Sunday, September 7, 2014

~ HOPEFUL 12 ~

Good morning  ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

There is no way I will reprint two long stories about a woman's "awesome" life coming to an end. In my heart-intelligence I've been processing the two stories, and know my link comes in another form: to illustrate a clear-enough example of the power of heart-intelligence versus brain-intelligence.

I first knew Jane, fairly well, in the late 70's, and met Steve before they married. I absolutely knew Jane as a very dynamic young woman, yet my path (following my heart) was not their extremely healthy lifestyle and I was not academically adept as they. Although physically oriented in labor, I was judged not to be similar-enough (and I also thought so).

Jane became a highly loved world-class runner. I became "nothing".

I knew Jane&Steve when she survived a broken neck and a later divorce. I survive a TBI with children involved, and later a divorce (which would have happened anyway). When does heart-intelligence outweigh head-intelligence? To be continued . . (this may not be what you expect)

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL (communicate: hope in subject)

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