Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Life 101 on Day 297 ~

The biggest dilemma or issue I've received recently is to clarify why hurt and perfectionism go hand-in-hand. Yes, it's extremely difficult to be around others that cannot see-themselves-on-the-inside. Most likely they are primarily focused on what other people will think about them. I believe this is what drives a perfectionist. Does a perfectionist realize this about theirself?

Observation of our interactions with others is always a starting point. We're not here to view others; we're here to honestly observe our~selves. It always only comes down to us: how we react, why we react. When your instinct is to look to blame, just pause, breathe, and silently look at self if possible. Yes, it takes great awareness and we all need more.

Perfectionism is such an oppressive emotion to place on ones~self, and until we are able to see-within (honestly) we will be unable to recognize our own behavior, how it impacts others, or what's its driving force. When a person is unable to see-within there really isn't much that can be done by anyone other than them.What we find within is not based on opinion, but truth.

For me there is a huge difference between healthy striving, for what you want to create or even change, versus being (most likely unconsciously) focused on what others, including self, will think. For me I can't put it any more basic than to say this is the difference between thinking with our minds versus silently feeling what our heart-intelligence is communicating. 

Which is a better barometer for doing what's right and hopefully doing our best at it? I'll go as far to say ego drives the mind and wisdom drives the heart. Yet there is still so much confusion over ego, and that's not something I'll write on unless I'm asked to delve.

Yet this is my humble opinion and it's very reassuring that readers are seeking my opinions based on 25 years of constant learning and achieving emotional health with lasting joy. Finding lasting joy almost requires the courage to be vulnerable. And we know vulnerability leaves us wide open for pain. Hence the courage to face our~self without judgment.

Always ~ LL

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Life 101 on Day 281 ~

Snowed in, prepared, and time to write; a good combination for attempting to bring this blog together before the new year. Yes, I agree it will be helpful to begin with what got me to this point: the desire to find lasting happiness and the realizations about life that helped me along the way. I had described it as choosing a path, staying on it, then reaping the rewards so to speak.

As uncomfortable as this may sound, it must be said. Death is the most powerful force against life and happiness that can be faced with a new awareness. This awareness can enable anyone to get through the experience without loosing themselves in prolonged sorrow. It does help to remember the one that passes is not experiencing grief.

Death is the hardest experience to accept happening. And how are we ever able to accept things happen exactly as they're supposed to? Life is such an incredible thing when we realize how quickly it passes for each of us. In my humble opinion, without actually being conscious of how quickly babies become their~self can we truly appreciate the illusion of life.

And believe it or not, death is simply on the flip-side of that illusion. The experience of a loved one's life ending gives each of us an opportunity to experience our own life in ways we may never have without the timing of that death. And as painful as it is, we can find a way to celebrate that life for all it's value and worth in it's sphere-of-influence. Honestly, our resistance to a death, after the initial shock and acceptance, is what prolongs grief.

If our happiness is based on the value we feel we bring to life, then in my humble opinion, our acceptance of death should be based on the awareness of the value the deceased brought to his/her own life. Feeling sorry for our~self has been one of mankind's worst evolutions, along with the belief that money brings us happiness.

And again, I whole-heatedly welcome all viewpoints sent directly to my email. Enjoy the season. And I wish you all happiness and contentness for the new year. It all begins inside: our-self. And radiates ourward from there.

Always ~ LL


Friday, December 13, 2013

Life 101 on Day 279 ~

Today is Friday the 13th, which is interesting enough because it does fall into the category of attraction in the sense that what we fear comes upon us. Yet this is not why I'm writing today and hopefully won't get sidetracked on.

My real-life examples may seem trivial, silly, or whatever thought may cross a readers mind. To me they illustrate magic-in-life I feel is essential to "see", to consciously connect to something greater than simply happenstance in order for more and more humans to place credence where it belongs. 

These things are interpreted, individually, by our own hearts in total reference to our own lives. Yet it is still our awareness of the facts that rise us to another dimension, so to speak. Life may appear to be "just this", yet it is more and it is felt within our hearts by our spirit. And I can only hope you'll keep asking questions for clarity if this is "too much".

Okay, yesterday afternoon I happened to decide to walk Nosey up and over "the hill" (never did with Nosey).  The stone path into the park glows golden with the sun directly opposite. The sun is within it's circumference from the horizon (which the sun descends in 5 minutes), so we pause to watch from a  sweet park bench overlooking the city.

A younger woman comes over and we began to chat. The "setting" is magic, the time of day is magic, the encounter is magic, her~self is magic.... The coincidences are magic. She looks similar to a good friend that owns a neat shop in town; this young woman had been there, but hadn't met the owner; both are beautiful and angelic young women from Canada, have similar curly, dark hair, poise....

The name, of the young woman I meet in the park, is not "common" and is one slight sound and letter off of my daughter's name, and I tell her she's got great "energy" (I now know who I can say this to). With a knowing smile she tells me she's has been studying shamanism for five years so far. In a nutshell, this is a person that helps link, so to speak, the natural world with the spiritual world. I feel a deep connection.

Before parting we make plans to barter my homemade bread with her continual practice of her studies of shamanism. To participate in such work has been a deep desire of mine for decades. This couldn't have been a more perfect happenstance of being in the right place at the right time. So you do see what I mean about this being relative to my~self? 

When you consciously take notice of these moments, you are aware of the magic-in-life. These moments happen for everyone, yet the more aware we are the more they happen, and around and around life glows with perfectly organized flow we may have taken for granted or foo fooed away as coincidence.

Yes, someone is going to say, "Of course the more aware we are the more they "seem" to happen, because we're just noticing what's going to happen anyway. I will differ of course. Yet I'm sure it'll be something only "you" can prove to your~self. Being aware with appreciation has a magic of it's own, and that spawns more opportunities or coincidences. It's momentum. Trust me ~

And I understand if you can't just trust someone you already don't know. SO trust your~self enough to prove it to YOU. Only you can become more aware of your own life; only you can "see" the opportunities and coincidences in your own life; only you can interpret what you see, hear, feel....with your own silent~heart. It becomes magic, and you will "see" when you're ready.

Always ~ LL

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Life 101 on Day 274 ~

Words from my cousin: "Celebrate or hate?  Love or Oppress?  Live or die.......

Yes, a very heavy week for many, many hearts. And with the passing of another one of our world's great men: Nelson Mandela. In my silence I feel all, and more, of the wonderful words spoken in his honor. For me he is the epitome of what I aspire to write.

And another close family member is also dealing with the anniversary of what's got to be the most traumatic death to deal with: your child. I cannot hope to write anything at this time. My heart is in mourning for all.

Always ~ LL


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Life 101 on Day 271 ~

How we "see", or interpret, our observations is really the name-of-the-game so to speak. And what's the foundation? Our attitude. And what's that a part of? The overall perspective we view life from in the first place ~ awareness of what's good or awareness of what's wrong. And this is what we have the control, within our spirit or self, to shift, alter, whatever we want. IF WE WANT! ~ See?

You've got it; Awareness IS Curative! And naturally that doesn't mean it's going to be easy. It may seem easy enough, and then you realize it takes more and more effort to maintain the shift or change until it becomes who you are. It's amazing to actually notice your awareness with full-blown gratitude as things begin to turn-around in your life.

