Sunday, December 1, 2013

Life 101 on Day 267 ~

Several readers understandably picked-up my tendency to amplify moments where common-sense would have explained quite simply. I cannot disagree. Yes, I lacked common-sense when I couldn't figure out I'd initially misread the clock on Day 260. Then the following scenarios and I still don't realize? The most critical area in my traumatic brain injury.

I chose to be vulnerable, or real, and I exposed a side to me I work hard to "cover" in writing. I didn't have to post it. Imagine if the scenario on Day 260 had been an indication to something significant I could have used as a real-life example for y'all?  More and more people are beginning to appreciate this magic-in-life guides us and is a part of us.

Have I made this sound like a lack of common-sense can create a string of magical events? I hope not; that's not the intent. Well first off, there were no magical events. Yet this level of awareness into your life will show you things you may disregarded as mere coincidence. I'm certainly not the first or the last person to express the significance of coincidences. SO let's start paying serious attention to the affects. You can reason the reason.

This may help you begin to realize the unseen power of something happening that organizes our life somehow. The law of attraction is unfathomably blended with our free will, which results in the life we live. Our deep seeded beliefs do play a significant role with the actions we take. 

But timing is the ultimate factor. If there's something significant for us to learn about ourselves first, the timing is then not right. And most likely we are unaware of what that is. Most of us do live life doing the very best we knowingly can, with the highest intentions for good. So we're not going to see what it is about ourselves that needs improvement. This is just the way it is.

Like I said in the beginning, I was not brought up to view life this way. I am not advocating we live our lives analyzing everything to the point of obsession. I wouldn't call that really living; but live with awareness. Do your best to observe life a little deeper, see things as if they do carry a message about you. Pay attention to how things fall into place when we let go of our resistance. Be grateful for the life you create.

Always ~ LL

1 comment:

  1. Hey sweet lady. Are you really posting at 2:42 am? Lord and i thought i was an early riser.
