Thursday, August 21, 2014

~ F.R.O.W.N.~

Good morning, and may the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

We are only a product of an extremely demented evolution. Now, that's the only "excuse" we get to use from now on okay? Too much to ask? See the connection to dementia?

What does it mean to know who we are? Seriously; look at human behavior. Are you someone who wants recognition? If you don't think so, look again. It's the evolving degree of recognition that's now so demented.

Awareness of the need for recognition, in any regard of our life, is certainly a way to know our~self better. Being silent with our~self during the process of realizing our-own-wanting is quite humbling. Not many of us want to admit our need for recognition so we're not even going to make the time.

Being humbled comes right back to mind-intelligence versus heart-intelligence. Think about it if you have to. 

Are children still being taught recognition equals self-worth?

Always ~ LL


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