Sunday, March 26, 2017

18 and Counting ~

Good morning ~ This is written for those on the edge of belief in
                                       The Mysterious Power.  No time? No desire?
                                          Well, there is a need!!! 
What's this great need?!? The need is awareness. Awareness of a power greater than any human alive. Certainly we'd be pretty foolish not to admit the forces of nature are more powerful than us. "Oh but hey, that's nature." Yes it is. And it's greater than we are; correct? But not greater than our intelligence? Not greater than our abilities? Not greater than what? Not greater than we need to believe?

It's when we don't believe that we stifle our existence into the finite confines of our mind. When we open our mind to possibilities we never imagined, our human nature can manifest the unimaginable. Okay, that sounds a bit hokey, and it's simply the truth of our reality. It's unexplained and this is why so many, not all, either don't really understand what they believe in, or don't believe in anything greater than the 'reality' they see with their 5 senses.

And to say, let alone believe, thoughts become things is really asking a lot from a skeptical mind. THIS needs to change. It's a horrible catch-22. So it seems pretty obvious an open mind IS the only way to prove the power is yours in conjunction with whatever it is that flows in all of nature. Yes this mystery is clothed in religions. And cloths can color the truth ~ agree?

To have an open mind is the greatest gift we can ask for our-self ~

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} Write here for humanity ~

Saturday, March 25, 2017

17 and Counting ~

Good morning ~ This is written for those on the edge of belief in
                                       The Mysterious Power.  No time? No desire?
                                          Well, there is a need!!! 

Yes, more info is needed, so here's more . . From simple to more complicated scenarios, when a 'resentment' of sorts plays into our lives, they all take the same skills in varying degrees of course. But ya know what? They all lead back to us! Oh! amazing, self-effacing, and true. But not too painful from now forward. This is a great fact, so tromp on . .

When we say "can't", deep inside we know "we can" is more the truth. But we gotta want it so badly "we can taste it" as 'they' say. Doesn't matter who 'they' is, because they are a myriad of 'masters' who found the way through life on this road to a peaceful, joyous, and loving existence. Yes, life is simply a matter of perception. And there are also a myriad of perceptions to explain this&that.

But without a belief in this mysterious power which IS greater than ANY of us, (yet is also within us) we ain't gonna get too far ((on the path to peace, joy, and love for&from all)). Sound far too good to be "obtainably" true?!? Spellcheck needs to keep up with these new words mainstream people don't consider real ~ hahaha. Things change slowly when we choose and quickly when we open our hearts and minds.

Life suddenly expands to the awareness we're conscious of :))) 

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} Write here for humanity ~

Friday, March 24, 2017

16 and Counting ~

Good morning ~ This is written for those on the edge of belief in
                                       The Mysterious Power.  No time? No desire?
                                          Well, there is a need!!! 
Let's begin to see our~self so clearly that the transformation to lasting inner peace can begin. Do you want this enhanced awareness badly enough to be sooo honest with your-self that you will face the potential embarrassment, or humbleness to keep you wanting to progress forward?!? These emotions can be covered up with denial if we prefer. Are you afraid to loose anything?

Let's start simple: ask your~self what you feel resentment over. A great generic example could be a company, at least, that raises prices, changes things, lets say, keeps them making more and more money, and at our expense!!! We're mad; resentful, whatever. Don't blame you; something similar happens to us all. It's how we perceive it that matters to us now.

Do we wish to keep letting 'it' control our emotions? Can we change anything about the way it is? You understand? There's not a lot of space here to detail a situation, and this is why the email below! Do we really want to stay blocked from your happiness? Or would we rather inhale and relax and "let 'it' go, because we can't change it; just how we perceive it! It's that simple, but it takes a strong will and determination to find your inner joy.

More next time on asking for help, when we can't do "this" on our own ~

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} Write here for humanity ~

Sunday, March 19, 2017

15 and Counting ~

Good morning ~ This is written for those on the edge of belief in
                                       The Mysterious Power.  No time? No desire?
                                          Well, there is a need!!! 
Healing from the inside out. A cute quote, a cliche, an easy thing for 'them' to say? The human body is designed to heal itself in ways you've probably never imagined ((to be true. Let's not go there; too much non-chartered waters for mainstream USA. Healing from the inside out is simple when we 'see' how we've actually created the life experience we have.

"Oh no, not me. It's been this person, that person, this reason, that reason; it's been more than you'll ever know." And I do know another thing :), it's called honesty. We can be the most honest person we know; we can have a great outside persona. we can have friends, yet you know what? We can also be the most miserable person we know deep inside; it's called unhappy/unfulfilled.

Happiness is over-rated. Happiness isn't for every type of person alive. Well, believe what you want. Happiness is a state-of-our-heart; you know like something is simply a state of mind? Inner honesty can be denied til the cows come home. It can be denied until it's too late to do anything about. And it's never too late! When we ask our~self how we participated in any scenario, we see our~self more clearly. This is the beginning.

