Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Life 101 ~ 5th this year

Nice, responses to the visual of the endless mirrors as a means for seeing the dimensions of self. Y'all (north, south, east & west folks) & are beginning to be able to express awareness-of-self in terms of what we do and who we meet being a mirror of our endless dimensions in which we see our behavior, dimensions of personality, or whatever. 

If you've never seen the mirror phenomenon, hold a mirror facing a mirror and adjust one mirror until you literally see an endless tunnel of mirrors going towards infinity. Yes, it is showing us who we are: a spirit with nature and evolving human qualities. 

Absolutely we agree: observing in silence (no judgment) doesn't happen over night. It takes patience and practice until it becomes a part of our nature to observe with this form of unconditional love. This allows acceptance of "what is/the now" for any kind of shift in our nature.  

This awareness is what gave me the SLAP acronym (in the beginning posts). Silence, Love, Acceptance, and Patience create an opportunity for deeper awareness into ourselves that may ease future lessons in life that seem to give us a slap-in-the-face to wake up to the workings of life. 

~ Yes, it is right in-tune with the visual of the endless dimensions of mirrors into our~self.

Awareness is Curative is it not? The awareness is about our deeper-inner-self. This is what we need to tap into if we wish to magically see who we are in our life-experience; what we're learning; understanding why we (subconsciously choosing to?) face our challenges; and what happens when we resist what is.

On this path we surrender our wishes, desires,expectations with an open and willing emotional-self to the flow-of-our-life that  is under the invisible, unfathomable "umbrella" of energy. Remember faith in the process-of-life? This is not as simple as it sounds. You must be clear on your own path.

People go to church to hear about this, yet the power of awareness is handed over to something outside us first! This is what I dislike (and it sure seems church ain't workin' so well). People need to have faith in themselves first, as they observe it with the magnificent brain humans have, and don't know how to fully use and we ignore the heart's power ~ ha ha

This IS a quandary, because it takes our faith in the-process-of-life that allows the life-purpose-flow to be attracted by the energy emitting from our field  of nature (who we are) and our field-of-influence.

~ Letting your inner-knowing do some silent-discernment covers the need to judge (opinions usually).

It's difficult not to sound like a bible-thumper (thumping a book on a head is more my visual though). Trust in your own inner-knowing if you know the god within. Our human brain and heart need to work in conjunction with the flow-of-life, rather than our brains following along this path of destruction we've willingly followed due to our evolution.

If anyone out there can't view themself as anything other than a body with a personality and unique and shared qualities, beliefs, standards, opinions bla bla I'm practically on my knees asking you to at least put it in this "comment section" somewhere here. We'll continue to explore uncertainty with ease.

We are still not feeling one-with-all if we're still focusing on isolated events that have plagued man-kind the last two thousand years, at least. We've always been viscous and brutal beings at the extreme of nature, and we still allow "them" to rule, even when we want to placate ourselves with propaganda. 

I'm pressed for time, and want to get this out before I leave.

Always ~ LL

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