Friday, November 15, 2013

Life 101 Day 250 ~

Awareness into the mechanics of life gives us an edge to increasing happiness because we realize the individual power we each have. The most basic starts with our attitude. As adults, no one or nothing controls our attitude except us! So many people choose to blame this or that, and until they wake-up they will remain victims of themselves only. And who wants to hear that?

Who wants to be on their death bed and have major regrets about what they didn't do or what they let control them? You won't fear death because you'll know you've lived with awareness of the law-of-attraction and you chose to ignore it or embrace it. Plain and simple. We each do the best we can and hopefully ignore the rest. Always easier said than done!

A reader became curious about a dream about dusting a huge home with lots of furniture. I asked if she'd been feeling "down in the dumps" and she said yes, very much so lately. I asked if she was able to clean all the dust away and she also said yes. I assured her her negative attitude was temporary and she could look forward to getting her life back on tract and she understood how her subconscious was communicating during sleep.

Can you agree it was communicating hope if she took action? The action was simply continuing to do: dust in this case. Our hopes and our fears are played out for us to see through our dreams. Try not to interpret them with fear, because you'd only making life harder for yourself. Are you your worst enemy or are you your best friend? Think about it.

~ It's not about dusting at all see?

Let's look at another way the dream could have been. Her answer could have been that no she did not clean all the dust away. What would that have been trying to tell her?  Just face what you're resisting with action of some sort; this will ease your inner angst. That something may not be simple. Maybe just because it's not what you want to do. In that case try asking yourself why, and face the resistance. It's the only way to move ahead for what's right.

Deep down you know what's for the highest good for all involved. Follow your gut feelings without your ego puffing itself up even the slightest. This is not your heart-intelligence; this is your mind and our mind justifies and rationalizes to suit it's individual self. So try to understand this not heart-intelligence. You, your deep-inside-you, knows the truth when it feels it.

Always ~ LL

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