Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 46 ~

This will be my last post for at least a couple weeks, while I gather with my siblings to celebrate our mother's 80 years of life. Her wish is to simply spend it with her children. She's been living on what's often called "borrowed-time" for over ten years. Between prescription drugs and Magic she is still with us.

Why do I use Magic? Even though mankind can successfully preform magic, the illusions defy logic. The greatest mystery of my life has been to trust in the unfathomable coincidences that defy logic. For decades I at least had an open mind to the possibility of something, but I was not convinced.

My two children literally saving my life opened my mind enough to accept the possibility of "God". Yes, a logical mind says it did take courage and will. Certainly their father always telling them not to stay, but to go for help in an emergency, helped. But I knew there had to be more.

What gave them the courage? There was only one way out of that car: a hole in the rear window. What force propelled two nearly four and six-year-old children to leave their unresponsive mother and walk through the woods to a relatively isolated house with winter occupants at home?

This may not sound like much beyond coincidence, but it began the quest of a lifetime: to find love; for myself and to appreciate always doing what's in the best interest of all life with unquestioning faith, because everything happens just as it's supposed to to keep us learning until the day we pass.

I was far from being ready to be on the path of knowing what's in the best interest of all concerned in my sphere of influence. Even though I believed there could be a God, it did not matter. I still needed to be convinced and I still had myself and who I was that needed to be faced.

For over twenty-five years I needed lesson after lesson. Did I realize this? Of course not. What's in it for me was always in the back of my mind, even to a degree. Even though my spirit lived, my physical mind and body changed in ways that eventually humbled me to a point of knowing who and what I am.

Whenever I ask myself, "What is this Magic?", it always comes down to hope being given, and only when the time is right. We need to experience what our spirit needs in order to experience the lessons for "our lifetime". All of our lessons are unfathomably connected, and it's not possible to fully reason.

Be observant of everything: whatever you see and hear may be too logic defying, but they somehow manifest in reality to guide us. Have faith things work out exactly as they're meant to for us all to learn who and what we are. Death is a part of being human, and when we realize the spirit only changes, it becomes easier to accept in peace.

Always ~ LL

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 45 ~

Whether or not we choose to believe in a specific God simply doesn't matter, because the basic truth remains the same. My objection is to religions not acknowledging the power of personal-responsibility with awareness of who and what we are.

All the "avenues" to truth such as astrology, jyotish, tarot, whatever (the list is extensive) are simply alternative paths to personal truths. Some are thousands of years older than others. They give mankind knowledge into our spirit and ultimately "what's going on". They are only guides from deeper knowledge.

There is truth to planets and our moon affecting timing to births, and the aspects of the newborn-human with it's potentials and tendencies. If a person or ego is willing to acknowledge that possibility, then and only then does it begin to become clear.

I have never studied one particular avenue in great depth, and I have only elementary knowledge of our solar system, so I'm not even going to profess facts. And I will say the accuracy of truth is astounding at least in regard to myself and my closest family and friends. 

I wrote of separate bubbles of energy infinitely intersecting. Our individual bubble extends to become our sphere of influence. Of course we're conscious of what's closest in our bubble. I believe we are able to positively affect "the whole" the more and more we accept our awareness of self.

Just makes sense doesn't it? Knowing we only have the power to change our own-self gives us tremendous responsibility. And only we can acknowledge what we're willing to see and do. Hey, life's not about being perfect; life is about being a whole individual doing the best they know how.

The energy on our planet continually shifts with the combined energies of freewill and the unfathomably organized timing of the universe we live within. And I know people are waking-up as frustration intensifies. Teaching the next generation to believe in individual freewill blended with timing can only strengthen an evolution towards good for the whole of life.

Enjoy, continue to catch yourself doing "better" and happiness follows close behind to soon catch up for us to walk in peace, love, and joy.

Always ~ LL

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 43 ~

For some of us, anger seems to be a part of life, even if we know better. Sometimes I'm horrified at myself for stooping lower than the person I allow to "flip my switch" by allowing a situation to get the better of who I need to be. We attract these situations, like it or not. They're to teach us.

The more we try to have patience with ourselves, the easier it's going to become to avoid the next SLAP from life. A slap from life ruffles our feathers, so to speak (as well as the people around us). If we can avoid "reacting", but rather respond with wisdom, things unfold the way they're meant to.

We find our wisdom in moments of Silence with ourselves, with Love for ourselves, Acceptance of ourselves, and Patience with ourselves. I look at the situations in the past as slaps in my face to wake-up!! I found a way to see with Silence, Love, Acceptance and Patience. I put 'em together.

As I was eliminating unnecessary words and such from Ravin Ravine, I was glad it was originally written "back then", because it became obvious how obsessed I was with ONLY my-outside-self. I can't believe how obvious it is, but felt none of that then. We'll only be aware of ourselves when we allow it.