Once scenarios begin to turn around; we're talking momentum. But if we slack off? So does the momentum. You'll be bowled-over when you become aware of just about everything being as perfect as perfect can be. Little things have added up to my own awe and appreciation of the law-of-attraction. I haven't written about Nosey in days, and I won't here. For sure it'll be in Raven Ravine.

Before I end today I will tell you of another "prayer" that manifest with magic results. I've lived in this place for 5 years. In the first couple years there were at least 4 different renters in the one other upstairs apartment. Then a sweet woman (who I still have regular contact) rented for a couple years, then sublet to another sweet woman until last month. With neither, our lives never coalesced in the way I know is what I want for the only apartment opposite mine.

I deeply felt what I wanted and "asked" for the right person to move in. My "prayer was answered" beyond what I ever could have put specific words to. And she even has a great medium-sized dog that's a best pal, now and again, with Nosey. Somehow I see the magic happening that will address issues I still feel within me that I want to refine.

My Nosey is showing me he's equally perfect beyond my wildest imagination. An example most dog owners can relate with: After playing in the best dog woods-park for at least 90 minutes, Nosey was literally covered in mud and dirt (he had such great play). He's shown interest in the shower in the past and I was going to bathe him, but called him to the shower. He was calm and still, and came out with his white fir gleaming with no fuss or muss ~ perfect?

I have been happy to be alive after many painful years of resistance to learning what I needed to become aware of myself; I may still be living at poverty-level; I may still have a very meager existence with almost everything second-hand or nonexistent, but I woke-up somehow, and my life has never been the same in my heart. 

Somehow the magic begins to gain momentum the more and more aware we become of every little thing we can "see" and feel gratitude for. When it becomes absolute gratitude, we'll know when we're not fooling ourselves anymore. So become aware of any magic you literally see all around you everyday. And why try to convince yourself it's not real. It is, within the crazy bounds of life being an illusion anyway ~

Always ~ LL

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Life 101 on Day 267 ~

Several readers understandably picked-up my tendency to amplify moments where common-sense would have explained quite simply. I cannot disagree. Yes, I lacked common-sense when I couldn't figure out I'd initially misread the clock on Day 260. Then the following scenarios and I still don't realize? The most critical area in my traumatic brain injury.

I chose to be vulnerable, or real, and I exposed a side to me I work hard to "cover" in writing. I didn't have to post it. Imagine if the scenario on Day 260 had been an indication to something significant I could have used as a real-life example for y'all?  More and more people are beginning to appreciate this magic-in-life guides us and is a part of us.

Have I made this sound like a lack of common-sense can create a string of magical events? I hope not; that's not the intent. Well first off, there were no magical events. Yet this level of awareness into your life will show you things you may disregarded as mere coincidence. I'm certainly not the first or the last person to express the significance of coincidences. SO let's start paying serious attention to the affects. You can reason the reason.

This may help you begin to realize the unseen power of something happening that organizes our life somehow. The law of attraction is unfathomably blended with our free will, which results in the life we live. Our deep seeded beliefs do play a significant role with the actions we take. 

But timing is the ultimate factor. If there's something significant for us to learn about ourselves first, the timing is then not right. And most likely we are unaware of what that is. Most of us do live life doing the very best we knowingly can, with the highest intentions for good. So we're not going to see what it is about ourselves that needs improvement. This is just the way it is.

Like I said in the beginning, I was not brought up to view life this way. I am not advocating we live our lives analyzing everything to the point of obsession. I wouldn't call that really living; but live with awareness. Do your best to observe life a little deeper, see things as if they do carry a message about you. Pay attention to how things fall into place when we let go of our resistance. Be grateful for the life you create.

Always ~ LL

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Life 101 on Day 260 ~

This is written with me believing it's still dark outside and Monday morning.

I'll write this as it's kinda "in the works" so to speak. Me and Nosey snuggle in the warm covers for a bit and I see the Time Warner digital time says 6:02. When I actually get up the clock mysteriously says 10:16. Then Nosey does his business in the frigid wind outside, we come back up and I make coffe, sit here to write to my aunt. I see the time on my computer clock says 10:? and the digital readout says the same, yet (now here's the ?!?) my battery operated wall clock now says 11:19! What's happening?

Here's what I do know. Yesterday was an awesome day all around. After not being able to "deal with it" in the previous 24 hours, yesterday afternoon, I'm finally able to write back to my father and his great wife concerning my visit with my Nosey. Oh my goodness; I will call my father's home right now just to make sure all is well.

Live action: my father answer's quite cheerily (which surprises me because of "the dog issue" and I realize he's fine and quickly tell why I'm calling ; he says he doesn't know what I'm talking about and I ask if he wants me to explain. "Yes, if you can be quick." So I tell it as I did above. He says it is 11 something there too. Quite irritated (believing he's being senile and thinking he must think it's 11 a.m.) I say, "Well Dad it's dark out!", he says, "It's dark out here too (and then something like where are you?)." 

I'm believing he thinks it's 11 a.m. and it's dark, and I'm irritated and say we're all on the east coast, what's going on bla, bla. I ask what he's doing up so early and he says they're watching a movie, it's night, or whatever. I'm in absolute shock at the entire scenario. I tell him it's a good thing I hadn't started cooking the beans soaking overnight. He's laughing, telling me not to worry; we all have these moments......

So here I am, writing this and realizing how I've really "you know what". My dogs been fed, I've had a couple cups of coffee already, and everything happens for some reason. Is the reason to see that I origionally saw the time say 6:03 because I saw what I expected? Did I feel so rested because I had such a satisfying day? Did I have this call with my father so we'd laugh about it with genuine love in our hearts?

I better try to get some sleep because we're off to the nursing home - rehabilitation facility in about 7-8 hours, and I will be dragging if I don't. All I can say at this point is, "Oh crap." and I do feel heavy eye lids now at this point, but I want another cup of coffee and now it seems fruitile and I've really screwed my expected day. Oh well; this is MY life ~ I'm smiling for real.

Always ~ LL

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Life 101 on Day 256

I will one day, maybe the start of 2014, begin to bring clarity to what I write with more real-life examples as they happen. At this moment in time, I'm absolutely overwhelmed with all I'm doing my best to accomplish, which are simply ordinary life type things as I mentioned yesterday. I feel as if it's the climax of the story I began putting "on paper" 8 years ago. 

Magic-in-life is something people don't quite see as real-life happening. I recently wrote about knowing, inside myself, I had to find a direction to what I write. The last week has confirmed, and also by the "head" of the shelter I work with, as more than mere coincidence; we agree it's magic.

This is the the sort of magic I could "see" begin to happen in 2003. Yet this time it involves just me, myself, and I. And of course my Nosey was given back where he belongs AND the magic-of-life is confirmed in a story that others agree is more than coincidence. 

So magic-in-life is now what I choose to always use rather than my forever flip-flopping between God, the universe, nature, the great mystery, blessings, miracles... I owe, this awakening within me, to my son. Last Sunday he told me how he prefers to call all these things life. As of this morning, magic-in-life is what I shall use. 

My life's quest is to open anybody's awareness of magic-in-life, because it's in all our lives. I began writing the steps in my own conversion from zero faith for 33 years, to awareness (brought on by a life or death car accident, a couple years to heal, another 12 years of education on life with an awesome teacher, a further awakening to snap me from our semi-consciousness, to being ready to finish a book that didn't have a climax. 

Realizing magic-in-life opens windows to personal empowerment that can energize and enthuse even the most content not-to-wonder, laid-back, or stubborn-case of a human. And I believe these die-hard, believe in nothing besides they're a body with personality and abilities may begin to question life as they've always known it. 

