Thursday, January 30, 2014

Life 101 on Day 330 ~

Viewing life from the ground is fine; that's the base-line anyway, and a neutral place to see from if we're grounded in our reality. Knowing the last statement could open such a box of subjective discussions, I want to ask that we can agree that although separate, reality is the obvious: feet-on-the-emotional-ground, visible, objective truths outside us with zero mental-judgments. 

So I'll attempt to describe viewing life from above the ground. You're literally observing from a higher-perspective. An expanded awareness, only. Feel that knowledge in silence? It radiates in a natural-circle, eventually, encompassing our field-of-influence. Doesn't it seem awareness is key to goodness and happiness for all-as-one heart?

So in other words, all inside-stuff, our~self, via our 6 senses ~ is who we are and where our awareness penetrates ~ See

To keep going, FACT: the senses continually trigger the heart-intelligence of our body-system. Think about the continuous magic-flow of blood containing DNA and hormones, from every male and female, in our geometric-progression lineage, before us? This is mind-blowing to feel the magnitude of this truth. 

Our-own blood has circulated amongst every organ (and don't forget the intelligent-energy system, chakras, of each organ) functioning through-out every life-experience of every single person before us. Beyond the need to think; just feel. This is all silent-knowledge-wisdom.

~ Feel it this way; silence takes no space, so lets agree it's ethereal.  If ya wanna nit-pick ethereal; I don't play, and I always listen ~

You can only imagine (ethereal-verb) all you've been through correct?

Beyond-the-details is your heart's silent-wisdom. Our heart initially releases the knowledge for which hormones and when, through-out our journey. Important? Absolutely! This is truly not disputed, yet overlooked.

And there is an alarming increase in cancer of thyroid's today. Coincidence?

Could we possibly handle all that conscious knowledge? Most often not; that is why most of us can't, yet our heart-muscle, with it's entirely unique intelligence-system, has literally experienced every signal from the entire lot of senses of every-single-being in our lineage. 

~ Wow' to feel this truth as compared to getting-it-intellectually.

~  Silence takes no space, so lets agree it's ethereal.  Does this mean awareness is ethereal? 

To be chasing your tail (what's behind you), you're literally, wanting to intellectually know the demons of your blood's-past, or allowing imaginary demons to get you today, does keep your current life-experiences running in circles both literally and figuratively. 

Can you feel the wisdom of love, kindness, joy, peace, happiness? This is the most expansive, glorious topic mankind has yet to live-as-one-heart. Okay, so life isn't a bed-of-roses outside. It's our life~journey to remember someone always has it worse, and to make us all good on the inside. Sound too simple for you? Breathe deeply and just be ~

Life is the illusion, in the sense we're all living our own separate-reality given to us from our senses, which are unfathomable connected. If you're trying to see more into that you're wasting your time. Theologists concur or it's ego. Simple ~

Always ~ LL

Friday, January 24, 2014

Life 101 on Day 321 ~

Yes, to the reader wrote wrote in asking if the following story could possibly be considered magic-in-life versus believing something called a God made it happen. This reader considers himself an atheist because he cannot accept there is really a God, and he's begun to observe things the ways I've tried to explain will help you understand the law-of-attraction.

Let me get to the story. This particular reader does reside in a very cold region of our country. There was a good 4-5" of dry snow covering the area in which this example took place. Before leaving, he needed to warm his truck, and get his dog for a bit of exercise first. He started up the truck, locked it and proceeded to about a 900 square-foot, enclosed, snow-covered area.

After running his dog, they got back to his truck to leave. No second set of keys; he knows he had them in his hand at one point when exercising his dog, so he knew they had to be somewhere they'd been. Thank goodness he wasn't expected anywhere, but he was still unraveled, and remember the truck is still running.

Long story short: he and his dog retraced their way back to the truck twice, and slowly shuffled through snow in the enclosed area listening for the sound of his keys. It sounded pretty stressful and hopeless. He knew he couldn't give up, because he wasn't faced with much choice: his home was locked, the keys were somewhere out there, and his truck was locked and running. A pretty helpless situation if you ask me.

