Thursday, October 30, 2014

~ HOPEFUL #) ~

Good morning, Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

In no uncertain terms, I have been looked in the eye and told: I'm "crazy; people are repelled by my energy; I think I'm some Jesus or something, but hey I don't do anything wrong except to think everyone else is wrong". Flights to be with my mother "screwed-up" by me; completely "ruined". Here I am thousands of miles away.

Life as one knows it is an individual-illusion (mentally), and a universal-energy called collective-consciousness. Synchronizing 400 million minds to the awareness that our life-energy comes from us backed with the power of infinite-energy from the universe . . Simple ~ intelligent to acknowledge

Not to give credence to to the mystery as what it undoubtedly IS makes humans sound infantile. Using the mind to "see" the law-of-attraction in action as you've created (yes, with this infinite-energy) is the most joyful awareness to have, once you have it.

Spread this wisdom and let's unite the hearts of 400 million of us as we get OVER this big-gray-lump and whatever story about a god perpetuates this weakened collective-consciousness!

~May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (email - hope in the subject)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @* ~

Good morning, ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Writing this blog, speaking with others with near-zero awareness, speaking with successful humans SO caught up in being human they spend the majority of life striving&seeking (more, better) they're tired, stressed NOW (years), or speaking with religion oriented folks believing in a "father figure" of a god have given me so much to write about I don't know where to begin.

Sure there are lots of humans speaking truth (the covered-up shit in this country alone is staggering), while the illusion continues to spiral-downwards at a frightening pace, and one seemingly impossible to intervene. I feel hope though. It begins somewhere; and it must become stronger with a passion for unity of humans in the spiritual sense (belief) of our beings.

It ALL comes back around to what is being described as heart-intelligence. This concept is so blindly entwined with believing in "our god" this&that that humans are floundering. Floundering just like a fish out of water, waiting for the huge clawed beast (prefers berries, bugs or fish oils anyways)  to snatch 'em off the bank and do away with the bullshit. What a sad existence.

Change begins at home; and our homes are within, and NOT outside us! It's the one's with, who believe those without say what they say because they're jealous&envious or they don't have the drive, education, or possibilities. I'll never say brain-intelligence isn't essential for life as a human. Without heart-intelligence growing awareness&acknowledgement, humans are pretty ^ @! # !! % $ ~

~ May the great-mystery make sunrise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject) 

We need to find and coordinate like-minds here and take it from there!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @& ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

AisC will be back.

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @^ ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Having taken our human brain so seriously, humans have slowly, but surely drifted quite far from the ability to feel unconditional awareness. Isn't this how we should be when we see someone? We don't know the person's story, so why do we spend our own life running imaginary tapes? It's become ingrained into the majority of humans to operate this way.

It takes discipline to simply observe without judgment. In general, people are skeptical of things they don't control. Because their big-gray-lump controls them. If humans knew how to follow leads from their heart-intelligence, collective-consciousness would be for the good of humanity, not an isolated few. And of course being relative to "what few", if that makes sense.

Yet life is about FAR more than simply observing, being-silent, or just surviving. That would be to easy huh? Yet humanity hasn't changed for the better in regards to how we work as a species with such astounding abilities. We've only seen each other with our ego, which automatically sets us apart from anyone else. Is it too late for humanity to shift awareness?

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in the subject)  


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @% ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Jane bravely faced, then surrendered to a horrible disease she could not fight. Her younger brother died from the same diagnosis, 2 or 3 years earlier, and Jane had a rare form.  Jane never stopped living her life to the fullest, just as she had when she even ran in two US Olympic trials years after breaking her back in an automobile accident decades earlier.

Doug spent the last ten years seeing&loving the pure heart of Jane. Ironically, hours before she passed, he'd transported her (talking) back to her favorite place in the world: their annual backpacking trip to the Winds in Wyoming, where they'd prepared to be that day, if she weren't so sick. I've included only 2 short paragraphs that didn't appear one after the other like here.

