Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 103 ~

It's got to be a cultural thing or something here in the good ol' USA; we do not recognize the impact even an infinitesimal feeling-sorry-for-our-self emotion has. The overall energy produced undoubtedly affects the very life we're creating. And trust me; all of our energies are unfathomably connected. 

When a person feels, even ever so slightly, sorry-for themselves. it affects life in the bigger, as well as small, picture. Hey, none of us is perfect, but I believe if you're one of you reading this, you may want a shift in your perspective on this topic. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt ~

Feeling sorry for ourselves is a huge factor for why things aren't evolving so well in this country. Yes, it's kind of unfathomable unless you're willing to embrace the reality of energy created by feelings, which stem from thought, which lead to action, which lead to OUR life we're creating every moment of every day. It's cumulative; nothing is "screened-out".

And when we believe we're able to help others, we better take a DEEP second look around. Chances are we have work within our-self we aren't ready to accept. Trust me; I come from the school of hard-knocks, with tons of homework that continues to keep me engaged in the process of life. 

Even those in centers funded by generous hearts, because they provide a very necessary service for mankind, are full of facilitators that don't know what they don't know about life. It breaks my heart, because the service they provide could reach so much deeper and wider than they're able to realize, but that's life. 

Enjoy, stay aware of as much as possible around you ~ smile

Always ~ LL


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 96 ~

We all word our knowledge with individual style, which is a good thing, because there are SO many people seeking the finer points that allow our lives to flow with ease. But it always seems to come down to the same things: appreciating the simple, yet significant, "things" surrounding any of us everyday, noticing our breathe, noticing our-selves . .

Sounds like awareness in a nutshell. Awareness begins with ourselves first. This may sound self-centered, yet if we're not aware of our individual wholeness, how is mankind's evolutionary path ever going to change direction? Are most of you feeling content with where we're headed as a dominant species?

Awareness does need to go deeper if we wish to really enliven our heart-intelligence. Someone can have a great IQ, lots of things, friends, or plenty of opportunities to see-the-world in a myriad of ways and still not feel whole. It's that sense of knowing you're not quite whole that drives us to seek something unknown to us, if that makes sense.

What more could any of us, who seem to have enough to get through this life, possibly need or want? First off, most haven't even got a clue because they're always looking outside themselves. That means exactly that. The road to hell has lead people to believe this "greater something" that's with us all the time is NOT first and foremost our silence-within!

Gee, a moment of silence, because it "was to pray" (and that's religious) was taken out of our schools as a regular practice a half a century ago! Who or what is in charge here? We are also lead to believe it's US because we vote in those people who will serve our (collective) best interest! Well, we can see where that's lead the masses, and the masses aren't happy.

Seeking silence within leads us to pure awareness. Once the chatter in our heads ceases, we will feel the strength of who we are ~ no matter what your circumstances presently are. Only you can make the time to find the silence within yourself. Anger, frustration, judgment, saddness, whatever, disappear.

Sound too good to be true? Only one way to find out. Try it for yourself. I'm telling you it is the path to lasting happiness, it is the path to peace, it is the path that brings mankind to the realization we are an energy that attracts that which we are! That energy is really one big energy ~ it is not billions of individuals living on a "perfect planet".

What am I trying to say? Find that wisdom within you! We all have it! We're here aren't we? We must have a heart keeping our "system" going. You're only going to find what you want the more and more you realize your heart will "show" you with it's infinite wisdom of who you are.

I've either gotten way off track or it's simply time to end. A hui ho,

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 89 ~

A rainy day to write more. After a long conversation with a fellow human yesterday, I want to write more on surrendering our thoughts. What are we surrendering them to? Does Silence make any sense to you? Because what have I described Silence within us to be? The wisdom of heart-intelligence ~

Surrendering simply means to stop our mind from it's thought process. Once we understand we're "living in our mind" with thoughts about things we most likely have zero control over, we'll "see" how much of our life we spend there!

Why waste your precious life with these thoughts? With the constant static of unnecessary thoughts, we're not allowing our inner-wisdom to move our life in the necessary direction. So we're surrendering to our higher wisdom wouldn't you agree?