This is it for awhile, and I will continue to accept correspondence and questions. And knowing me I will also write here before I begin working on my book between work at the shelter, work with nursing home residents, Hospice, working with my dog for certification, and on and on. But this is life; yea?

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Life 101 on Day 255 ~

Just one thing, and as quickly as I can.

The secret of The Secret, they never mention,  is that NONE of us can do anything, no matter how wonderful we think, if "the timing" isn't just right in our Individual Lives. Timing is where the magic of life manifests. We can only do the best we can with pure intentions, and if we still have things to learn about ourselves ~ the timing is just not right.

I've had a birthday, a death, family bonding and love to deal with. Enjoy the beginnings of "the holidays".

Always ~ LL

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Life 101 Day 251 ~

Perhaps I shouldn't have asked for more communication ~ ha ha  Actually I think the interest is great, and I'll make time to write more. Yes, the influence of the energy, within at least our solar system, is absolutely a factor in why the woman (who dreamed of dusting) could have been feeling off kilter.

Although my knowledge of the energy centers in all our bodies (chakras), and astrology is fairly minimal, I understand enough to understand this energy I'm always talking about is everywhere, and unavoidable. Our body's spinal cord is "connected" with this energy as are all our organs. I would do you a disservice to even attempt to try to explain chakras; it is extremely involved.

So many people believe astrology is a superstitious guide; which it is when people are seeking material effects. Astrology is very ancient with vast mathematical and philosophical significance. It is not a "light" subject. Yet the awareness I speak about is how ordinary, everyday people, like me, can positively rise to the influence of the affects we cannot see.

So yes, the answer is that the planets (astrology) do play an unseen role in the life we live here on earth. Whether you believe or not, all of this affects your existence. The awareness of what you can begin to pay attention to will possibly open your mind to possibilities you never imagined you had. 

Yet the secret is that we're not in total control. We can do everything in our power to live "perfect" (which is a human impossibility) and still not achieve all we desire. It is the mysterious something we'll probably never know from this earthly body. Sounds pretty silly if you're not a believer in anything other than you're this person (a body) with personality, abilities, morals, ethics... 

I'll say it again and again; we're more than that, and you're gonna make your life-experience harder than it needs to be if you continue to resist what is.

And something I constantly need to remind myself: try to be aware and literally smile when I feel the adverse affects of life. We all have to do our best to be fully-conscious of the moments in the here and now with a smile at least in our hearts. Corny ~ maybe. True ~ absolutely.

Always ~ LL

Friday, November 15, 2013

Life 101 Day 250 ~

Awareness into the mechanics of life gives us an edge to increasing happiness because we realize the individual power we each have. The most basic starts with our attitude. As adults, no one or nothing controls our attitude except us! So many people choose to blame this or that, and until they wake-up they will remain victims of themselves only. And who wants to hear that?

Who wants to be on their death bed and have major regrets about what they didn't do or what they let control them? You won't fear death because you'll know you've lived with awareness of the law-of-attraction and you chose to ignore it or embrace it. Plain and simple. We each do the best we can and hopefully ignore the rest. Always easier said than done!

A reader became curious about a dream about dusting a huge home with lots of furniture. I asked if she'd been feeling "down in the dumps" and she said yes, very much so lately. I asked if she was able to clean all the dust away and she also said yes. I assured her her negative attitude was temporary and she could look forward to getting her life back on tract and she understood how her subconscious was communicating during sleep.

Can you agree it was communicating hope if she took action? The action was simply continuing to do: dust in this case. Our hopes and our fears are played out for us to see through our dreams. Try not to interpret them with fear, because you'd only making life harder for yourself. Are you your worst enemy or are you your best friend? Think about it.

~ It's not about dusting at all see?

Let's look at another way the dream could have been. Her answer could have been that no she did not clean all the dust away. What would that have been trying to tell her?  Just face what you're resisting with action of some sort; this will ease your inner angst. That something may not be simple. Maybe just because it's not what you want to do. In that case try asking yourself why, and face the resistance. It's the only way to move ahead for what's right.

Deep down you know what's for the highest good for all involved. Follow your gut feelings without your ego puffing itself up even the slightest. This is not your heart-intelligence; this is your mind and our mind justifies and rationalizes to suit it's individual self. So try to understand this not heart-intelligence. You, your deep-inside-you, knows the truth when it feels it.

Always ~ LL

Monday, November 11, 2013

Life 101 on Day 246 ~

Also agreed, a short re-cap of what it is we can become aware of to make life fascinating will be helpful at this time. The law-of-attraction pretty well covers so much I'd like to begin with that. One must trust and accept it is an earthly, natural, unavoidable law like the law-of-gravity, yet one science can't easily verify and prove the way science does.

Yet with an honest, non-judgmental, open-heart we can, and should, begin with our-self. If you're not one that can face themselves, almost as if you're a-third-party, you may resist. And facing that resistance is the first step. The first is always the worst isn't it? You will begin to observe clear aspects of "you" reflected back in more and more encounters.  

To see something good, you've got to possess that or you wouldn't recognize it or attract it. When it's something we do no like, it's an aspect we still posses and our spirit knows we want to work on, or it's something we've begun to work-out within our-self. It can be as innocent as a judgmental attitude, that really isn't so innocent. 

You will begin to recognize more & more. We magically, energetically, attract everything to confirm or learn. Our subconscious mind begins to send more to our conscious awareness. And soon we stop attracting that which we do not need to face any longer. Life is a schoolhouse. And our earthly body is a player in the game. Believe it or not; we DO attract, with our complicated and unfathomable energy-system within our human body.

~ We humans have FAR more control over our bodies, yet mankind can't get together in figuring it out, and moving forward as one species. We are animals, and we still behave like animals with superior abilities, yet animals that can think as individuals. Thinking as individuals has dominated and ruled human evolution into submission of the masses.

I've obviously gotten off one track and on to another. I best stop now, and figure out where I'm to go next.

Always ~ LL

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Life 101 on Day 245 ~

You're absolutely right: our mind, along with our heart, is essential in guiding us to make the correct choice to fit within the rules or bounds of the society we live within. My heart-intelligence alone was leading me down a  path of personal desire I wouldn't acknowledge. I'd become thoroughly caught-up, wrapped-up, then-tied up in the emotional experience, alone, rather than staying grounded in the experience in conjunction with the profound awareness of heart-intelligence playing-out in the "now".
~ I hate excuses, yet I rightfully can, and will use this. My brain was altered in a life-or-death car accident. I struggle to stay within mainstream measures of normality, (i.e., processing ordinary information, needing to spend literally hours and hours writing simple things that would take a fraction of the time and energy for another equal). 

In the original post labeled as "Day 240", then removed due to a vivid dream, I'd felt compelled to correlate expanded awareness of grounded reality to altered consciousness. That's an entirely separate study, NOT yet accepted by mainstream science, and years and years behind study of heart-intelligence. I'm not intending to even stray onto that path of awareness with y'all. But I was curious if anyone could  correspond on that awareness level. I opened a can of worms I shoulda left closed.

Does this explain? I've gotten a few comments I hope I've addressed to help everyone reading this. Not everyone cares to participate in bringing collective awareness to their-self or others; attempting to observe life from a fascinating level is challenging. Personal awareness into the unfathomable reality surrounding us can and does change one's perception of life.

