combat this prevailing attitude of "can't". Humans feel hopeless towards taking control of that will: it drives us to do anything. Yes anything. And Dr. Ken swoops in to connect his skill to listen*change-minds ~ Have you added 5 minutes of connecting your mind to your heart intelligence yet?

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post to begin) ~ personal challenge

LL is frustrated; people are not able to grasp the gist of AisC. Our inner resistance is to a subtle shift in awareness. Apparently we're here to gain insight into our purpose to 'life' (individually relative); cuz it sure ain't superiority of brains, looks, money, or privilege. It's deeper than that; do you share the joy of who you honestly are? 

Take SBC: it's so simple. And that fact, alone, is gonna add the muck-of-resistance in the beginning. Most say, "No it isn't." And guess what? Most will never seriously 'try it'. There are zero good reasons, except death ~ how do ya like them apples? You afraid one of 'ems gonna turn out to be poison ~ just like with sleeping beauty? This is a metaphoric 'story'~

This is not about hearing all the stories we each have; this is why LL doesn't share the details of her own story unless it's appropriate in all ways. This little blog is simply a blogwash for the incredible information available to humanity. Yet without embracing the key to all man-made creation on earth: the initial thought; we'll never grasp collective-consciousness being unavoidable energy.

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post to begin) ~ personal challenge

Okay, let's get over our excuses not to begin something. This SBC truly IS an excellent example because it addresses anything we choose to do. ONE: do I have the time? TWO: do I believe this is credible? THREE: will this enable me to better my life-experience? FOUR: will this be a silly waste of my valuable time, or will I benefit in my bigger picture? Shall I continue?

A decision to just do SBC: 5 minutes you'll never in a million years 'miss'; but what you will miss is to simply 'connect you'. Certainly the 5 minutes will be long and torturous until you relax*get in the flow of who you are. If you're near the age of 60, go pee, set the timer, grab your earlobes (with opposite hand): inhale&squat, exhale& stand over&over.

If you don't find the timer going off before you want to check the minutes remaining, I'll eat my hat. How's that? But you have to give it at least one week of seriously casual awareness! It's easy. It's simple. And I don't wish to keep boring you will my accomplishments ~

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Another Addendum ~

MONSANTO -- yes Monsanto. Inform now on them (100 year old USA based corporation; it's anything but 'for the people' ~ Be aware or beware!!!

May has the largest planned, glabally organized march against this mega-globally destructive force present on earth. This corporation encompasses corruption in awareness, policies&politics, global well-being, food security, a constant threat to nature's balance ..

           ~ EDUCATE and DEMONSTRATE ~ please don't 'leave it up to 'the activists!!! We ALL must care as if our life depends on it!


~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post to begin) ~ personal challenge

Why am I turning this into some 'how to better your~self' when readers already are their best-self? 

Because for things to change in the Bigger Picture folks, things must significantly change, with collective-consciousness*, in a very BIG way.

Big 'ways' are needed to overcome BiG problems) ~ help create the possibilities. What we see is what we'll get. What we look for is what we'll find. This 'time' in life is certainly for taking a very serious*close look - even our most 'benevolent actions' .. baaa
      ~ for actions always speak louder than words. 

Being 'in-tune' is being in balance (within), to hear your body; it always 'shows' us what we need to acknowledge! Disease, syndrome, condition, illness, whatever the brain uses to 'figure it out' ~

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 

Friday, November 13, 2015

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post to begin) ~ personal challenge

SBC update: actually before the ' subtle-control' awareness* occurred, I had experienced something first. By my 2nd or 3rd day, my knees began to click (typical for me). So I imagined (silently feel) my muscles doing 'their thing' for me .. and *poof* my clicking knees stop! It's all relative folks and this is the tip to my iceberg ~ don't minimize the power of you!
But this isn't about 'getting our body back'. SBC is about the connection between our minds and our hearts. "Gee, this is what SBC is about?" Isn't this what AisC is about?!? Betterment IS this simple*easy. Try it; what do you 'fear' you'll miss out on? Or worse yet, what are you afraid you might do once you know your*spirit-self better?

The encompassing part of forgiveness, or betterment, is unconditional awareness. Nothing more intellectually. Then you must literally feel the truth within. This is tapping into our Heart-Intelligence-System (see the confusion with a male figure?) ~

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, ust so you know-

Thursday, November 12, 2015

another addendum ~

Do we 'see' how we 'attract what 'is'? Do we understand how this appears to work if we've been observant from the inside out?!?

"Oh that's a key we'll discover within ourselves just by committing 5 precious minutes (no more; no less) to this silly SBC personal challenge?!?"

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~ 

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post to begin) ~ personal challenge

We could be so 'high on ourselves' we can't see the tree from the forest ~ yes this saying can be used in a myriad of ways, because it is metaphoric. So in other words, there are certainly great people (relative to the 'society' in which we 'live') who dress the part they intuitively feel. Yet most, can't realize, what ?!? is revealed ~ 'the emperor without his cloths' ~

Humans can be: 'low on ourselves' we can't see the tree from the forest. Today's rampant plague of emotional*physical issues is based in*around fear. This energy attracts what?1? Doctors&scientists who believe they're at least as good as 'Einstein or Jefferson' or a god :) Right or wrong?

"Oh and you don't think so?" So in other words there could certainly be great people unlike the typical hierarchy we've grown to admire?!? Do we, in turn, unconsciously play our role in this life which perpetuate this madness? Humans need to acknowledge the puzzle of energy which creates the continuum of our existence?

