Friday, January 13, 2017

Step things up ~

Good morning ~ Have we 'bought into' the rate
                         of human evolution?!?
The 'experiment' began 1/5 with a bang, as do a lot of ideas. Then I let outside opinions really deflate me. I want to believe I've grown beyond being affected by others opinion, yet the traffic light began to be red too often (see 1/9). I wasn't steadfast with my belief and unconditional love for life's events, yet, the odds for hitting a green light were still better: 50/5O.

I'll take that (intuitively) as a 'sign': this is working, intensify my belief, but get back on track without letting fear control me, and proceed doing the experiment even if it remains strictly between me, myself and I (this great mystery). I'd love to see more and more readers; then begin to make this experiment explode for humanities sake, for the sake of our beloved creatures, for the sake of life on earth!!!

If anyone is reading this, I hope we can begin to add examples to prove our direct power on situations in our field-of-influence! How many silently imagine our personal energy really is quite limited? Does this change anything? Imagine what a significant increase in personal awareness can do in the very near future. Time is relative, yet time is dangerously closing in on humanity.

~ May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  { - 'wisdom' for subject or it goes to trash, just so you know}

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