Saturday, July 27, 2013

Life 101 on Day 138 ~

Somehow I knew it was too soon to leave specifically writing about "seeing" the moments from our past that have actually created who we are today. The reactions were similar and all basically said, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." I'm sorry, but that's a self-preservation-defense. I hate to say it's an excuse not to change ~ it's deeper than that.

Yes, it's true: the older we get the harder and harder it becomes to shift or change what has become a way-of-life for us. And it's also just as true that where there's a will there's a way. We are human beings with a capacity to achieve great things. And that absolutely includes stopping or altering a lifetime of conditioning.
As well, there appears to be a human condition that's evolved to a damaging point. It may sound silly, but when it's "taken-to-heart" it's difficult to ignore: the spark of "magic" that got "us" to do unpleasant things has all but  disappeared from human nature. Now there's an endless recording of self-talk we listen to that stops us in our tracks.

But I'm not talking about this. Once we "see" how/where our individual life has gone off course or against what energizes our spirit or self, we have a chance to consciously decide to do something. Of course this includes our beliefs, and certainly that includes our self-image. Only we choose not to think differently. Our life experience IS up to us ~ we ultimately create it.

You've got to be specific if you'd like more help, from me, in regards to creating a life experience that's fulfilling on the inside as well as the outside. But no matter what, acceptance of "the-now" is always the first step and the rest does follow. That is a fact of life.

Always ~ LL 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Life 101 on Day 137

I'm feeling a strong sense not to leave the subject about the moments we've each lived that actually create who we are today. It really is such a huge awareness that can certainly be curative when we put our heart's desire into exploring moments of our own development. 

I want you to realize how significant it is to actually "see" the moments that shaped who you are today. Are you truly happy with what you see?

Living things are intended to be born for the highest good.  Most humans start with happy, loving spirits unless they've already survived "hell" in the womb that continues after birth. Humans thrive on connection with other humans, and happiness stems from an unconditional connection for the sake of life.

We cannot change our past of course, only our attitude about the past which will lead us to think differently about our-selves. Our heart-intelligence gives us the feelings about who we truly are. I believe everyone begins life good. What happens in the womb is the beginning of our story, but it may not define the "person" or spirit we are meant to be.

Again, it's understanding our spirit, our nature, our loves, our abilities, our gifts we have to share as we mature, all of them are who-we-are! They're not tangible and we're all unique. They are an invisible goodness. They are either nurtured, harmed or destroyed, but they are who-we-are. It's just buried beneath or within our attitude. It's up to us to find them if we want happiness.

If negative emotions come up in you, it too shall pass if you stay calm, and only you can choose to continue exploring or observing YOU. Only you can decide to change anything about those situations or events if they do NOT reflect your true-self. Subtle unhappiness in our-self is by far the greatest indicator we need to pay attention to.

Things will continue on as they always have if you do nothing. But if you want something to change ~ guess what? YOU have to change first! And it doesn't have to be major, it can be openness to the awareness or attitude shift about things you believe about you. Accept what is or change something.

Your spirit will let you know simply by being observant of what you do, what you think, what you ignore, what you take for granted, what you accept, and most importantly ~  your level of satisfaction and happiness. It doesn't serve our best interest to ignore our spirit. This spirit is what many religions have convinced us is divine. It IS YOU, infused with the mystery-of-evolution!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Life 101 on Day 134

Moments that make us who we are. Ever really think about this very deeply? It's a fascinating part of our journey when we actually "see" the moments that surely have created exactly who we are today. Then we have the wondrous choice to be content or decide to shift that aspect of our-self today.

It's one thing to think about those moments with an "Oh well, there's not much I can do." attitude, or we can have, "Aha, now I see why, and that's not who I know I really am." attitude. Two distinctly different attitudes. The moments, or events, shape who we are, especially when they're childhood moments. And they can dictate the path of our life.

The awareness is like a breathe of fresh air, and it blows away the notion we must continue on the same path, or we can alter, or shift, direction! Why would we want to do something like that? If you're content and happy with the way your life is playing out ~ then stay there. If not, then it's your choice to let the awareness become curative.

