Thursday, January 30, 2014

Life 101 on Day 330 ~

Viewing life from the ground is fine; that's the base-line anyway, and a neutral place to see from if we're grounded in our reality. Knowing the last statement could open such a box of subjective discussions, I want to ask that we can agree that although separate, reality is the obvious: feet-on-the-emotional-ground, visible, objective truths outside us with zero mental-judgments. 

So I'll attempt to describe viewing life from above the ground. You're literally observing from a higher-perspective. An expanded awareness, only. Feel that knowledge in silence? It radiates in a natural-circle, eventually, encompassing our field-of-influence. Doesn't it seem awareness is key to goodness and happiness for all-as-one heart?

So in other words, all inside-stuff, our~self, via our 6 senses ~ is who we are and where our awareness penetrates ~ See

To keep going, FACT: the senses continually trigger the heart-intelligence of our body-system. Think about the continuous magic-flow of blood containing DNA and hormones, from every male and female, in our geometric-progression lineage, before us? This is mind-blowing to feel the magnitude of this truth. 

Our-own blood has circulated amongst every organ (and don't forget the intelligent-energy system, chakras, of each organ) functioning through-out every life-experience of every single person before us. Beyond the need to think; just feel. This is all silent-knowledge-wisdom.

~ Feel it this way; silence takes no space, so lets agree it's ethereal.  If ya wanna nit-pick ethereal; I don't play, and I always listen ~

You can only imagine (ethereal-verb) all you've been through correct?

Beyond-the-details is your heart's silent-wisdom. Our heart initially releases the knowledge for which hormones and when, through-out our journey. Important? Absolutely! This is truly not disputed, yet overlooked.

And there is an alarming increase in cancer of thyroid's today. Coincidence?

Could we possibly handle all that conscious knowledge? Most often not; that is why most of us can't, yet our heart-muscle, with it's entirely unique intelligence-system, has literally experienced every signal from the entire lot of senses of every-single-being in our lineage. 

~ Wow' to feel this truth as compared to getting-it-intellectually.

~  Silence takes no space, so lets agree it's ethereal.  Does this mean awareness is ethereal? 

To be chasing your tail (what's behind you), you're literally, wanting to intellectually know the demons of your blood's-past, or allowing imaginary demons to get you today, does keep your current life-experiences running in circles both literally and figuratively. 

Can you feel the wisdom of love, kindness, joy, peace, happiness? This is the most expansive, glorious topic mankind has yet to live-as-one-heart. Okay, so life isn't a bed-of-roses outside. It's our life~journey to remember someone always has it worse, and to make us all good on the inside. Sound too simple for you? Breathe deeply and just be ~

Life is the illusion, in the sense we're all living our own separate-reality given to us from our senses, which are unfathomable connected. If you're trying to see more into that you're wasting your time. Theologists concur or it's ego. Simple ~

Always ~ LL

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