Tuesday, September 30, 2014

~ HOPEFUL !^ ~

Good morning  ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Uconditional Love ~

Since the details really do not matter (what it comes right down to), then either do the numbers of posts since we chose the new title to AisC. So yes, this is why you'll see things like: !%, !^, !& appearing. There must be some way for this writer to keep track of things important to the functioning of this blog idea. 

Grass-roots changes (no matter the details) must always begin somewhere, and my heart-intelligence knows it's gotta begin "within". And since AisC has the ability, AisC takes the responsibility as seriously as someone else takes their J.O.B. And if you're one who hates their job because it keeps 'em just over broke, your stress is mainly self-created ~ so read on if ya want.

Heart-Intelligence faaaaaar out-weighs (no puns please) brain-intelligence in the grand-scheme of a human-bean's FILE* (flow-individual-life-experience). I've got to move-on without worry-ing who's able to understand this or that. The last list of words as used by AisC was posted around Aug/Sept, so have at it if you wish to understand more deeply.

Juggling plates, without dropping too many, is an acquired skill I'll always have challenges with. And things will begin to flow more regularly from this northeast corner of this immature USA. Patience . .

~ May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~ {communication: jaw.on.the.river@gmail.com with "hope" for the subject  
Always ~ LL

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