When we know better, we do better ~
Makes absolute sense doesn't it? Sounds fairly simplistic and it is, but this is one of "those things" that IS Not easy! Harder in fact than most of a good portion of our society is afraid to let in so to speak. But do not hesitate to listen ~
What do I mean by "let it in"? Letting it reach our silent-heart's-wisdom: letting the feeling of absolute truth, then, reach our consciousness; "admit" the possibly we may not be as whole as we want (yet): to let our image of our-self step aside if that's the case ~ see?
~ No expectations, and/or stepping aside are essential and simple, yet, again, not easy. Ya gotta first be aware! Then practice what you know. Catch yourself doing better and peaceful happiness does follow ~
And wouldn't ya think so if we're on an awareness adventure on awareness avenue at that!?!
If you don't honestly want to know better, you'll probably just continue along the same path and perhaps never wonder, more deeply, why things aren't working for you "exactly" the way you want them to.
And what's meant by working for you? We all know what we ultimately want from life. And I certainly hope it's not money or fame, because those spots, at least should be, reserved for the Gifted that do not question "what's in it for me" financially.
And I feel I can safely say (since I know they don't read this) my siblings offer me a great opportunity to speak in regards to some issues in conjunction with personalities ~ that are quite fine.
Their lives are mostly great on the outside, and some are mostly great on the inside, and all question the image and what doesn't work for them, but never the deeper "why" it's not more often.
Utter peace and unbridled joy remain the carrot the horsey plugs away after.
And I lived through 5 absolute years, with 3 more growing awareness years, of Stubborn Denial. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt ~
And that's only half of SSDD: Same shit; different day ~
But one can't hope to make significant change until they're willing to SEE and feel things that aren't working for them the way they'd like. And you won't see it in a book until you're ready.
One, also, cannot be a victim in any regard!! We must accept total responsibility for exactly the life we live today. Remember tomorrow does not have to equal today.
I wanted more than ever to give our mother the gift of her children being comfortable enough with who we've each become to get along without individual past demons, so to speak, arising.
And the over-use of alcohol only helps create hurt or nasty words that dominate one's spirit and perpetuate habitual denial. But is this about alcohol? Certainly not.
I know plenty of people that do enjoy drinking, myself included, and it's only denial that keeps one in a state of over-use of anything. Examining ourselves makes us susceptible to denial ~
And tomorrow's another day. Sweet dreams ~
Always ~ LL
Love this!!! YOUR awareness blows ME away!!!