This is BIG, stay with it until you know you've "got it" on the inside. Honestly, have the pleasure of "seeing" the moments that shaped you. They'll pop up throughout your days or you can think of your life, in-depth, and realize how you became the person you are today. 

It becomes fun once you realize a few of "the moments" and see how true it is. Doing this enables your true-spirit the chance to rise to the surface.

Sit with this in your heart, if you know what I mean. Be with it any way you want, but the results are so empowering if you wish to create your life your way, and attract what it is your spirit has always known IS you! Enjoy ~

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Life 101 on Day 128 ~

Thanks for the direct correspondence regarding A is C. I do see where the confusion comes from, and I'm also doing my best to distinguish our minds from our outward emotions, which are so tied to our minds. And yes, our emotions are directly linked with our heart-intelligence. This is a major conundrum or catch-22 like which comes first, the chicken or the egg.

Until we can internalize to the point of feeling the emotion of knowledge, simply knowing it intellectually is equal to skimming the surface. Why? Because knowing a fact, or whatever, is one thing, but having experienced it ingrains it on a gut level.

It's so easy to fool ourselves that we understand. But until we can apply that knowledge, we  say we have, we won't walk-the-talk much if at all.

Hey, even once we've got-it both emotionally and intellectually we have the grace-of-life not to be perfect. Honestly, I feel I give people the benefit of the doubt after observation, but I will not be "played". Been there; done that. I'm learning more each day as I continue to "do" the best I can.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. To feel your worst is worse than the others worst is not fair, because it's relative to the individual's life experiences. Sure some people can be pretty ridiculous as far as what's major; just take it with a grain-of-salt. Try not to compare. The people that believe life owes them something for their "issue" are toxic to me.

If they choose to ever see life from a higher perspective, or deeper as I also like to say, all the power to 'em! And we've got to accept we can't try to drag 'em with us. It's always best to give all you can, but don't let your-self go down with their ship so to speak.

One of the most difficult emotions is anger. What does it take to help another realize their anger is affecting their own life as well as those around them? As unfortunate as it is, they're not going to get past the intellectual knowledge of it until they  feel, I mean really feel, the shoe-on-the-other-foot. That is just the way life works.

I love to say, "If the shoe fits, wear it. If you don't like it; don't look at me; I just work here." The Great Spirit Shoe-store by the way. The fact I've used The Great Spirit, when I haven't in the past helped me realize why Native Americans would use both Great Spirit and The Great Mystery. I now believe they meant the Great Mystery inside our spirit is The Great Spirit.

I am a high spirited individual and that is often difficult for others to understand is okay. My dear children continue to point out when levels of stress creep into my tone, and I can get very fired-up about things I'm passionate about. I take these golden words seriously as I continue to undo the negative aspects of me from childhood.

Well anyway, please continue to correspond directly; it helps.

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Life 101 on Day 127 ~

The process of our-life is absolutely necessary to "own" with our mind. Quick recap here: In essence this is saying every circumstance, action, thought, desire, decision, and communication has lead to the life we're living today! The love we experienced in childhood also helped create who we are today.

As adults we're responsible for our attitude. If someone can't even do that, it's basically a lost-cause to help them see and understand life from a deeper perspective. And that deeper perspective is found with our mind/senses and our heart-intelligence.

Keep in mind, perfection, or even close to it, is NOT a factor in how we "care for" in what I write next ~

No matter who you are, no matter what you own, no matter what your circumstances, the proof of core-attitude is how we care for our personal space. Our attitude towards personal responsibility is THERE ~ revealed. This is an undeniable, or absolute, truth ~ like it or not.

When anything within the continuum of circumstances happens, could it possibly be happening for us to observe how we handle it? From there is it possible to put together the puzzle pieces of our-life? Absolutely, with the awareness and acceptance of something greater than just our body with intellect and personality.

We also choose/allow the friends we keep. Personal awareness gives us the choice for what's best for us. When your personal-timing is right, as in you're ready, you'll be comfortable with your choices, because it is your-life and you accept your part in it: you own it.

