Moments that make us who we are. Ever really think about this very deeply? It's a fascinating part of our journey when we actually "see" the moments that surely have created exactly who we are today. Then we have the wondrous choice to be content or decide to shift that aspect of our-self today.
It's one thing to think about those moments with an "Oh well, there's not much I can do." attitude, or we can have, "Aha, now I see why, and that's not who I know I really am." attitude. Two distinctly different attitudes. The moments, or events, shape who we are, especially when they're childhood moments. And they can dictate the path of our life.
The awareness is like a breathe of fresh air, and it blows away the notion we must continue on the same path, or we can alter, or shift, direction! Why would we want to do something like that? If you're content and happy with the way your life is playing out ~ then stay there. If not, then it's your choice to let the awareness become curative.
This is BIG, stay with it until you know you've "got it" on the inside. Honestly, have the pleasure of "seeing" the moments that shaped you. They'll pop up throughout your days or you can think of your life, in-depth, and realize how you became the person you are today.
It becomes fun once you realize a few of "the moments" and see how true it is. Doing this enables your true-spirit the chance to rise to the surface.
Sit with this in your heart, if you know what I mean. Be with it any way you want, but the results are so empowering if you wish to create your life your way, and attract what it is your spirit has always known IS you! Enjoy ~
Always ~ LL
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