Friday, May 23, 2014

Life 101 ~ #6

"Clap along if you know what happiness is to you."   Is happiness a free feeling of nothing-to-loose, just a good feeling for you? We each have something we're essentially born to beand that isn't necessarily what comes easily for us.

We may have a natural gift, yet that's not what we were born to BE. 

What if it is to learn to listen and speak (from heart-intelligence), stand up for your~self, or to be compassionate, to share, or what if it's the ability to be comfortable with people or to lead them, what if it's to help the helpless, what if it's to bring perspective to life, what if it's to teach . .

What we do with what we were born with, is the "vehicle" we get for our journey. It's within that, where we find our own beauty in who we are; and not what we have. It's our responsibility to explore what makes us happy, and trust (faith in the process) where that's going to take our spirit.

Gosh ~ not that spirit-talk again . .

If our lessons-in-life are to learn non-judgmental awareness and to realize we're all an equal-part of something bigger than us-alone (this unfathomable organization-of-life), we get to be the driver who chooses the puzzle-pieces that create the life we live.

It's all Our Own~Individual-Life-Experience right ~  OO~ILE 

Our awareness deepens with every moment we're present in the life-experience we participate in. The more and more we "see", or the deeper and deeper we go in understanding, the clearer we see creation playing out (this is where magic is). Observation ~

It's as if you're watching a sit-com, a drama, a comedy or something, and you see you're character playing out time ~  ouch or ahhhhh with a smile

How many of us are willing to acknowledge this is reality?

It's simply seeing yourself from third-party ears and eyes. Do you like what you discover? Would you want you for your own best friend? We can always see clearer when it's not us, and using that awareness to see within our~self is seeing magic. 

Humanity has got to be ready to experience what we're truly capable of before things are really going to change here.

Life 201 may begin by the moon-of-the-drying-grass ~ keep tuned in

We all have awareness expansion-ability built-in so to speak. We all continually shift in awareness, Our thoughts become our words, our words become our action, actions into habits, and there's our character, and guess what?

Doesn't it become our destiny ~ and our spirit decides to start shifting or shutting down so to speak.

Keep in awareness the radiation of energy (home-schooling is your only hope of your children really learning about evolution and life) ~oops did I say that?

Always ~ LL

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