Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"Good morning SUNSHINE" ~

Okay, I've been asked to "speak English. I apologize; I cannot speak any more simply and clearly. If things aren't clear or questions or input, you can try to email, and expect a direct reply within the week. Everyone who participates is anonymous to me (details = identity and I see beyond the details, so identity means nothing to me. The risk we take is usually worth the benefit. You decide. 

Great input - thanks. Yes our subconscious appears to be joined to our intuition, our inspirations, our aspirations . . the feelings of 'magic'. Feeling wonder&awe when we stand before nature is the feeling of deep, silent awareness about life. We killed this second nature awareness when our leaders annihilated the indigenous families who existed without wanting more&more just for comfort&ease. Hmmm ~ 

So how does our subconscious self balance our life experience? Because the conscious mind can't possibly register and process the 5 senses beyond what the conscious mind ALREADY knows. Does that make sense? It's similar to when we don't ask the right question, the answer is going to be incomplete in regards to what we really need to know.

May the great mystery make sun rise in your heart ~

Always ~ LL  
selfmeetsself@gmail.com ('wisdom' for subject or it's trash :)

~ too user unfriendly to attempt to mssg here ~

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