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post to begin) ~ personal challenge

Imagine 'the feeling' ~ the joy of who you are! Did you? Could you? Do you naturally feel this way? If not, we can't help our~self, and when we can't help our~self, we can't help others, because it's got to be .. unconditional-intuit ~ we do not need our mental chatter ~  
     This SBC is super peace to attract pieces (to our puzzles ~ see

This is such a 'no-brainer' we'd be a laughing stock to disagree. Because everyone has 5 minutes at the beginning, at the very least, of any day. 'A loss' of 5 minutes less isn't going to effect anything in the bigger picture. We're talking the bigger picture of life here. Soon we're addressing death! And what it means to 'let-go' (with respect for 'our' life lived).

This SBC is a personal continuum of starting dates all leading to the same destination ~ our destiny. And if ya think you don't think about destiny, you can begin to acknowledge the connection ~ 'I got' the least likely candidate to take this personal challenge, and I will share updates ~

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post for 'how-to') ~ personal challenge

Here's the disturbing part to our ego. Most humans (today) will find it extremely difficult (silent-denial) to 'see'  then acknowledge a message going directly to the mind-brain regarding anything about 'self' that needs a shift (discipline after awareness). Why? The brain has a way of controlling our 'interpretation' so it fits exactly into 'our-controlled-conformity'*

~ The brain says, "Whoa, this isn't ME; I somehow need to make this more important than it is; or I know what you mean (I can see it in others, but not myself - yet?) .." Eventually, we should recognize we attract that which we subtlety&predominantly are?!? "Oh, but that's too self-effacing!" 

We all want to be the best we can be (all the shades of gray); yet most won't make the necessary effort to admit ("sssh, to self") a shift or change is essential for the highest good for all on earth. 'Our best' is not a'one:  looks, IQ. money, status, pride, does not include material anything ..; it involves our spirit, our nature, our way of being, our subtle-treatment of others ~ the joy in who we are

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 

Friday, November 6, 2015

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post for 'how-to') ~ personal challenge

Hasn't even been 2 weeks and already I've been able to acknowledge ("sssh, to self") my subtle 'rigidity and need to apparently control' with "my" knowledge. What took LL so long?  Why write 'silence is best' for this SBC challenge? "Brain-silence&feel the joy of who you are" for 5 simple&easy minutes of your day ~ kinda wordy {but that's n' 'excuse'} ~ music is an 'unlocking' key for most

A "no-brainer" 5 minutes ~ to meet mee*! "What's that you're wondering? Typo? The other "E"? No, there 'it' is again: MEE* is me.  The second (or first :) E is the shadow of the mystery (of 'me') ~ see

As LL's looking out the window, swaying to the music, and lowers the bulk (weakening joints in the knees) and see's the joy of who she is in just the, say, 160 degree field of vision (I was inside; looking out). Now imagine, I'll say again, if families embrace this morning ritual to connect heart&mind ~

This is the joy of mee: I watched a bright yellow leaf blow off the tree in the background and float into the arms of the big white pine, and just stay there as if basking in the morning light while  hundreds of other yellow leaves scatter the last of the changing grass on the little "hill" the maple tree grows upon.

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Necessary addendum today ~

Emotional&Physical healing are 'combated' with the same drive to "do" ~ this is proven to be the core of healing ~ now ..  next step: 'hear truth' as 'your nature' :) The Oct. 'challenge' is an Awesome Propeller ~

Challenge within a challenge: who can see the acronym (above) and how it relates to today's technological 'achievements' for BBB (bigger, better, best)??? Ironic isn't it? Step up to the plate, you won't be 'seen' and you won't be revealed ~ I promise

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning, *super*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began 10/29/15 (see post for simple 'how-to')

"Oh thanks, I'm not interested." Beware&be-aware you are not interested in helping yourself (in this case*) ~ in whatever form you can imagine. "Have you only heard what you mentally-perceive is being shared?"    
    We choose to ignore, with bravado (to camouflage, we hope, the denial within). Then we compensate (with 'protective-blindness') by weakening our understanding of the continuum of energy transference (The Puzzle to creation - by law-of-attraction).

So where do you fit if you read 10/29/15 post? What energy radiates within (and continues)?!? "Oh but you don't 'think' this way? You don't need to ~ observe your reality without words. Just intuit what your silence perceives; perhaps this tiny shift in awareness can help you see the puzzle of the life experience you're having.

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} 


Monday, November 2, 2015

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning,   super*brain*connector (5 mins a day) ~ began 10/29/15 (see that post for simple 'how-to' with astounding results) ~

This experience* (sharing the goodness of an absolute 'no-brainer') really tickles my funny bone, connected to my heart-awareness, connected to my baggage, connected to my holding onto something that isn't mine to hold on to. "Well, what is the reaction you're responding to LL?" You ready for this 'typical denial of self' reaction?!?

"Oh, I'm not interested." LL's funny bone twitches. "Oh really; what aren't you interested in?" Silence. "Could it be the 5 minutes you can't spare because you're so busy being busy? Is it that you're afraid of the unknown (results without detailed scientific research&results)?!? Is it because you don't trust the messanger? IS it personal?!? "Was I born yesterday?"

Yes, this is being slapped in the face with the truth. Would you prefer a kiss with a lie? It's a mental reaction with a zero heart-intelligent response. This dear readers is the typical north American mental-reaction now (((as is reflected outward&outward))) ~ global chaos = global consciousness

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know}