Honestly not so cut-and-dry. But it is as simple as our awareness of the moment you stop time, so to speak, and realize it as such. By stopping time, you're aware enough to head down the silent path of surrender. I just laughed at myself. Until one fully realizes the simplicity, it's complicated.

It does come down to direct awareness of our breathe, awareness of our thought of things we ultimately know we have NO control over, having control over stopping whatever we realize is detrimental for us, taking personal-responsibility for conducting-our-life within the bounds of this mystical, magical energy that remains the ultimate mystery to us!

That last personal responsibility is the absolute most difficult aspect our human spirit has to realize before the game of life is understood. Key words there are: responsibility, conducting, and bounds. And never loose hope for your life because your life is up to you in these 3 key words.

Always ~ LL

Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 88 ~

When we're living (time and space) actually in our Mind's perspective verses living from our heart's perspective, . . here's my humbled-perspective ~

~ thinking with or be-ing in our mind is necessary for our survival, as well as advancing mankind ~ no question about it (work, food, shelter, safety). Our minds do talk to us with good, as we know.

Our heart speaks wisdom in silence, and it's FAAAAR more than romantic feelings. The perspective our heart "sees" arrives at what's the highest good for all in a situation; naturally, instantaneously . .

We'll miss things/oportunities to live for the good for all because we're actually "living/existing" in the thinking taking place in our mind. We all know what this means; we all do it, and that's okay. 

And now our awareness is with inner wisdom (with every moment of our life-experience stored for background knowledge). ~ Ya can't go wrong   ~ See? ~

Silently noticing or being aware of feelings coming from outside "the-thinking-zone" show us reality. Breathe deeply      ~ did ya feel it? ~

Our mind literally talks to us, and we actually listen and that can really muddy the clear water within our being. When our heart's-wisdom comes to us in feelings, they are unspoken through our subconscious-self. Many of us do know how to tap into these pure emotions in a myriad of ways.

Awareness of "knowledge" coming to us without mental conditions blocking or fumbling natural-wisdom is an entirely different ballgame. And practice is essential for success in any ballgame. Unconditional awareness is effortless once it's mastered, and that takes commitment.

To me, the way to make this phenomenon more natural and effortless is awareness of your breathing. How often we do not take full, deep breaths from our abdomen to our chest if ever at all? Mind jabber, worry, whatever does take our awareness away from the air we can enliven ourselves with.

Practice, practice, practice the best you can until you don't need to remind yourself and one day you're surprised it's become second-nature. Catching our-self doing something good is a marvelous moment. Having it become second-nature changes us, which naturally radiates outward.

Life is brief, and if we're here to see who we are and how we deal with life while we serve others with our goodness and "work", that's enough! Enjoy the process and live with intent within. The rest happens: timing, coincidence . .

The next level of awareness extends to the "signs" in nature we see to confirm and guide us with the interpretations we allow in ~

Always ~ LL

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day 86 ~

How time flies. Yes and it even speeds up when we feel we're living "on purpose". Isn't living life on purpose kinda like being aware of yourself, what you're good at, being constantly flexible so you can feel the good you provide in as many moments as there are in YOUR own experience of life?

Somehow life IS about helping others ~ either in or out of the work place. Even if that is only shifting our attitude. We are helping others with our good outlook on life: the law of attraction shows us our energy acts like a magnet. Negative energy repels; good attracts.

Well, isn't that what this is all about? Creating moments of good that are happening all around every one of us every day? Don't turn your heart off here. Our hearts know the wisdom of these words. No matter how challenging life can be, we are here to simply have the awareness of how we handle the different scenarios life is made of. We conduct our lives ~ no one else.

Catching ourselves noticing moments of goodness: an instant of awareness of our role in the "mechanics of life", noticing we've had a different way of "seeing" or talking or not talking. These are all positive and very gratifying. 

Accumulating such moments does stretch to lasting ease-with-life.

That may sound too good to be true, so prove it to YOU. It is true! 

Awareness IS Curative! The law of attraction is very real and one we cannot escape just like gravity. Life is about adjusting our magnet each day. How? With awareness!

Always ~ LL