He decided to give my words a try after about an hour of searching unsuccessfully. He described what sounded to me like he was centering-himself. He stopped and very calmly felt a dire need for help, and he actually asked for his old dog to help his dog now to find the keys. He let his dog do his thing (he put the dog back on his leash) and he followed and continued to search.

Within another 10 minutes, the dog is being silly and there's the off-white attachment on the key ring! They had been searching for at least an hour, and the happiness he expressed was a combination of relief, wonder, and an awakening to the law-of-attraction.

Yes, this is what prayer is. It's a form of surrendering to a power greater than our own. We may not know what we're surrendering to, but it's as if we attract some energy from somewhere, just by calming ourselves and believing. Doubting versus believing is up to you, as you know. 

We don't know the ramifications, and why do we care? Ego? Think about it. 

I believe others will begin to believe in a greater power than themselves when they realize how it really does start with our own heart. Is this clear? I say our heart because it's the heart that feels the energy and distributes the life-blood needed throughout our body-system. The blood carries the silent knowledge of DNA and every experience we've ever lived.

And of course it's far more fascinating and complicated. As I've mentioned before, the chakras, the energy centers within each of us, play roles we may not understand. And I'm certain belief plays a significant role somehow in releasing energy unmatched to a closed and doubtful heart and mind.

Thanks for your real-life examples. Again I'll urge more of you to step-up and write examples and question for me to use here. Continue to just be observant of yourself and those you interact with. Each person is a mirror to each other. If you don't like what you see, you can only change you first! As you become better at life; life will work better for you.

Always ~ LL

Monday, January 20, 2014

Life 101 on Day 317 ~

I know it's not easy, and we've all got to remember that Everyone Has a Story. As a human we can't possibly compare stories; there is no comparison. Why? Because we each experience every single life-experience from our own perspective (with all the infinite knowledge of what we've gone through). One person's 10-trauma is always equal to another 10-trauma!

Once we embrace this awakening, we begin to feel less sorry-for-our~self. This is simply a fact-of-life here on earth. You, and perhaps those that love you, will suffer your pain. Why hold onto pain when you can begin to release it with a change in attitude?

I understand this is easier said than done. I've been there; I've done that; I've given-up; so I can sit here and write just as I do. I want to see others embrace the hard earned awakening-to-life I've experienced, so they can begin to shift the energy in their own lives.

An awakening is magic; you will never feel the same inside again. You will realize your life IS up to you and your attitude is at the very core. There is nothing to blame; you will continue to grow in awareness, because once it starts you won't want to stop it.

Stay aware of you, the inside of you. I'm assuming the idea of the inside-you is clear. For simplicity I will sum it up with attitude is everything, because it's the basis of everything. Attitude is whether we see and feed the good, or if we're more inclined to see and feed the negative aspects (which may be in our minds and not anyone's heart). See ~

And our expectations will certainly always interfere somehow. You don't think your expectations have such power? Continue to observe you and your life; it doesn't take a rocket-scientist; it takes an open, honest heart. Be very clear on everything you expect from your life.

And the same goes for assumptions about others. These assumptions are coming from our heads most likely and often. Remember the silent-wisdom of our hearts? Attempt to quiet your mind and feel your heart; it won't steer you wrong. It requires nothing more than a willingness to want to view your life from a place of peace.

And you must be prepared to work harder "today" than the day before. That's just the way it is; it's being human. Something is always worth the time and effort we put into it. There is no failure; life teaches us things all along the way. Feeling-sorry-for-our~self is a great evil evolution of mankind, and it is up to us to change this.

Without feeling-sorry-for-our~self, the rest of life becomes a piece-of-cake. And I'll never say that means life is perfect. Life has ups and downs, and it's how we ride the flow that determines what follows ~ health included.

Always ~ LL

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Life 101 on Day 315 ~

If I offend anyone again with my use of "It's your choice", I do apologize, and if that sounds, to you, like I'm "blaming you for having done something wrong, you must understand my view. We know we all have choices, or perhaps others make our choices because we've attracted a reason for otherwise ~

I do not accept excuses, beyond the truth of what "IS". And who am I to stand judge of what is? Let's not argue over stories: what we feel inside our silent-being is truth. This is not a difficult new awareness to embrace.