Yet again, I want to get this posted now in case more days fly by before I can continue here. And thank you for your communications.

Always ~ LL

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Life 101 on Day 244 ~

How is any of this "illuminating" to ordinary, everyday people? Facing ourselves can be, and is, the most challenging aspect of being a human being. So many of us, me once included, are content with "our heads in the sand". But if we're not truly happy, we've obviously sacrificed something we're "afraid to face". We must find what that is to really understand ourselves.

Yet so many don't and won't care, but I ain't speaking to "them" ~

Yet without facing ourselves, we won't ever get to where we imagine we'd be fulfilled. Life is as difficult as we choose to make it. Plain and simple, and to want to put the responsibility on anything else is simply a cop-out to our inner self. Yes, that is the spirit of our nature. It is not tangible, yet it's as real as the words on this page.

It is real. I'd worked on a true story that read like fiction once I'd had my full-blown spiritual-transforming begin in '03. I was SO amazed at how this great mystery began to move my spirit to awareness. I felt others had to read it to understand the truth of something greater than our conscious mind that does guide us bla bla. It IS what religions try so desperately to convey. Yet "they" lead so many down a path of "their" interpretation and it messed up mankind's mind to where it's at today.

It is amazing to realize how much time and life we spend "thinking" or just living the moments of life in our mind? Feeling the silent wisdom our "self" or our heart "speaks" to us is a beautiful thing; it guides us towards our fulfillment and purpose on earth. I've had readers tell me, and very "grounded", how they are beginning to observe the greatest-mystery-in-life "in action", so to speak. Yet they still wonder if it's real.

My "mind" was altered nearly a quarter century ago and opened my awareness to something greater that I'd refused to believe was "real". I was then "shaken awake", after 14+ years of semi-consciousness, with an incredible chain of new events that lead me to where I am now. I even had the disdain to give up on life 5 years ago and my ego survived to rise to the occasion once more. 

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Life 101 on the Actual Day ~

Whoa, the responses were NOT what I'd expected. I had to remove "that post" (I wrote about seeing if reader could catch the depth of my "seeing into" life). Waaay off base. I understand the inference to an "illegal" herbal substance was caught on to by several "surface thinkers" and I was saddened at my "attraction". "That" is no longer me.

Ironically, it really is day 240, today, and I awoke from a dream about running, flying down and up stairs, even avoiding an aggressive advancing chicken, in order to catch up with a bunch of people I'd been with. I sprang out of bed, this morning, knowing I had to remove that post, continue with the deeper "learning" and get my own, ideal, life back. My 80 y.o. "Christian" neighbor is now the proud mama of my sweet Nosey. He will change her for the better!

I could take space to write my interpretation (which happens to be right on) of the dream, but I won't, because I want to post this before I must leave soon.

Nosey is everything, and more, than I could have written and my son absolutely concurred. I was convinced, AGAIN, my heart was in the right place, yet I hadn't gone deep enough putting-together-reality. I was actually ready to create potential havoc in my life by adopting a dog I know quite well the owners of 1,000 apartments in town, as well as my "village"  do NOT allow pit bull breeds. They have asked for DNA tests in the past.

I'd risk my well-being by the actual property owners discovering I was not paying the $300 each year just to have a pet; major ramifications. The "village" manager is okay with me fostering dogs. My son convinced me to follow my belief of "All is Possible" and the "Power of Belief". Nosey could go to a farm with dog brothers for instance. My son told me it would be the hardest decision I ever had to make, and he had compassion; he expressed Nosey's awesome nature.

I spent the remainder of Sunday simply being with my dog ~ in his world. We layed in the sunshine on my moose blanket while he chewed his favorite toy;  an antler lasts longer and doesn't quite smell as barn-ish as his 2nd favorite a hoof from  the pet store. My dog actually came over and flopped right OVER me as if I was included into the pack. It was all an unparalleled experience.

Honestly, it became SO evident I couldn't handle my life with the added responsibilities of care for my Nosey. He needs to be crate trained and my tiny and cozy place has zero place for a large crate without putting it in the middle of the only clear, say 5' x 6' living floor area. Couldn't happen. I'd loose my ability to leave the 22 hours a week I have/want/need to be gone.

I did rise "to the occasion" of MY life-learning. Honestly,Nosey really shiveres and hates the cold if he is not constantly running. What would he do in the winter? I committed to give him to the shelter at 10 a.m. Monday. Honest to goodness, at 8:30 a.m. yesterday, the perfect woman across the street wanted him! He will have his perfect forever home! She needs him as much as he needs her, and she is a very active older woman! She loves him!

All's well that ends well. NOW if anyone can correspond on the deeper-life that speaks and guides us along in our lives it will be my pleasure.

Always ~ LL

Friday, November 1, 2013

Life 101 on Day 235 ~

It's all I can do these days just to keep my head above water, so to speak. I'm seriously contemplating a path to write on. I'm working with a runaway "pup" I call Nosey. He's as close as I will come to his distant relatives, the wolves; and it all works.

I'll be back with more words of wisdom to help us all face our-selves, who we are, and how to become more aware.

I'll be participating in a Gratitude challenge (beginning 7 Nov), which you may wish to check out:

Always ~ LL 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Life 101 on Day 228 ~

I do agree; it affects our day-to-day life-experience very little to believe we're essentially just a spirit ~ (if we only want to continue life as we always have). The alternative means something must change. And don't most of us feel we're not about to change our activities, habits, interests, job, spouse, beliefs...just because?

Can we agree that we each play some infinitesimal part in the evolution of our species on earth? Whether we agree or not, it is unavoidable; and every thought and feeling we have is mysteriously part of the blood that continues to mix and pass on.Somewhere inside, you feel the truth of this. Yes, nurture these feelings by not dismissing them.

I do understand skepticism and logic we've always accepted as ultimate truth. For example the analogy of "mixing apples and oranges" (at least as explained in the USA). Can't be done right? It's time to start questioning and becoming aware of infinite possibilities of reality. Because we all affect future evolution, whether or not we physically procreate now or ever.

We've got to begin to realize the significance of doing, whatever it is we do, for the highest good for mankind's evolution, and not simply what's going to be for in it for our financial gain as the motivating force. How much do you believe an open heart and mind to the unknown may be what it takes to finally realize your spirit's true purpose for even being here?

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Life 101 on Day 226 ~

What was the point of the story about my dog (see day 218)? Could it have been possible the silence within me, my spirit, my unemotional-wisdom felt a confirmation from vet #3? That there's more "here" than meets the eye, the illusion of life is really happening on a spiritual plane, and when we pay attention to that, life is only as hard as we make it?

Certainly that sounds FAR more simple and easy than we're gonna make it. Because the alternative has to do with our desires for more, and isn't that human nature? And who sets the standard for what's adequate? Think about it. You do know the answer. So what am I trying to say?

We all want basic survival. The vast majority of us want to feel we're heard and loved for who we are right? Whoa, go back. Feel we're heard for who we are? What's that really mean? Wouldn't that be what inspires you, things you enjoy with a sense of purpose, or things that give you pleasure in doing, and why you feel as you do

Are these things we really hear about one another?

Well sure, but don't we inadvertently always have our own expectations if we have "heard" someone else? Where do our expectations come from? Our minds? And doesn't that come from desire too? Distinguishing desire from the mind and desire of the silent-heart is instantaneous once we seriously connect with our inner-self, which means quieting the mind.

