Wednesday, May 11, 2016

~ WIZZdom for conversation ~

Good morning ~ *heart*brain*connector* (5 mins of free-freedom) ~ began* 10/29/15 (read scientific data) ~ personal challenge

If you care about the condition of our planet* the atrocities our politicians promote or ignore, or the well-being of our families' future ..

Then perhaps you'll put some of that passion into awareness of people outside your 'pack', or try to realize the mindset of USA-ians that has divided human worth with money*priviledge.

And noticing when we're superficial (which is NOT honest) is EXTREMELY important to all life ~ humans are noticing where lack of the above has lead. This is spiritual evolution at it's best ~ with better* days ahead

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { with WIZZ for the subject or it goes to trash, just so you know}