Saturday, July 27, 2013

Life 101 on Day 138 ~

Somehow I knew it was too soon to leave specifically writing about "seeing" the moments from our past that have actually created who we are today. The reactions were similar and all basically said, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." I'm sorry, but that's a self-preservation-defense. I hate to say it's an excuse not to change ~ it's deeper than that.

Yes, it's true: the older we get the harder and harder it becomes to shift or change what has become a way-of-life for us. And it's also just as true that where there's a will there's a way. We are human beings with a capacity to achieve great things. And that absolutely includes stopping or altering a lifetime of conditioning.
As well, there appears to be a human condition that's evolved to a damaging point. It may sound silly, but when it's "taken-to-heart" it's difficult to ignore: the spark of "magic" that got "us" to do unpleasant things has all but  disappeared from human nature. Now there's an endless recording of self-talk we listen to that stops us in our tracks.

But I'm not talking about this. Once we "see" how/where our individual life has gone off course or against what energizes our spirit or self, we have a chance to consciously decide to do something. Of course this includes our beliefs, and certainly that includes our self-image. Only we choose not to think differently. Our life experience IS up to us ~ we ultimately create it.

You've got to be specific if you'd like more help, from me, in regards to creating a life experience that's fulfilling on the inside as well as the outside. But no matter what, acceptance of "the-now" is always the first step and the rest does follow. That is a fact of life.

Always ~ LL 

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