Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 103 ~

It's got to be a cultural thing or something here in the good ol' USA; we do not recognize the impact even an infinitesimal feeling-sorry-for-our-self emotion has. The overall energy produced undoubtedly affects the very life we're creating. And trust me; all of our energies are unfathomably connected. 

When a person feels, even ever so slightly, sorry-for themselves. it affects life in the bigger, as well as small, picture. Hey, none of us is perfect, but I believe if you're one of you reading this, you may want a shift in your perspective on this topic. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt ~

Feeling sorry for ourselves is a huge factor for why things aren't evolving so well in this country. Yes, it's kind of unfathomable unless you're willing to embrace the reality of energy created by feelings, which stem from thought, which lead to action, which lead to OUR life we're creating every moment of every day. It's cumulative; nothing is "screened-out".

And when we believe we're able to help others, we better take a DEEP second look around. Chances are we have work within our-self we aren't ready to accept. Trust me; I come from the school of hard-knocks, with tons of homework that continues to keep me engaged in the process of life. 

Even those in centers funded by generous hearts, because they provide a very necessary service for mankind, are full of facilitators that don't know what they don't know about life. It breaks my heart, because the service they provide could reach so much deeper and wider than they're able to realize, but that's life. 

Enjoy, stay aware of as much as possible around you ~ smile

Always ~ LL


1 comment:

  1. Love this one. Especially 2nd to last Paragraph. Everyone needs to open their eyes to those around them. Including me.