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your hear

  lways ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} Write here for humanity ~

Sunday, March 12, 2017

14 and Counting ~

Good morning ~ This is written for those on the edge of belief in
                                       The Mysterious Power.  No time? No desire?
                                          Well, there is a need!!! 
If my head ain't spining, I must be somewhere else. Whatever that really means. I've read sooo much this&that in every regard to understanding this life we live. I'm just glad to be back here; no one wants to argue. That's either a good thing, or it's not because that can mean no one reads this or gives a . . penny for my thoughts.
All I know is that the human body is designed to pick-up energy signals (let's keep this simple) across time&space as we know it. This is a fact many scientists agree on, yet there are still many messing up the works of our human evolution. And my great apologies to Darwin. His promoters chose to ignore his predominant belief in the power of love. I've only read his book "A Naturalist's Voyage Around the World".

Years ago I mentioned HeartMath Institute's work to understand the intelligence capacity of our heart that a Canadian doctor first wrote about in medical journals in 1983. HeartMath is worth looking into if you wish to educate your~self about the biggest upcoming revelation in human history as it's understood today. This is my humble opinion, and it is part of what drives me to write what I write.

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} Write here for humanity ~

Saturday, March 11, 2017

12 and Counting ~

Good morning ~ This is written for those on the edge of belief in
                                       The Mysterious Power.  No time? No desire?
                                          Well, there is a need!!! 
Wow, some very aware individuals find this approach infantile and leaving out some of the most important aspects of being human. Yes, the myriad of emotions; yes, the myriad of coping skills to keep us from reacting with hurt, angry, embarrassed feelings, judgment, blablabla.This needs to be brought up later.

The idea that humanity is really a fully explained (even by scientists today) energy, force, whatever, is going to have to be accepted by more and more, so that coming generations have the unified consciousness of the power-of-one. And by this, it can only be explained very simply that scientists KNOW, as Einstein was so consumed with proving, that thoughts influence through time&space. This is quantum mechanics.
There is so much effecting the consciousness on planet earth and it's anything but the unified belief we are all connected by this unexplained (and may never be - but there's always hope :) force many call a god. And it can be called our higher power, because it is interactive with the unfathomable brilliance of nature. HOPE ~ Help Our People Evolve.

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} Write here for humanity ~

Thursday, March 9, 2017

11 and counting ~

Good morning ~ This is written for those on the edge of belief in
                                       The Mysterious Power.  No time? No desire?
                                          Well, there is a need!!! 
There is a great need for possibility thinking. And so what's possible? That more and more, especially this generation of parents and their children, will embrace the possibility that the everyday life we live is orchestrated by a mysterious power. And there's the possibility that LL will be able to engage the interest of, even somewhat, open-minded thinkers to the possibility our thoughts absolutely attract that which we experience.
The following is not just some cute saying. These are words of wisdom:
                     Thoughts become Words,
                     Words become Actions,
                     Actions become Habits,
                     Habits become Character,
                     And character becomes our Destiny. 
This is our part as we attract that which we are. This is not hearsay.

Yet there is a mysterious power even greater than us. It's not that difficult to imagine we're not the greatest power going is it? Honestly we know it's not. Somewhere we remember this fact. Deep within, stored in our heart's intelligence. Do you realize the heart is the first human body part to form? Yes ~ hmmm
~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} Write here for humanity ~

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

10 and counting ~

Good morning ~ This is written for those on the edge of belief in
                                       The Mysterious Power.  No time? No desire?
                                          Well, there is a need!!! 
The only humans, I can imagine, who don't have an interest or desire to at least wonder what the mysterious power is probably fit into one of these categories: a perfectly wonderful life already (and so why wonder);  some new-age spirituality doesn't address their life; too skeptical and sick of all this god-stuff and wish to "scream"; or say, "Who has time for this!"; or they go to church ("psst" which this doesn't replace!) . .

This mystery doesn't have a shape or form (except for yours, mine, and ours). The power is in our moments. "Ahhh, stop right there." I do understand your feelings; once I was very much the same. I spent 33 years without a clue there was anything greater, so to say, than me. I adamantly believed it was just me: the body, the brain, the determination to succeed, the will to create the life I wanted . .

Ahhh, I was sooo wrong, and you still may not care in the least until you believe this powerful energy we manifest is our thoughts, our feelings, our beliefs, our attitude, our actions, our love . . you get it. "So what . . what's new here?!?" We have our ego, which talks us into believing exactly what I'd believed for 33 years: strive for the next best thing, succeed, control . .

To be continued. And it will be something extraordinary if someone writes an email to the address below. Thanks for sharing your time ~

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know} Write here for humanity ~