But isn't that the most challenging aspect of our lives? Doesn't it make sense this is what our childhood should have taught? Don't we humans have a brain to process life in a much deeper sense than other animals? We were taught how to think, but not how to deeply communicate our feelings in my humble opinion. So isn't that why we need psychologists and psychiatrists?

But what else is still missing? The understanding of why it's essential? Do you believe it could possibly relate to the fact all of life is energetically connected in an unfathomable sense? Has mankind continued to view life as if people are separate from the whole of life? Why?

Because thousands of years ago great minds couldn't speak the truth without making people afraid of their own responsibility to see within themselves? Look at how mankind has evolved. We can't put blame anywhere. It is what it is, but it's never too late to begin to change.

Awareness is curative.

Always ~ LL

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 42 ~

Awareness IS curative, even as it's making it's way around all the little obstacles we avoid or confront. And not even knowing we're avoiding something is where timing comes in. As often as this magical energy, I speak of, does it's thing to organize "timing" we will miss it completely. This doesn't seem fair, but we're the one's not ready to see it.

I know, from my past, how critical communication is between a parent and child. The art of communication at the deepest levels of who we each are has been foreign to most of us humans. It's no one's fault; although, I believe the timing issue to learn is apparently now!

Being aware of our feelings is one thing; being able to communicate them is entirely different. Without an understanding of how crucial our deepest feelings (love and fear) are, how is one to learn deeper communication? I'm not talking about meeting people or carrying on civilized conversation. I'm talking about being able to always express who we are, what we feel.
Wouldn't it seem to make sense we humans have not really understood, at least as far as recorded history goes, what we're really capable of? Sure we go to school and we're programed to believe it all comes down to our intellect and personality, which equals survival of the fittest.

What ever happened to understanding the unseen magic of our intuition? I'm certain intuition originates in our heart's intelligence and not our mind's. This stems from feelings and why we have them. Why do we have them? Do you believe they're our driving force to simply "do"? Would you agree they're at the foundation of everything: the need to understand; what we create, what we do "do", what we say and so on?

Our feelings are the invisible spirit within us, which originates within our heart muscle, the first of anything to form in any living species with a heart. Feelings have an awesome power to create and destroy, especially within our own body. And this has not been studied enough because mankind has always focused on intellect being that awesome power to create and destroy.

I write with feelings from absolute truth, not book knowledge alone. And why should anyone believe in what I say? From facing my own resistance, from understanding "timing", from understanding the magic of the unseen, from loving myself for who I am, and most importantly, from trust there is magic in life that cannot be figured out or proven is why I hope "you" listen.

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 41 ~

Being aware of what's happening inside our-self always requires the two governing systems: our mind's intelligence and our heart's intelligence. These two systems blend into the unseen, unrecognized great-intelligence of  wisdom. That wisdom is energetically tied with evolution and creation.

All of us know everything works best when it's not centered around "what's in it for me". We know this, but we don't always know why. I can't help but always go back to creatures on earth. Mankind has the abilities to do anything, whereas creatures do not and wouldn't this place be "heaven on earth" without mankind's abilities?

Okay, very utopian at best. Mankind's overall mindset since the dark-ages has been for survival. Once we had that under control, "who had more" of this or that became the more powerful driving force. Don't you ever question our need for "wealth"? I use wealth simply as having more than is necessary for comfortable survival.

Yet mankind "got the intelligence" to realize we don't leave neighbors out! But "we" did and it's only gotten worse. There is something magical to life we don't fully understand and that remains the greatest mystery of all: what is this unfathomable intelligence of perfect organization to all creation that's obviously inside us as well?

Our "wise-self" can "see" ahead with very clear "vision". In mankind it's intuition at it's best. It is a form of spirit within us we technically can't see because it's energy. Mankind just refuses to acknowledge the power of this great blending of our intellect with our emotions. Too close to the forest to see the tree?

I wish it could be taught in elementary schools. Wouldn't that change the way of the world? I know if there's a will there is a way. And I feel pretty powerless, and a grass-root revolution isn't going to happen in these times. There is so much evil seeping into life on earth. We need to put like-minds together in a more affective way.

I truly don't think anyone has enough power to correct our planet's situation. And politics is absolutely NOT the way! But it is up to us to begin to educate our children with the knowledge that "we" can't just think of our-self, but rather what's the highest good for "all" as one huge group.

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 40 ~

Today I've been inspired by the friend's blog I spoke of weeks ago. That lead me to an article she had published online. I realize the folly of my ways: it's to entertain me, as well as I do enjoy writing like this. And if that's what "is"; I'll stick with it, unpublished and not sought-after and all.

I know this friend and I speak the same language in entirely different dialects. I reference nothing, I'm not professional and never will be, yet my hearts been yelling "book" for nearly a decade. I'm in a quandary.

I've asked and asked myself why I don't do more? So if this is it; I'll be happy with it and more may appear around some corner. I'm reminded again and again not to view my life in black and white. There is so much gray between for all the variables available in any situation. Yet being okay with that is where we need to apply our-selves.

