Monday, July 28, 2014

~ S.M.I.L.E. #18 ~

Good morning, and I'm hoping you're comfortable both physically and emotionally. Emotions are the juices, so to speak, of a complex-thinking species. And in this day and age of the 21st-century, the majority of humans are basically disillusioned and still-struggling.

Makes no sense. We humans know this. What happened?

Humans say there will always be a human for every possible role imaginable in life. Well humans don't walk this talk. We can't walk this talk separated by thinking.

We demand everyone goes to school to be programed further; no it's just easier when we all do the same. In general we refuse to allow life to work naturally. Humans have taken the big-ray-lump SO seriously, we're in serious trouble, and waaa we're helpless against "them".

Passions come from within, and schools became what "they" wanted us to learn. "They" are our leaders. Humans have a brain; and we're damn proud of what we can do. So proud, we decorated ourselves and kept following the leaders to this hell of humanity.

And have us crying out about how fucked-up people are and we're helpless to do much more than we already are.

I truly hate to upset folks any more, but the majority of humans can't even see their own ego-status. Because they feel they deserve it, they're good, they've earned it . . they see evil, they question government, yet they can't understand what could be wrong with the world, and hey they don't have time for any more.

Human-beans have evolved accepting brains&talent/beauty=status; status=material-decorations of wealth; and material-decorations=leaders to follow and obey. Leaders are rulers. So we've evolved to accept wealth rules, and still wants control over what people believe is a god.

This energy radiates outwards becoming relative to each individual-life-experience created within ego-separation-mentality. Churches are wolves in sheep clothing to control your thoughts. This is why no unity on earth.

And so many are still afraid to admit nature runs so perfectly w/o this ego-lump we call a master. Take a look around your own environment, ask your~self how differently life would be if .  .

United hearts&minds on awareness will bring like-minded results for the future of humanity. This is a grass-roots effort for the heart-intelligence of mankind to rise above the chaos of ego-erparation-mentality; it's slowly&surely killing our species, so I guess we'll see ~

Write AisC at, and enjoy the day ~

Always ~ LL

Always ~

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