Awareness is only curative when we're willing to accept responsibility for our part in how our life is playing out. Because when we do accept responsibility, we are then creating energy to clear the path to further goodness. And I'd say most of us want what's good for our life.

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Life 101 on Day 118 ~

We're really given everything we need if we're open to seeing it. Observe your life as if it's a class teaching you about unconditional love for the Whole of Life. It'll truly blow you away when you begin to observe everything as if you're attitude and acceptance work like a magnet. We may be able to fool, or lie, to ourselves and others, but not life's greatest mystery.

And repetition is the mother of skill ~

We are absolutely more than a body with intellect and a personality. What's it going to take to convince enough of mankind? It's scarey to our mind, but not to our inner silence. Try to imagine your invisible spirit; your imagination, love, and creativity are your spirit, which communicates through your heart.  You must accept the intelligence within the heart. But mankind is so far behind in it's research in this arena; now it's like a race against time.

We are in control of our beliefs, attitude, and acceptance; these are formed in our brains. And so many people have attempted to get the human race to accept the the power of goodness, but our brains evolved with desire for "how can I get more for me". It's an attitude I'm sure, for most, isn't malicious. The damage has been done.

Everyone can change for the better, if only we all believed this. There are SO many ways, and yes it all comes back to awareness of our individual ability to unconditionally love others, and especially unconditionally loving our-self enough to want to take the physical and emotional care it deserves.

Whoa, that takes a lot of personal responsibility. Am I cut out for it?

A million-dollar-question!

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life 101 on Day 117 ~

Awareness of the mechanics of life is what all this writing boils down to. Because the mechanics of life are the mystical, magical, invisible energy within every living thing. All of nature is perfect, brilliant and unfathomable. Acceptance of life is the curse of having an evolved human intellect in conjunction with human abilities. 

Our beliefs, our attitude, our outlook, all infinitesimal feelings, our acceptance, and of course our actions, reveal how we, as individuals, deal with life and the results we attract. This, in turn, perpetuates the energy of evolution! MANY humans have figured this out, but mankind hasn't been able to accept this. Isn't that curious?

Evolution of the human brain left it's innate awareness of all-being-one to this individual awareness-of-self. With that, corruption was inevitable. Honestly, I don't know how, or if, things can return. But this planet and inhabitants are magnificent and there are resources for human evolution, but mankind will never survive if something huge does not change.

People who have the attitude and fortitude to live with and rise above adversity, embody a magical goodness. Perhaps it's upbringing. Perhaps it's awareness that attitude is the first major step. Our Will kicks in with the mystical, magical energy as we learn to handle life with dignity & ease while we serve others with unconditional love and without expectation. 

It comes back to our-self now. Nothing can change this! Acceptance is so hard when our mind resists "what is". Accepting "all that is" means you may have to change your attitude. Get help if you can, but don't expect magic without your own effort. Life just does not work this way!  

It isn't easy to rise-to-the-occasion if the occasion isn't what you want now, is it? But ya know what? There is always hope, but it absolutely begins inside us. Without a feeling of hope how are we ever going to get up and do something, anything, to change the present circumstances?

Feeling, quietly feeling, feeling still and accepting can and will change your attitude with hope. It is that simple. Trust your-self; trust the mechanics of life. Don't loose hope.  Hope is faith. Hold on to your hope. Don't let anyone take it from you. It is YOURS and your life! Believe.

If you're moving too fast, if you're taking on everything, if you're stressed beyond belief, only YOU can find the Will to see yourself. None of the above is even going to be able to sink in if your plate is so full you can't possibly breathe between bites.

Always ~  LL

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 101 ~

Surrendering to silence takes stillness ~

When we're in the forest,
                        we're silent to hear                                             
just be with ourself ~

         ~ * ~

Just breathe 
stay still inside;
 ~ everything's just as it's "Gotsda Be" ~ why think ~
              ~ * ~

Let me see me
as I sees my-self.
And let me see me
as others view me.

        ~ * ~

Always ~ LL