 And this is not regarded as normal for the masses of people. This is for "them", this is not necessary for happiness, and who has time when it's not important? It's such a shame the practice of quieting the mind is labeled as prayer, surrendering, something for yogis, monks, or whatever practice it's become. Making time to quiet the mind of thought is a simple human way to connect our intellectual being with the invisible force of evolution we're unable to explain. Imagine if we'd evolved to accept it as we do eating?

Always ~ LL

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Life 101 on Day 222 ~

There is a reason for everything. For us, individually, our-selves (heart with mind) , our spirit (invisible-self) it's to realize the ethereal (if you'll go here with me) significance. Who will "laugh" it off, push it aside, ignore because it's silly, ignore because it's rubbish, ignore because it's not accepted as "real", ignore because it's plain old the unknown, OR begin to observe life as if you're coming into this life for the first time?

I feel fairly certain people are reading this because it's touches a part of you that hears some truth. Are you noticing any aspect of your-self in everyone you come into contact with? Are you noticing anything that's always been obvious, but you never "saw" before? Are you expanding your awareness by noticing the unexplainable? Are you open to change anything?

Most important: noticing patterns in our own behaviors. Do you play the game of life too carefully? So nicely that you ignore your own life-experience "crying out" for you to pay attention? What do you want to attribute it to? You're scared? You don't want to mess up? 

We do have minds to get us through these issues, yet it's the significance of our-heart-intelligence we'll regret ignoring.

Figuratively, so many of us still equate our heart purely to feelings of attraction. I hate to say sexual, because it's far more than that. I could say love, but can't assume we all associate that with simple pure good, so I'll say feelings of attraction.  Could you ever accept it's the all-knowing, record keeper of every conscious, subconscious or unconscious life-experience you've ever had? Impossible? Study heart-intelligence.

And you may be realizing how this all ties into religion? Again, use your own ability to hear truth and reason. I just have an honest-to-goodness issue with the corruption behind religions that keeps people weak enough to believe their "stories" are the absolute truth to the greatest mystery "mankind" has ever resisted once it tried to wrap control around around the masses. The road to hell was paved with good intentions.

Where am I going with this?  Good question. Way more of you need to communicate with me. Some have my email, only a few have my phone, and I need more feedback. Please, this is for all of us. Do I believe it's going to matter? It does matter if we want to continue creating the life-experience we want to manifest sooner than later. There may never be a "later".

Always ~ LL 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Life 101 on Day 218 ~

Resistance is the greatest force working against the force of unconditional love (or goodness) for our-self and the-highest-good-for-all. This statement only requires your good discernment and not pointing out the obvious. If we don't have a feeling to resist, then there must be something to learn from the experience. What doesn't kill ya only makes you stronger right? Either way there is something to learn.

There is a statement: What we resist persists. It is so true. If we don't face what we're afraid to face, what we're afraid to do, what we hesitate to say, the pain we don't want to feel or cause... We're prolonging the inevitability of whatever it is our subconscious, or heart-intelligence, knows "we need" in order to have a greater awareness into our-self.

Years ago I had a dog I loved very much. One day he, for the first time in his 4 years, altered the trail we walked on everyday. For two weeks, I followed him to a pretty tree in a field along the woods, and we'd sit there for awhile each day. He immediately started digging a hole and would dig a little each time we went. He and I even got to spend a night there beneath the stars and moon.

After those two weeks an extremely traumatic experience occurred that I'd written about in a book I'd once thought I'd finish and publish. The bottom-line is when a third vet told us he'd never again live the wonderful life he had (knowing we had to euthanize him) I told the vet I knew exactly where we'd make his grave, because it seemed as if he chose it. The vet told me I was fortunate to have realized this.

Not the importance of where, specifically, to dig the grave. The awareness to piece together reality into a spiritual learning. It turned out to be the only place we'd ever been able to dig a hole big enough for a rat, let alone a 70+ pound dog. The grieving was intense, yet growing awareness aided my healing rather profoundly and relatively quickly.

Yes, I resisted plenty then and since. If I find my-self resisting something today, I'll try to look a little "deeper", face it, and make a decision either way. And I know who I am, and I know I'm here on earth with human qualities, and I know it's my choices that create the reality I live, and I want to continue to learn more about my abilities, and I want to continue writing another day.

Always ~ LL

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Life 101 on Day 216 ~

I get it. What difference does it make to our life-experience to know it's some kind of illusion? We're still gonna have to deal with everything anyway, so perhaps a bit more on this today. And no, 216 is the number of days since I changed  the name of my blog. 

Well this does open up a way for me to begin trying to explain in a, hopefully, meaningful  fashion. I'm sure we can all agree that planet earth is pretty magnificent in beauty, creatures, resources... And the explanation, about humans, we've all been "fed" is really educated-guess-work based on fear of the unexplainable. What can't be verified...you get it.

Be honest with yourself. Come on; for one thing why did "we" loose all the hair? So isn't our understanding, or the explanation, part of the illusion? Now add to that,"our" infancy in "our" willingness to start acknowledging the significance of our subconscious-mind. Let's imagine it holds the illusions that really aren't illusions. Well what are they?

What if it's knowledge? What if it's who you are? Are most people going to be able to handle hearing this? Well they are if they're waking-up. I say  waking-up because how could any human on earth have all the knowledge we've can only imagine exists outside of earth.

Well how could someone begin to understand the unexplainable? Good question. How about you have faith in  your gut-feelings? Of course there are going to be people that choose to lie to themselves about their gut-feelings, if they even have any. Do you let it affect you? Another awareness to work on isn't it? 

This is YOUR life-experience and only you will expand your awareness of your-"Self". Our gut-feelings are significant when they're not "forced". If you look in the sky or see clouds, and see something significant, TO YOU, go with it. I make it sound so easy; it's not. It's not easy to "listen" to your gut, especially if your mind wants something different. And you'll find your way a whole lot sooner if you do listen to your gut, your heart. Trust me if you can.

Always ~ LL

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Life 101 on Day 215 ~

What I wish to say today isn't really "out-there", yet why this may "appear" this way is because of "the source". I'm not a credible scientist, researcher, doctor or let's even say, the New York Times, or Los Angeles Times! These newspapers are one of our county's biggest in regards to the array of people who read and comprehend the majority of what's written. Not me ~

Well, like I said, I ain't "them", yet I won't hesitate to move forward. I've touched on our subconscious mind. Now, the next step may be to bring awareness to its importance: our subconscious mind gathers far more information than our conscious mind would be able to "handle". So we have heart-intelligence. Can I say that is our subconscious?

Our subconscious mind plays a MUCH bigger role in our lives than we, as a human species, yet give it credit for. Our mind does the "filtering" of information the heart literally cannot see, hear, smell...,yet is fully "aware" of.  Remember those "laughed at" in their attempts to open the public's "eyes" (heart) to the subconscious-mind many decades ago?

People are waking up, we are beginning to place merit on our personal observation as evidence of a higher truth. My all-time favorite movie, "Rain Man", is a fictional account of reality in regards to the "mind" deferring to the "heart". Even though the movie first came out in 1988, it should be embraced, today, with awareness to the power of our silent-heart. Did Tom Cruise's character's highest good surface by his interactions with Dustin Hoffman's character's true nature? Interesting ~

The point here is what we see, hear, smell...is what it IS for "each" of us. And the actual mechanics of why and how are part of the mystery to our life-experience. To disregard this mortar between the layers is to deny yourself the opportunity of awareness into the greatest mystery mankind has avoided like the plague. OR scientists, doctors and researchers, in general, continue to waste valuable "time" focusing on idiotic, unimportant details that do NOT further man's evolution to the point we should be.

