Friday, October 4, 2013

Life 101 on Day 207 ~

Okay, I get it; life on earth is seemingly complicated, stressful, not a piece- of-cake; and a hilly journey if it's always one-thing-after-another to concern us. But that's what life on earth is supposed to be. That's why we have families and communities. Evolution of the human race got swept up in the tidal-wave of believing wealth made you better, somehow.

Who'd want to hear we're caught up in the illusion of money? Pretty difficult to enjoy the experience of life on earth today if we don't have ample money for our desires, sustaining the home we want with adequate food and medical care. And we can't change this, so why not try letting go of desire?

And at this point in evolution, there isn't much we can do except to embrace the notion that seems too ridiculous to be more than mere words: we are a spirit within a body. Our spirit has the heart-intelligence we need to make it through this experience while holding on to who-we-are inside this shell.

Do you believe your desires come from your heart or your mind? If it's a desire from your silent-heart-intelligence, you can be certain it's not materialistic, but a direction your spirit wants you to go for the highest-good: music, medicine, food cultivation, transportation, creation without greed. Oh here I go; sounding like it IS the ego-ic mind that is the opposite of good.

So let's get real. Evolution of our species, if that helps, has gone so far in the wrong direction (just look at where "we" are overall). "We" are a pathetic joke for what "we've" done to the masses. It's laughable, really, that "we" havent accepted the spirit within our personality, our abilities, and our bodies.

So I guess, I'll focus on that another day. Our spirit is our silent-heart. Our spirit drives us to survive, our spirit desires our happiness through connection with others in the realization of reverence to the mystery of life.

Always ~ LL


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