We sit, sip (coffee), and take in nature's glory. This is our favorite moment in the world.  Just sitting and being.  Few words, no tasks, no stories of the past, no projections into the future....just sitting and being present to this very moment.  There is nothing quite like it.
This is what I love about Jane in the Winds.  She is in her element when she lets go of all the world's pressures, burdens and expectations and just lives the day as it is meant to be lived.
I knew Jane lived accepting her mother's blatant disregard for her all she'd achieved in life. It is clearly her mother's loss and what she'll learn from this is up to her life-experience. 

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject)


Monday, October 13, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @$ ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Nearly a month ago AisC brought up the passing of Jane, a very dynamic woman. By all accounts, she fully lived her passions in life, while living a life driven for outstanding success. She positively touched thousands of lives and obviously knew what's most important in life. Another good person dying too young, yet leaving a life fully lived.
It's not as if I didn't know the end was very near when I feel a moment of heat seem to touch me when I'm reading. I pause and think of Jane passing. I'd always asked my grandmother to "contact" me, somehow, after she passed-on, but it never happened that I've ever been aware. I consciously wonder about Jane.

Two days later my email is answered by her nephew, and I'm told she had passed two days earlier. That day I'm sent two very different, yet identical, accounts of who Jane was. One described a 40-year friendship and all Jane's outstanding accolades; the other, I believe, described Jane in her purest&deepest sense. To be con't . .

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @# ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Yes, we are the conductors of our own lives. Yes, this obviously includes our brain, because we wouldn't do anything without it. So let's not split unnecessary hairs (in our emotions). We can agree brain-intelligence is essential, yet without knowing the connection to heart-intelligence mankind will never experience the undiscovered potential it has.

There is a huge component of our heart-intelligence that cannot remain something to be skeptical of any longer. Of course it is the unexplainable. Of course it's what is preached, basically, in religions. Here's the huge hurdle mankind has got to cross: drop the god-thinking; it's limiting our thorough understanding of this life-experience.

Honestly, the majority of humanity is far from  ready to say it's not some figurative god "up there" judging and planning or whatever. Especially those that need their religion for their identity. Hate to say it, yet it does comes down to that. What will shake this place up to cross the hurdle? 

This magic is the unexplainable, unfathomable brilliance flowing through the cascade of life on planet earth.

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject)

Friday, October 10, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @@ ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Yes, our "answers" for what we need are contained within us, in this thing called heart-intelligence. Yes, and the surest way to connect with that wisdom is when we're quiet within our~selves. But this is the hard part folks: keeping our minds from running its endless video of concerns or fantasy prevents our~self from feeling the deeper "infinite" wisdom.

Can you accept the possibilities of this electromagnetic energy you emit? Science has proven it to its satisfaction, but it still dares admit there is an even more powerful energy flowing through our organs: same energy that guides all other life on our planet. How would they prove such a thing?

Our point is to penetrate the thinking mind with acceptance it is not the conductor of our life-experience. There are all kinds of resistance; either with beliefs in a god, or the intellects who can't accept heart-intelligence has wisdom on them the mind can't possibly have.

Observing your interaction with others reflects you, whether you believe so or not. It's so multidimensional; creating this collective-consciousness we're dealing with. Observing without judgment needs to be mastered.

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @! ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~
When we trust in the silent-wisdom (including our mysterious guidance) operating through every human-bean, magic begins. This magic opens doors to a new life-experience once you're aware of this level of trust&faith. And as I attest: life changes forever. Do you trust your life-experience enough to wonder if what I say here has validity?

We will attempt to support the immense capacity of our heart-intelligence versus favoring, any longer, our mental-intellect only. Try to understand the details don't matter (that's for the intellect); it's the after-affect we carry with us (yes, silently in our heart-intelligence-system). Your heart-intelligence knows you, maybe even, better than you consciously know your~self.