Mankind hasn't learned enough about our human brain to be making excuses for oh-poor-me-syndrome". There had to be an explanation for drugs and alcohol beside consistant choices of non-restraint, commitment-disturbance, a choice for instant-gratification, or some kind of shield from reality)

Yes, of course, the severely mentally challenged individuals are the exception to what I am about to write. For one thing: the vast majority of us are diagnosed with some deficiency in reality. Us individuals need to recognize the fear of facing stuff, or we're using some diagnosis as an excuse not to live the life we have before us at this exact moment ~ with gratitude and thanks

It ain't easy to let go of those crutches of excuses. Yes, they are. They prevent you from taking responsibility for the power and control you, and only you, have over your attitude. And we know attitude is everything. 

Who of us out here could stand up and say that's a crock? And to be able to back that up with real evidence, not opinion?

And the worse thing we face: our own refusal to see life reflected back to us.  Because here is life putting the experience you need right before you and you try to see through a hurt, or fearful expectation that's in your mind only. Reality can't lie to the silent-wisdomn of the heart.

Having trouble grasping, "we are all one"? Or "our hearts beat as one"? Think about it; the blood circulating throughout our body-system is a creation of every living male and female before you in your lineage. You can't rationalize that as an impossibility. Now since, mankind has yet to prove where we came from; let's leave it as an area to agree to disagree, because it really don't matter.

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Life 101 on Day 312 ~

Law-of-attraction-in-action: ever hear of it? "Yea, I think so . ."

People are stepping up and being vulnerable by sharing their stories of moments-in-life I can bring to light here. The light is to illustrate that some things are beyond us, in that we physically don't make them happen. And whatcha gonna attribute it to? Coincidence? That's your choice, but for a deeper appreciation and understanding of life, awareness of something I refer to as magic will change your life-experience.

The beauty for our awareness is when momentum takes place. This is where the magic is within our control; attitude is connected vibrationally (energy) with all of life . .

We will not be aware of moments of perfect organization until we're ready to recognize what we see or silently-feel. Otherwise it's invisible in it's organizational process because it's beyond our current internalized awarenss; that's just the way it is ~ There will be no question; you will know when you know.

And determined awareness will create a fertile bed of readiness. Makes sense an open heart and mind will notice more and more, and will fully-realize coincidence is an affect of the law-of-attraction.

My heart goes out to my immediate childhood family of intellects and self-made successes, for I don't believe they hear the silent~wisdom I know would bring our family so close in the heart-space of our lives. And they are not ready, I guess, and I won't be insulted.

It's okay family doesn't feel your wisdom. Because they can't believe you'd know more; right?; hurt? Only ask yourself why and face it with a warm feeling of a pure non-judgment; and again each time you start to feel hurt. It will soon disappear and become who you are second-naturedly.

A few days ago another reader shared a great example of being trapped in her own trauma, to a full awareness with gratitude to the unknown. She was virtually stranded in a unfamiliar town and how she was both prepared and unprepared, and had to look ahead to an impossible trek for a resolution. Overwhelm describes it; her silent plea was for help.

Doesn't a perfect, capable and wanting-to-assist gentleman appear that solves and handles the entire scenario quite naturally with minimal effort. These moments are unexplainable beyond goodness of magic-in-life. When we breathe deeply with whole-body thankfulness and gratitude we're well on our way to attracting more of the same. Big kudos to this reader!

And the outcome to my housing situation with my dog even gave my son a moment of silent-deeper-reflection. It all worked out in my favor beyond what I could have asked for if I am to stay where I am, and all within less than a week. This shows me confirmation that I am exactly where I am meant to be at this time. 

If this had occurred when I first got Nosey, the timing would have been all wrong and things could not have worked out this way. This will be detailed in Raven Ravine.

