Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life 101 on Day 117 ~

Awareness of the mechanics of life is what all this writing boils down to. Because the mechanics of life are the mystical, magical, invisible energy within every living thing. All of nature is perfect, brilliant and unfathomable. Acceptance of life is the curse of having an evolved human intellect in conjunction with human abilities. 

Our beliefs, our attitude, our outlook, all infinitesimal feelings, our acceptance, and of course our actions, reveal how we, as individuals, deal with life and the results we attract. This, in turn, perpetuates the energy of evolution! MANY humans have figured this out, but mankind hasn't been able to accept this. Isn't that curious?

Evolution of the human brain left it's innate awareness of all-being-one to this individual awareness-of-self. With that, corruption was inevitable. Honestly, I don't know how, or if, things can return. But this planet and inhabitants are magnificent and there are resources for human evolution, but mankind will never survive if something huge does not change.

People who have the attitude and fortitude to live with and rise above adversity, embody a magical goodness. Perhaps it's upbringing. Perhaps it's awareness that attitude is the first major step. Our Will kicks in with the mystical, magical energy as we learn to handle life with dignity & ease while we serve others with unconditional love and without expectation. 

It comes back to our-self now. Nothing can change this! Acceptance is so hard when our mind resists "what is". Accepting "all that is" means you may have to change your attitude. Get help if you can, but don't expect magic without your own effort. Life just does not work this way!  

It isn't easy to rise-to-the-occasion if the occasion isn't what you want now, is it? But ya know what? There is always hope, but it absolutely begins inside us. Without a feeling of hope how are we ever going to get up and do something, anything, to change the present circumstances?

Feeling, quietly feeling, feeling still and accepting can and will change your attitude with hope. It is that simple. Trust your-self; trust the mechanics of life. Don't loose hope.  Hope is faith. Hold on to your hope. Don't let anyone take it from you. It is YOURS and your life! Believe.

If you're moving too fast, if you're taking on everything, if you're stressed beyond belief, only YOU can find the Will to see yourself. None of the above is even going to be able to sink in if your plate is so full you can't possibly breathe between bites.

Always ~  LL

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