Is there a chance of the masses "standing-up-to" what's going on to recapture the highest good for all? Not until "we" get our-heads-out-of-the-sand!! Never stop realizing feelings are energy, and feelings of "hope" for the highest good FOR ALL is something mankind can do with it's brain at this point in time.

Keep passing this on. I should get accomplished at Facebook, Twitter and all, but I can't, so I will continue to ask y'all to please spread this important information mankind's silent-heart is desperate to hear for encouragement ~ that may yet have far-reaching affects in my lifetime.

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Life 101 on Day 212 ~

This life-experience is becoming more interesting isn't it? We've simply not even scratched the surface of the iceberg, and can I fully rise to the occasion? Well...can we; that'a more the question. Because we're all in this together. I know that's as difficult to comprehend as life being an illusion. And that's only just being unsurfaced, here, in relation to our life-experience.

Do you see what a significant role our subconscious-mind plays in our everyday life? Does that fact even affect you enough to pause for a moment in utter stillness? It should, as perhaps some of y'all may be aware. That brief moment of stillness is "communicating" with you. That is the silence that expands with awareness. And in that silence does our heart share wisdom.

Nearly ten years ago I was first exposed to Ho'oponopono in an intense workshop, yet the true awareness took years to surface to my conscious-mind. Ho'oponopono is actually an ancient healing practice, in the pacific islands, used to "make things right". It basically places the core of everything to our subconscious-mind's ability to "make things right".

Yet we've got to be careful of jumping ahead of ourselves.The awakening, alone, can have "earthly-affects" versus "spirit-affects". Oh my goodness, how to explain without saying it incorrectly. Well, as I've begun to master the art of silence, I've come to realize how our mind interrupts, like a child, and drives us to act in a real-life "dream-state" ~ the illusion, see ~

Once we've accepted our spirit is separate from our body with abilities, a personality, and a mind with abilities, it's easier to accept we are so much more. And haven't churches been telling us it's some "God"? Somewhere, somehow mankind didn't know how to get "the people" to listen and behave in accordance with natural-law (what governs the universe and evolution).

Then mankind began to fight like children, then killing and fighting like adults. Okay, I'm trying to calm down, and I do appreciate evolution takes time, and I'll also say that's an excuse. "Yea, but we elect people to serve our best interest" bla, bla. Okay the blood's boiling again! I can't imagine I could live to see mankind join hands with Ho-oponopono to save our mother-earth, yet something must stop this out-of-hand insanity on earth before we destroy it forever. Maybe the aliens will "rescue" us ~ smile; it's a thought.

I'd say I'd best stop for another day. Hit me with your best shot; I'm feelin' ready. Come on; I can take it as well as I can give it. Without forthright, honest, up-front communication how is this ball going to gain momentum?

Always ~ LL

Monday, October 7, 2013

Life 101 on Day 210 ~

Understanding why each and every experience in life is relative IS to understand why life is merely an illusion of sorts. We know we each hear, see, smell... exactly the same "thing" which passes through our body's lifetime of "filters" making each thing uniquely different. Does that make sense?

And that's also why a book, a movie, a song... can have a different affect on us years later. I know we're familiar this this concept, yet how many of us can comprehend why this is true? I understand why it's difficult to comprehend life is an illusion of sorts. This same concept is exactly why two people may experience something identical with a myriad of emotions on top of the subconscious "messages" our silent-heart stores.

And for that matter, why one person's worst drama could be as dramatic as another's worst drama. It all makes sense.

And this is precisely why mankind would be best served by mastering a form of meditation that allows ones conscious mind to transcend thought. There is something for everyone when it comes to some form of meditation. The greatest religions are based on truths found within us all, and religion has brainwashed good people into believing "it" comes from outside them.

But who's going to "hear" this unless they're ready? Exactly. What to do. There's plenty of unrest happening and I can feel the energy building. It's going to be fascinating to experience. I'm VERY thankful my children and grandbabies are in my town; a very good reason for me not to leave. Why? Because family or community is the most important aspect of life on earth.

And "miraculously" each of our life-experiences somehow got my immediate family together. Argue, if you want, that it wasn't some magic or unknown energy, but it is as it is only because of our individual actions, likes, dislikes, bla, bla. The magic is the mortar between the layers, and it's very visible to the subconscious mind in the least. So when you realize your motar, your life will shift ~ 

And art, music, dogs, and meditation are tops on my awareness-meter. It's understanding the vibrations that sets us free. And knowing we're doing the best we can is all you can do. Growing awareness is what matters in the grand scheme of life on earth. Without growing awareness we're stagnant, and man, do we know how much that stinks.

Always ~ LL

Friday, October 4, 2013

Life 101 on Day 207 ~

Okay, I get it; life on earth is seemingly complicated, stressful, not a piece- of-cake; and a hilly journey if it's always one-thing-after-another to concern us. But that's what life on earth is supposed to be. That's why we have families and communities. Evolution of the human race got swept up in the tidal-wave of believing wealth made you better, somehow.

Who'd want to hear we're caught up in the illusion of money? Pretty difficult to enjoy the experience of life on earth today if we don't have ample money for our desires, sustaining the home we want with adequate food and medical care. And we can't change this, so why not try letting go of desire?

And at this point in evolution, there isn't much we can do except to embrace the notion that seems too ridiculous to be more than mere words: we are a spirit within a body. Our spirit has the heart-intelligence we need to make it through this experience while holding on to who-we-are inside this shell.

Do you believe your desires come from your heart or your mind? If it's a desire from your silent-heart-intelligence, you can be certain it's not materialistic, but a direction your spirit wants you to go for the highest-good: music, medicine, food cultivation, transportation, creation without greed. Oh here I go; sounding like it IS the ego-ic mind that is the opposite of good.

So let's get real. Evolution of our species, if that helps, has gone so far in the wrong direction (just look at where "we" are overall). "We" are a pathetic joke for what "we've" done to the masses. It's laughable, really, that "we" havent accepted the spirit within our personality, our abilities, and our bodies.

So I guess, I'll focus on that another day. Our spirit is our silent-heart. Our spirit drives us to survive, our spirit desires our happiness through connection with others in the realization of reverence to the mystery of life.

Always ~ LL


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Life 101 on Day 204 ~

And I had wondered how I was going to fit writing this into my life again. I laugh at myself; writing this is a huge chunk of who I am. So why did I ever think I'd stop in the first place? Thank you for helping me see this. And I'm already having things to address with y'all:

Of course looking within ourselves takes "time" you haven't made time for in the past, for a variety of "good" reasons. These "reasons" are simply part of the bigger issue humans can't escape until they're ready to accept there are simple aspects to patterns we all follow within our personality. And NO, we're not going to spend time dissecting ourselves.

Noticing ourselves in the "NOW" or the present moment of life takes a nano-second, but it requires honest consciousness of your responses, your reactions, or your present attitude. Only you will notice patterns creating the life you live. Some of us believe we're content with the "NOW" ~ and great!

And if not, you've GOT to look within yourself somehow. Sitting in calm silence may feel like a waste of valuable time, but I can practically guarantee it's because you can't stop thinking long enough to feel the wisdom in silence. It does not happen "over-night", and it does happen with no expectations.