As unfathomable as animal behaviors, creature designs, and earth's resources are on top of just how incredible the human body functions, how can humans continue to be so divided in belief? Easy; we don't know what to trust. Schools teach us stories to promote their agenda, same with religions, politics, parents...

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @) ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Heart-intelligence is mystifying how&why it works as it does, yet with awakening scientists&doctors perhaps the consciousness of our globe will shift&alter the state of affairs here on earth. Heart-intelligence IS our emotions, our feelings, our intuition, our creative imagination, our subconscious, and all the other marvelous aspects of being human.

Unfortunately, in most cultures today, we've learned to communicate only what's wrong with someone else, with no connection to how we feel or what we need for well-being. Humans lost touch with what's going on within, and brain-intelligence became the focus for humanity, which has created greed and chaos pushing humanity to the brink.

I speak of observation without judgment. This is essential if we wish to begin to think&speak with compassion for ourselves and others. This is not simple; it takes patience&persistence before it becomes second-nature. Awareness of how we feel and what we need for our well-being is probably a foreign concept for most. We adults must educate ourselves, because schools are only focused on brain-intelligence.

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

~ HOPEFUL !( ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Knowing the heart is the first thing to form in a new life, kind of takes you back a bit, if you're one of the people that always assumed it to be the brain. The heart has infinite wisdom connected with every organ, the nervous system and the likes in our body. It's been characterized as the engine for distributing&controlling all the energy of a body. 

The heart's electromagnetic field is proven to "interact" with the other fields surrounding it. Voila; collective-consciousness, but I don't want to jump around with my point. Yet we can't deny the obvious how everything is invisibly connected. Trying to put words to the unfathomable seems arrogant enough for me to stop trying.

Humans have learned to ignore the heart (beyond it pumping blood). Trust is almost non-existent today. Basically, humans learned to trust the things outside them, with disregard to what's inside. So does that leave your deductive reasoning with, "Look where that's taken us!; time to focus on our heart-intelligence to know better?"

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate:  hope in subject)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

~ HOPEFUL !* ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

This blog is about clarifying our trust in ourselves. We each experience life individually. And each of us carries our silent-knowledge of all past experiences (making us who we are today) as "its"" stored in our individual heart-intelligence system. Knowledge of heart-intelligence began appearing in mainstream medical journals 3 decades ago.

Like all living things on earth, the human-bean also has an invisible guidance for life such as: moving without thought (all arts/sports, music...), when to eat, have sex, how to heal ourselves by letting the body do what it's here to do without interference of the limited mind with it's theories&philosophies.

This self I write about is our nature, our invisible-self, our spirit, which drives us to do or not. This has nothing to do with believing in an external god. The timing is upon us to trust in the inherent wisdom&laws of the universe. Giving credence to some god-thing is embarrassing to the human-bean with heart-intelligence-awareness*.

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: jaw.on.the.river@gmail with hope in subject)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

~ HOPEFUL !& ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Murphy's Law, Timing, Co-incidence, whatever. Yesterday, we were approached&introduced with another awesome younger mother who "miraculously" or "syncronized-with-timing" ended up getting a great home, exactly here; she'd called a "wrong-number" 3 years ago.

The story of how she got here, in our sweet community, is also beyond her wildest fancy for community&nature, as is my case. This blog has the potential to now "instantly" reach 2000 readers of like heart-intelligence (via mama). I'm more questioning my ability, so this will take a bit longer. First impressions.

How does Jane play with all this? Well, you have to be willing to acknowledge aliens  do and have visited, are real, as well as the unproven (or covered-up), which will all gain credibility, and how the amazing pituitary-gland plays a role in all of this mystery.

Human beans must begin to experience their life with an awakened heart-intelligence. It's an awakening process many good-enough humans still choose to ignore; it's easier. First they must "get-over" their-self as being who and what they believed was important to experience life at it's best.

May the great-mystery make sun-rise in your heart ~
(comments&questions: hope in subject)

Always ~ LL