Why all the talk about what I believe us humans to be about?
~ will you trust me in my higher purpose for my life-experience?
It seems to only be more of the same ol' crap, and you're absolutely right.
~ so perhaps go deeper than this surface feeling,
This is to look in at the inner-mirror we may or may not be ready to look at.
Normally, when we can't/won't look/listen it 's because something/someone shows us some (even tiny) aspects of us/our subconscious knows we need to work on (if we choose).
Most do not choose to see the journey beyond our-person's-own expectations.
Especially if things are fine in their our-back-yard. It's those people (that hide behind immediate-family-walls) that need to experience the joy of living with the beauty of who they are, as we fill their-buckets-in-life (which is a great thing in and of itself.
This includes an invisible boundary around that functioning-family of frauds. Ohhhh, "fff . . ". Smell that?
We'll vehemently ignore any part of our-life that may shine-a-mirror, so to speak, revealing anything we may be resisting on our-journey.
Nothing will make us look, see it in ourselves, whatever, until the timing of our readiness in life.
This goes for receiving good in our lives. This is huge, SO many beautiful people absolutely cannot allow themselves to receive unconditional good (even if they are very humble already), because the reason for life is taken WAY too seriously.
Human nature is fascinating, and once you realize the humor, you may see yourself in a new light.
Why? Can't you see it? A person see's deeper into their-self; they have a nice "ahaaa moment" as they see something they've never realized, and they laugh at their-self. Awareness is curative ~ see
My reason to keep going back to "spirit" is pretty simple. Once we realize our spirit is the invisible magic within, we begin to view our life-experience with understanding. Everything we think&feel and do (all thoughts and feelings carry an energy even Einstein could not PROVE. He also knew when his spirit had done enough for humanity and he chose NOT to be kept alive.
It's the knowing of having fulfilled our spirits desire to live the experience of life that allows a human to pass with peace. Life is an endless-cycle humans have no clue how to analyze. Passing with peace is also determined by the reactions of our loved-ones. Man, this could get complicated. Please don't allow it to be; it's not.
Always ~ LL
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