Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Life 101 on Day 204 ~

And I had wondered how I was going to fit writing this into my life again. I laugh at myself; writing this is a huge chunk of who I am. So why did I ever think I'd stop in the first place? Thank you for helping me see this. And I'm already having things to address with y'all:

Of course looking within ourselves takes "time" you haven't made time for in the past, for a variety of "good" reasons. These "reasons" are simply part of the bigger issue humans can't escape until they're ready to accept there are simple aspects to patterns we all follow within our personality. And NO, we're not going to spend time dissecting ourselves.

Noticing ourselves in the "NOW" or the present moment of life takes a nano-second, but it requires honest consciousness of your responses, your reactions, or your present attitude. Only you will notice patterns creating the life you live. Some of us believe we're content with the "NOW" ~ and great!

And if not, you've GOT to look within yourself somehow. Sitting in calm silence may feel like a waste of valuable time, but I can practically guarantee it's because you can't stop thinking long enough to feel the wisdom in silence. It does not happen "over-night", and it does happen with no expectations.

I'd written about actually feeling the calm or peace in your heart-muscle area. Another way I've since read is to "soften the belly". Whatever works. When we can actually feel our belly soften, we probably have no concerns at the time. And of course silence "speaks" to us in ways only you will know.

Facing the reality of our lives IS so incredibly important, because it requires that we know who we are without clever denial. Ooh, now that's a touchy subject that may tweak some minds, so hey that's why I'm here I guess.

Always ~ LL

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