Awareness is a huge endeavor when we really think about it. It encompasses just about everything when it comes right down to it. But it's the awareness of Magic that enables us to view our lives from an entirely different and freeing perspective; although, nothing relieves us of personal responsibility.
So what is Magic? I can only say it's the invisible energy of life: love, evolution, perfect order and intelligence of nature, our solar system, space, Timing ~ all the things that remain a mystery to mankind, yet somehow exist for the highest good.
When we accept this mystical energy within and around us, we're able to trust visual observations and feelings. These confirm directions of action we should pursue for this brief experience on earth. In my opinion, the combined energy of our beliefs, attitudes, and actions attract situations and people.
And what does that do for us? People reflect aspects of our personality. People and situations enter our lives to somehow teach us something. Yet our freewill determines how truthful, with ourselves, we're willing to be. The stronger you believe this the more you'll realize the brilliance of the law of attraction.
Coincidences that occur can be viewed as simply "a coincidence" and nothing more, or from the acceptance of something greater. Acceptance in conjunction with our freewill allows Magic to flow more readily in our awareness. And with that awareness, can come the feeling of joy at the moment of awareness.
We all create our own realities, yet so many of us cannot accept this fact if we cannot accept the law of attraction. Who cannot accept the law of gravity? Like the law of attraction it isn't something we can avoid, and awareness is our gift to do with as we please. A part of being human?
Always ~ LL
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