Monday, September 22, 2014

~ HOPEFUL 14 ~

Good morning ~ Healing Our People Evolving For Unconditional Love ~

What's to be learned from the Jane, Doug, Stella, and Steve scenario? Do you know who you are? What you love? What you feel? And what you want in life? Are you on that path? Do you understand your~self enough to have a clue why you are, or not, "where you want to be"? Do you simply accept this is what you get, and that's that? 

Our magnificent-intellectual human brain has "nothing" to do with human emotions (including the origins of our imagination, which is the root of creation). Humans did not create nature, yet we've evolved to believe "we're" capable (look at technology), yet look around at life on earth! Religion has only created further separation of our awareness&hearts.
If you can't and/or won't acknowledge this statement's truth, you will continue to deal with your awareness they way you always have, and you will not hear the truth revealed (without all the stories) when I illustrate a difference between heart and brain intelligence. Begin your own investigations of heart-intelligence ~ it is the future, if there is one ~

May the great-mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL    (  Hope in subject!)

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