I will continue to urge readers to send me stories of magic you may have overlooked in the past. Or even a better learning-tool for others will be questions or situations one doesn't know how to view or handle. And opinions are always welcomed and handled here as they are. I do not write about government-politics.

I understand frustration at not having the email to write to. My sorry's ~ trace back  from who told you about this blog and you'll get my email. Thanks ~

Always ~ LL


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Life 101 on Day on 305 ~

I wrote of knowing something-was-up. Where? In the ether of life; yet technically in my life. We're all becoming more and more aware of this invisible, proverbial, and profound aspect of life on earth. I write to urge and assure others there is far more to become aware of that can take us down our higher path of wisdom, joy, and lasting happiness.

Yesterday afternoon, after getting "hit-with" unexpected turns of events, and having to face them with only me, myself, and I (and Nosey of course), we later went out for a walk-about. Because of the weather, time of day, needs and circumstances in consideration, I chose to go "this way". Who should we run into around the next corner? Miss Shaman!

My sense of comfort in life was immediately strengthened. It was another magical-moment in my life, and she also found the timing quite uncanny, and the mystery of why she also chose to go the way she did. We made plans to do a session next Tuesday. This is what I needed and had no way of contacting her.

I have attracted the situation (and Nosey having a hint of pitbull blood) where I may be forced to find a new place to call home. I'm certain this is all a part of the organization of my deepest desires, in conjunction with my attitude and actions. I'm content enough where I live now, yet my~self has felt cramped with a need to find a more perfect place to exist.

Honestly, I do not feel I could do this-time-in-my-life absolutely alone. My assistance is confirmed by happening to connect with the practicing, female shaman yesterday. Remember, this is MY life-experience, and this is right for my life, and I feel my desires in conjunction with self, and I always desire the highest good for All of life in my being, or self, with total faith things work out in ways we intellectually can't exactly put together.

The only guarantee is things do work out, and exactly as they should for the highest good for all concerned. But our role in this grand scheme of life determines which result we will face. Remember it is an unfathomable situation we exist in, yet it's a fact that the law-of-attraction is unavoidable, so it makes sense to me to stay on the side of goodness and love. Period!

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Life 101 on day 304 ~

Somwone asked me if the apparent and sudden complete-opposite attitude change in the folks who service his car (first in all years) could be what I refer to as the law-of-attraction-in-action: an energy shift created by attitude shift all happening beyond instant in the magical, invisible, seemingly mystical flow in the flower-of-life. 

~ I just saw the coincidence in the words.

"Absolutely reader": felt without words. The profound shift in energy-flow, with the head garage owner, was magic. For whatever reason, the owner finally (silently) got it and he finally reflected back your own unconditional kindness and treated you with what felt like respect for who you are. I get it; I love you get it ~

I believe you've tapped into heart-intelligence, so to speak, of paying it forward (kindness, patience and a you-matter-attitude) just because you are who you are. And you're grateful (thankful) for everything you have.

Being aware-of-being-aware is such a great accomplishment; it just feels so good once you realize the moments ~

And a huge one then to master as best one can in their life-experience: a journey: a unique~illusion-relative-for-all in the game of life. An individual-life-experience is endlessly and progressively interacting with each bubble in the flower-of-life.

Sometimes the simpler its said; the most etherial it sounds. This has exactly been the feeling that perpetuates the judgment of "being too out there" for the intellectual mind. The flower-of-life is the magic ~ the unparalleled feeling of this awareness is quite awesome. 

Besides the fact the flower-of-life holds mathematical equations for medicine, architecture, science, music, light, air, geometry bla, bla ~ fascinating

I write of seeing~magic: the manifestation of the joy-in-our-heart. This is the beauty of what you love, this is  of what it feels like to do your best at being your own light that brings silent light~awareness to others[ it's all a ball of yarn in this tapestry, 'we call life' (makes me think of Miss King) ~

We all matter. Ego is the definer of who's perspective? Of course its own (very difficult to ignore); where as the heart has the silent accumulation of everything experienced by any DNA made into yours and all experience your shell has experienced along the way. 

So simple, yet so complex ~

Always ~ LL