Monday, January 20, 2014

Life 101 on Day 317 ~

I know it's not easy, and we've all got to remember that Everyone Has a Story. As a human we can't possibly compare stories; there is no comparison. Why? Because we each experience every single life-experience from our own perspective (with all the infinite knowledge of what we've gone through). One person's 10-trauma is always equal to another 10-trauma!

Once we embrace this awakening, we begin to feel less sorry-for-our~self. This is simply a fact-of-life here on earth. You, and perhaps those that love you, will suffer your pain. Why hold onto pain when you can begin to release it with a change in attitude?

I understand this is easier said than done. I've been there; I've done that; I've given-up; so I can sit here and write just as I do. I want to see others embrace the hard earned awakening-to-life I've experienced, so they can begin to shift the energy in their own lives.

An awakening is magic; you will never feel the same inside again. You will realize your life IS up to you and your attitude is at the very core. There is nothing to blame; you will continue to grow in awareness, because once it starts you won't want to stop it.

Stay aware of you, the inside of you. I'm assuming the idea of the inside-you is clear. For simplicity I will sum it up with attitude is everything, because it's the basis of everything. Attitude is whether we see and feed the good, or if we're more inclined to see and feed the negative aspects (which may be in our minds and not anyone's heart). See ~

And our expectations will certainly always interfere somehow. You don't think your expectations have such power? Continue to observe you and your life; it doesn't take a rocket-scientist; it takes an open, honest heart. Be very clear on everything you expect from your life.

And the same goes for assumptions about others. These assumptions are coming from our heads most likely and often. Remember the silent-wisdom of our hearts? Attempt to quiet your mind and feel your heart; it won't steer you wrong. It requires nothing more than a willingness to want to view your life from a place of peace.

And you must be prepared to work harder "today" than the day before. That's just the way it is; it's being human. Something is always worth the time and effort we put into it. There is no failure; life teaches us things all along the way. Feeling-sorry-for-our~self is a great evil evolution of mankind, and it is up to us to change this.

Without feeling-sorry-for-our~self, the rest of life becomes a piece-of-cake. And I'll never say that means life is perfect. Life has ups and downs, and it's how we ride the flow that determines what follows ~ health included.

Always ~ LL

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