Sunday, October 12, 2014

~ HOPEFUL @# ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

Yes, we are the conductors of our own lives. Yes, this obviously includes our brain, because we wouldn't do anything without it. So let's not split unnecessary hairs (in our emotions). We can agree brain-intelligence is essential, yet without knowing the connection to heart-intelligence mankind will never experience the undiscovered potential it has.

There is a huge component of our heart-intelligence that cannot remain something to be skeptical of any longer. Of course it is the unexplainable. Of course it's what is preached, basically, in religions. Here's the huge hurdle mankind has got to cross: drop the god-thinking; it's limiting our thorough understanding of this life-experience.

Honestly, the majority of humanity is far from  ready to say it's not some figurative god "up there" judging and planning or whatever. Especially those that need their religion for their identity. Hate to say it, yet it does comes down to that. What will shake this place up to cross the hurdle? 

This magic is the unexplainable, unfathomable brilliance flowing through the cascade of life on planet earth.

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject)

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