Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 89 ~

A rainy day to write more. After a long conversation with a fellow human yesterday, I want to write more on surrendering our thoughts. What are we surrendering them to? Does Silence make any sense to you? Because what have I described Silence within us to be? The wisdom of heart-intelligence ~

Surrendering simply means to stop our mind from it's thought process. Once we understand we're "living in our mind" with thoughts about things we most likely have zero control over, we'll "see" how much of our life we spend there!

Why waste your precious life with these thoughts? With the constant static of unnecessary thoughts, we're not allowing our inner-wisdom to move our life in the necessary direction. So we're surrendering to our higher wisdom wouldn't you agree?

Honestly not so cut-and-dry. But it is as simple as our awareness of the moment you stop time, so to speak, and realize it as such. By stopping time, you're aware enough to head down the silent path of surrender. I just laughed at myself. Until one fully realizes the simplicity, it's complicated.

It does come down to direct awareness of our breathe, awareness of our thought of things we ultimately know we have NO control over, having control over stopping whatever we realize is detrimental for us, taking personal-responsibility for conducting-our-life within the bounds of this mystical, magical energy that remains the ultimate mystery to us!

That last personal responsibility is the absolute most difficult aspect our human spirit has to realize before the game of life is understood. Key words there are: responsibility, conducting, and bounds. And never loose hope for your life because your life is up to you in these 3 key words.

Always ~ LL

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