Yes, any life-changing-experience can be common-ground with any other life-changing experience. Yes they are always relative! So much so it makes comparing details quite a waste of time.
Many level-headed humans will bitterly disagree (with their knee-jerk reaction) to the statement because we all need to be heard; and in a way that makes sense to us (and who we each are), and once that happens we can build the life we we're basically on earth to discover through discovering our~self-first.
Certainly we don't want to stop awareness there (once we believe we've arrived, so to speak). We'll ultimately get lazy (without vigilance) for how ever long it takes us to realize what we're doing.
The details of our traumas or dramas don't matter for the bigger-picture (enabling the human-existence to be a much better "ONE"). Inside these magnificent, logic-defying, brilliantly composed and slowly-evolving beings with Brain-awareness. "Baaaa" and we follow like sheep that think we're not a sheep.
Then put that with emotional upheaval, doubt, envy, greed, laziness, low-awareness, low-compassion, low-listening-skills, and oh dear . .
We humans are SO out of balance we affect the literal stability of our planet. And who's laughing at whom here. The media feeding the beast (pawn) is helping create a weakening-human-spirit. We do care for others without first having to think about it ~ to be quite blunt. This is strong human nature we've evolved away from!
The bottom-line is training ourselves to naturally feel the silent-wisdom-within. No, the white-man-attitude has got to shift. This includes what can be referred to as being an apple: white on the inside and red (superficially as seen) on the outside. Just a thin-skin to peel. Natives telling other natives who technically have the blood, yet with this spirit of the USA Today ~ ha
Silent-wisdom is tapped-into only when use-less (mental) repetitively-looping-tapes of mental&emotional un-ease stop, cease-to-be, move-aside or defer to what's best or good for all life (for the future).
~ Feeling in terms of 'for life' versus thinking in terms of 'in life'. Huge difference in words matching attitude.
Do you hear the difference? For life. In life. In the first it feels like living with no conditions (beyond unspoken-goodness for the big-picture of life). In the latter it sounds as if the attitude speaks separation in this life.
What's in it for this complex-thinking human's survival as a separate entity? The proof is in the puddin' right-now folks.
Do I want peace-of-heart&mind established as a dominant human gene? Of course. Why would this complex-thinking human-mind ever shoot lower than the stars, even when I see the moon! Will we keep evolving with this small thinking?!?
I'm a common-sort, yet my passion to live overwhelms many sorts, including myself who gave-up once. But it's all-perfect, because this is my life, and I'm okay being exactly who I am, as I am, viewing or observing more and more of life everyday.
I'm filling many buckets in my FILE (it's worth looking up between SMILE 1-2) with smiles and warmth, as I learn to modify myself with maturity. I give back in many areas that gives me and others a deep sense of satisfaction. We make our life as we live each moment-after-moment as our mama teaches us.
Yes, I believe the following can be done ~
To Teach our offspring
(Beginning Right-Now)
and again,
with another example
We are guided by our spirit
Best-Friends with (me, myself, and I)
teaches a human the wisdom
of our ancient universe&beyond
Balanced with our free-will
allows us to share with our family
as we create and discover together.
~ Rather-Than ~
Which Man has the better-brain-power
and no heart-
Always ~ LL
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