I'd written about actually feeling the calm or peace in your heart-muscle area. Another way I've since read is to "soften the belly". Whatever works. When we can actually feel our belly soften, we probably have no concerns at the time. And of course silence "speaks" to us in ways only you will know.

Facing the reality of our lives IS so incredibly important, because it requires that we know who we are without clever denial. Ooh, now that's a touchy subject that may tweak some minds, so hey that's why I'm here I guess.

Always ~ LL

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Life 101 on Day 202 ~

Human nature is fascinating.  I'm willing to bet if we were observing "from above" we'd be watching a comedy similar to slap-stick. Why would I even say such a thing? Because look at "us".

I truly wish I had the "ability" to recall even a fraction of the information my heart has  absorbed. I could list all the things I've cringed at especially over the last few years. Sure our schools are equipped with computers for youngsters, yet it's keeping mankind's focus off human nature.

We are nothing more than animals in the food-chain. For thousands and thousands of years different humans have done their best to bring "higher" knowledge, yet we never came together as a race of humans. Imagine where "we" could be today. Seems kinda late to begin trying from this point of "our" evolution.
Where are the scientists and researchers willing to put effort into studying humans the way they have creatures? "We're" so busy surviving, we're blind to what should be the number one priority: honestly looking into, much deeper than ever before, how, and most importantly why, "history repeats itself". 

Haven't we all been told this is why we study history in school? So we don't repeat mistakes from the past? Yet somehow the love of money and ego rule life on earth. Hey, but we're just human right. Looking within ourselves, individually in silence, is the greatest tool for changing history. But don't take my word for it. Try it and you'll discover your true essence.

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Life 101 back on Day 197 ~

I've been asked to continue, yet I'm unsure how I'll fit it into my life again. Putting aside my resistance, I shall do my best to rise to the occasion of touching hearts. And if you got notified, again, you're on my list of "close" friend or acquaintance; the family is too close to the forest (me) to see the tree (the wisdom). So if you've gotten this "spam" from me; feel honored.

Pass on this link to anyone YOU feel could need and hear the wisdom:

Awareness is Curative because we humans have the capacity within our makeup to have an awareness and take action. We have an awareness, we choose to do something or not, we choose the next step, make a choice of some action, and so on. The greatest-mystery-of-life is out of our control, so don't be fooling yourself that something else is getting you to do the work.

The greatest mystery beyond our control is absolute, undeniable, and succinctly put: unfathomable with human words. We don't need to put words to the magic; it simply IS. Atheists, pagans, and whatever are simply labels. Who cares how their mind believes? Their heart could be open and that's what matters! Magic happens the more openness and trust empower your mind.

Whoa, I gotta stop.

Always ~ LL

Monday, August 5, 2013

Life 101 on Last Day of the First Day ~

On the eve of our new moon.

Awareness Ave has healed the best of the best, and now, it's personal-calls  or emails only. 

I love the stillness, noticing, and being with the wolves ~

Always LL ~

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Life 101 on Day 138 ~

Somehow I knew it was too soon to leave specifically writing about "seeing" the moments from our past that have actually created who we are today. The reactions were similar and all basically said, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." I'm sorry, but that's a self-preservation-defense. I hate to say it's an excuse not to change ~ it's deeper than that.

Yes, it's true: the older we get the harder and harder it becomes to shift or change what has become a way-of-life for us. And it's also just as true that where there's a will there's a way. We are human beings with a capacity to achieve great things. And that absolutely includes stopping or altering a lifetime of conditioning.
As well, there appears to be a human condition that's evolved to a damaging point. It may sound silly, but when it's "taken-to-heart" it's difficult to ignore: the spark of "magic" that got "us" to do unpleasant things has all but  disappeared from human nature. Now there's an endless recording of self-talk we listen to that stops us in our tracks.

But I'm not talking about this. Once we "see" how/where our individual life has gone off course or against what energizes our spirit or self, we have a chance to consciously decide to do something. Of course this includes our beliefs, and certainly that includes our self-image. Only we choose not to think differently. Our life experience IS up to us ~ we ultimately create it.

You've got to be specific if you'd like more help, from me, in regards to creating a life experience that's fulfilling on the inside as well as the outside. But no matter what, acceptance of "the-now" is always the first step and the rest does follow. That is a fact of life.

Always ~ LL 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Life 101 on Day 137

I'm feeling a strong sense not to leave the subject about the moments we've each lived that actually create who we are today. It really is such a huge awareness that can certainly be curative when we put our heart's desire into exploring moments of our own development. 

I want you to realize how significant it is to actually "see" the moments that shaped who you are today. Are you truly happy with what you see?

Living things are intended to be born for the highest good.  Most humans start with happy, loving spirits unless they've already survived "hell" in the womb that continues after birth. Humans thrive on connection with other humans, and happiness stems from an unconditional connection for the sake of life.

We cannot change our past of course, only our attitude about the past which will lead us to think differently about our-selves. Our heart-intelligence gives us the feelings about who we truly are. I believe everyone begins life good. What happens in the womb is the beginning of our story, but it may not define the "person" or spirit we are meant to be.

Again, it's understanding our spirit, our nature, our loves, our abilities, our gifts we have to share as we mature, all of them are who-we-are! They're not tangible and we're all unique. They are an invisible goodness. They are either nurtured, harmed or destroyed, but they are who-we-are. It's just buried beneath or within our attitude. It's up to us to find them if we want happiness.

If negative emotions come up in you, it too shall pass if you stay calm, and only you can choose to continue exploring or observing YOU. Only you can decide to change anything about those situations or events if they do NOT reflect your true-self. Subtle unhappiness in our-self is by far the greatest indicator we need to pay attention to.

Things will continue on as they always have if you do nothing. But if you want something to change ~ guess what? YOU have to change first! And it doesn't have to be major, it can be openness to the awareness or attitude shift about things you believe about you. Accept what is or change something.

Your spirit will let you know simply by being observant of what you do, what you think, what you ignore, what you take for granted, what you accept, and most importantly ~  your level of satisfaction and happiness. It doesn't serve our best interest to ignore our spirit. This spirit is what many religions have convinced us is divine. It IS YOU, infused with the mystery-of-evolution!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Life 101 on Day 134

Moments that make us who we are. Ever really think about this very deeply? It's a fascinating part of our journey when we actually "see" the moments that surely have created exactly who we are today. Then we have the wondrous choice to be content or decide to shift that aspect of our-self today.

It's one thing to think about those moments with an "Oh well, there's not much I can do." attitude, or we can have, "Aha, now I see why, and that's not who I know I really am." attitude. Two distinctly different attitudes. The moments, or events, shape who we are, especially when they're childhood moments. And they can dictate the path of our life.

The awareness is like a breathe of fresh air, and it blows away the notion we must continue on the same path, or we can alter, or shift, direction! Why would we want to do something like that? If you're content and happy with the way your life is playing out ~ then stay there. If not, then it's your choice to let the awareness become curative.

This is BIG, stay with it until you know you've "got it" on the inside. Honestly, have the pleasure of "seeing" the moments that shaped you. They'll pop up throughout your days or you can think of your life, in-depth, and realize how you became the person you are today. 

It becomes fun once you realize a few of "the moments" and see how true it is. Doing this enables your true-spirit the chance to rise to the surface.

Sit with this in your heart, if you know what I mean. Be with it any way you want, but the results are so empowering if you wish to create your life your way, and attract what it is your spirit has always known IS you! Enjoy ~

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Life 101 on Day 128 ~

Thanks for the direct correspondence regarding A is C. I do see where the confusion comes from, and I'm also doing my best to distinguish our minds from our outward emotions, which are so tied to our minds. And yes, our emotions are directly linked with our heart-intelligence. This is a major conundrum or catch-22 like which comes first, the chicken or the egg.

Until we can internalize to the point of feeling the emotion of knowledge, simply knowing it intellectually is equal to skimming the surface. Why? Because knowing a fact, or whatever, is one thing, but having experienced it ingrains it on a gut level.

It's so easy to fool ourselves that we understand. But until we can apply that knowledge, we  say we have, we won't walk-the-talk much if at all.

Hey, even once we've got-it both emotionally and intellectually we have the grace-of-life not to be perfect. Honestly, I feel I give people the benefit of the doubt after observation, but I will not be "played". Been there; done that. I'm learning more each day as I continue to "do" the best I can.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. To feel your worst is worse than the others worst is not fair, because it's relative to the individual's life experiences. Sure some people can be pretty ridiculous as far as what's major; just take it with a grain-of-salt. Try not to compare. The people that believe life owes them something for their "issue" are toxic to me.

If they choose to ever see life from a higher perspective, or deeper as I also like to say, all the power to 'em! And we've got to accept we can't try to drag 'em with us. It's always best to give all you can, but don't let your-self go down with their ship so to speak.

One of the most difficult emotions is anger. What does it take to help another realize their anger is affecting their own life as well as those around them? As unfortunate as it is, they're not going to get past the intellectual knowledge of it until they  feel, I mean really feel, the shoe-on-the-other-foot. That is just the way life works.

I love to say, "If the shoe fits, wear it. If you don't like it; don't look at me; I just work here." The Great Spirit Shoe-store by the way. The fact I've used The Great Spirit, when I haven't in the past helped me realize why Native Americans would use both Great Spirit and The Great Mystery. I now believe they meant the Great Mystery inside our spirit is The Great Spirit.

I am a high spirited individual and that is often difficult for others to understand is okay. My dear children continue to point out when levels of stress creep into my tone, and I can get very fired-up about things I'm passionate about. I take these golden words seriously as I continue to undo the negative aspects of me from childhood.

Well anyway, please continue to correspond directly; it helps.

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Life 101 on Day 127 ~

The process of our-life is absolutely necessary to "own" with our mind. Quick recap here: In essence this is saying every circumstance, action, thought, desire, decision, and communication has lead to the life we're living today! The love we experienced in childhood also helped create who we are today.

As adults we're responsible for our attitude. If someone can't even do that, it's basically a lost-cause to help them see and understand life from a deeper perspective. And that deeper perspective is found with our mind/senses and our heart-intelligence.

Keep in mind, perfection, or even close to it, is NOT a factor in how we "care for" in what I write next ~

No matter who you are, no matter what you own, no matter what your circumstances, the proof of core-attitude is how we care for our personal space. Our attitude towards personal responsibility is THERE ~ revealed. This is an undeniable, or absolute, truth ~ like it or not.

When anything within the continuum of circumstances happens, could it possibly be happening for us to observe how we handle it? From there is it possible to put together the puzzle pieces of our-life? Absolutely, with the awareness and acceptance of something greater than just our body with intellect and personality.

We also choose/allow the friends we keep. Personal awareness gives us the choice for what's best for us. When your personal-timing is right, as in you're ready, you'll be comfortable with your choices, because it is your-life and you accept your part in it: you own it.

Awareness is only curative when we're willing to accept responsibility for our part in how our life is playing out. Because when we do accept responsibility, we are then creating energy to clear the path to further goodness. And I'd say most of us want what's good for our life.

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Life 101 on Day 118 ~

We're really given everything we need if we're open to seeing it. Observe your life as if it's a class teaching you about unconditional love for the Whole of Life. It'll truly blow you away when you begin to observe everything as if you're attitude and acceptance work like a magnet. We may be able to fool, or lie, to ourselves and others, but not life's greatest mystery.

And repetition is the mother of skill ~

We are absolutely more than a body with intellect and a personality. What's it going to take to convince enough of mankind? It's scarey to our mind, but not to our inner silence. Try to imagine your invisible spirit; your imagination, love, and creativity are your spirit, which communicates through your heart.  You must accept the intelligence within the heart. But mankind is so far behind in it's research in this arena; now it's like a race against time.

We are in control of our beliefs, attitude, and acceptance; these are formed in our brains. And so many people have attempted to get the human race to accept the the power of goodness, but our brains evolved with desire for "how can I get more for me". It's an attitude I'm sure, for most, isn't malicious. The damage has been done.

Everyone can change for the better, if only we all believed this. There are SO many ways, and yes it all comes back to awareness of our individual ability to unconditionally love others, and especially unconditionally loving our-self enough to want to take the physical and emotional care it deserves.

Whoa, that takes a lot of personal responsibility. Am I cut out for it?

A million-dollar-question!

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life 101 on Day 117 ~

Awareness of the mechanics of life is what all this writing boils down to. Because the mechanics of life are the mystical, magical, invisible energy within every living thing. All of nature is perfect, brilliant and unfathomable. Acceptance of life is the curse of having an evolved human intellect in conjunction with human abilities. 

Our beliefs, our attitude, our outlook, all infinitesimal feelings, our acceptance, and of course our actions, reveal how we, as individuals, deal with life and the results we attract. This, in turn, perpetuates the energy of evolution! MANY humans have figured this out, but mankind hasn't been able to accept this. Isn't that curious?

Evolution of the human brain left it's innate awareness of all-being-one to this individual awareness-of-self. With that, corruption was inevitable. Honestly, I don't know how, or if, things can return. But this planet and inhabitants are magnificent and there are resources for human evolution, but mankind will never survive if something huge does not change.

People who have the attitude and fortitude to live with and rise above adversity, embody a magical goodness. Perhaps it's upbringing. Perhaps it's awareness that attitude is the first major step. Our Will kicks in with the mystical, magical energy as we learn to handle life with dignity & ease while we serve others with unconditional love and without expectation. 

It comes back to our-self now. Nothing can change this! Acceptance is so hard when our mind resists "what is". Accepting "all that is" means you may have to change your attitude. Get help if you can, but don't expect magic without your own effort. Life just does not work this way!  

It isn't easy to rise-to-the-occasion if the occasion isn't what you want now, is it? But ya know what? There is always hope, but it absolutely begins inside us. Without a feeling of hope how are we ever going to get up and do something, anything, to change the present circumstances?

Feeling, quietly feeling, feeling still and accepting can and will change your attitude with hope. It is that simple. Trust your-self; trust the mechanics of life. Don't loose hope.  Hope is faith. Hold on to your hope. Don't let anyone take it from you. It is YOURS and your life! Believe.

If you're moving too fast, if you're taking on everything, if you're stressed beyond belief, only YOU can find the Will to see yourself. None of the above is even going to be able to sink in if your plate is so full you can't possibly breathe between bites.

Always ~  LL

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 101 ~

Surrendering to silence takes stillness ~

When we're in the forest,
                        we're silent to hear                                             
just be with ourself ~

         ~ * ~

Just breathe 
stay still inside;
 ~ everything's just as it's "Gotsda Be" ~
     ...so why think ~
              ~ * ~

Let me see me
as I sees my-self.
And let me see me
as others view me.

        ~ * ~

Always ~ LL