I realize I must really apply my-self to the task of at least getting my story completely written down. Somehow books speak credibility if and when it's accepted. I've got to just do it, without my own fears holding me back.

Always ~ LL

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 39 ~

Anger is a very disturbing human trait to everyone around, and mainly the angry one. When we are the angry one, with or without a "diagnosis", we're in such a state-of-mind that usually does not allow self-reflection before, during, or even after. 

As I was learning to be "present" in the moments of my life, I heard something that made a light-switch turn on inside my heart. That's where it needs to reach, because that's where we find our true self. We all have our intellectual-self, our emotional-self, and our wise-self, which is a combination of both. When that "hit home", so to speak, my life began to progress.

It makes sense: we can view life with our intellectual-self, and that's okay, but the emotional-self is there too. So acknowledge it's presence, feel what it feels, and SEE yourself in the prosscess, When you're calm enough to "see and hear", it is your wise-self that wants the highest good for all. Be brave, because that's what allows you to see ahead with clear vision.

When we're angry, reacting negatively, and not able to "hear", we're in an emotional state that can only begin to change with awareness. Neither our intellect or wisdom can get a word in edge wise. It's a sad state of affairs, especially for our loved ones. And one that ONLY the said offender can begin to heal through awareness. Simple, yet not easy!!

When we're ready to face the unpleasant task of self-reflection, anger in this case, we will hear things we never heard, we'll see ourselves in ways we couldn't imagine, and we may even sleep better at night. And as I've said, the path is a good one because at the other end is what we truly want: love for our-self, and peace and joy for the life we live.

Self-love is critical, because it's usually so buried beneath anger, we've lost sight, and without it we're basically unable to see the goodness of ourselves in others. Without self-love, we can't fully understand how we hurt situations.

It's baby-steps: one foot takes that first scarey step of awareness, and it's just one tiny step in the right direction after another. Before you know it, you're getting better. Falling down is a part of the process, so just start over with a clear heart and it's gentle step after gentle step.

Awareness is curative!

Always ~ LL

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 37 ~

Are all of us, every living thing, really energetically connected? How can that be understood? First, I believe, we must try to think of it as a kind of magic bubble that surrounds each living thing. Inside the bubble is the energy, the vibration, of your spirit. It is "individual", and blended with all other bubbles "it" encounters (plants too). 

Try imagining that each bubble carries the unfathomably "intelligent" energy and mystery of creation and evolution. With animals, at least that haven't come into contact with man, that unseen energy is about survival for the highest good for all of life, again I don't believe this is contended. The animal mainly runs on instinct (even up to the most intelligent) as far as we've been able to judge.

Now man's individual bubble have a brain with an ego attached. I choose to use "ego" as the brain that forms an image of "who they are". Again, can this be disputed? And man is no different than any other living thing on earth: it's part of the process or mechanics of all life.

We can absolutely become aware of this by noting the obvious: interactions between people. Now, and honestly, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to acknowledge this fact. Our bubbles are a blend of our instincts, our freewill, our thoughts, our feelings, or basically heart-intelligence.

Now imagine these bubbles continue to intersect, and remember, each bubble remains true to itself at the center. Can you now imagine the intensity of the energy of the whole of life? And what about situations where individuals lead an isolated existance? Same thing; although that bubble is only blending with nature or whatever environment it's within. Imagine it like DNA in a sense.

An ego is going to prefer to "think" it's not affected to the degree I've stated. It's going to prefer to think it's in the ultimate control of the outcomes of it's actions. Just not so, and you don't need to take my word for it! But I'd be willing to bet that if you asked your self this in one of your "quiet moments", your instinct will let you know the truth of my words.

What's a quiet moment? Time with yourself alone, which can be anywhere at any time. And I absolutely hope everyone can make such time for themselves in their busy, hectic schedules. It's critical for our wellbeing. You can try to fool yourself, and it's your schoolhouse. 

Are quiet moments give us the greatest chance for realizing the truths for what we need to enable us to keep going in the positive flow of life. Listen, feel, know with faith in trust.

Didn't know this one was coming today. Hey, whoever you are that's reading this, unless Google is playing with me, I hope this is helping somehow. All I have for "proof" is my life, and I'm putting that our in a book one-day. I can't spend too much time with it, because at this point I must be writing here.

Silence, Love, Acceptance with Patience = SLAP. If we don't work on silence, love,  and acceptance with patience, the greatest mystery of life will attempt to wake us up again and again with a SLAP until we "get it".

Always ~ LL



Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 36 ~

Each of us truly trusts in something, whether in ourselves alone, or in "something" greater than us. This "something" is a mystery, and it does have the ability to organize our lives in seemingly magical ways. Is it the idea of spirit or soul that's so incomprehensible?

Where else would the magic of creation and evolution reside within living things? To me, spirit and soul are the unseen, mysterious energy within life. It's obvious mankind has yet to figure out this mystery in a way that satisfies "our ego". I firmly and confidently believe all life is connected to a verifiable source found in our intuition, which is nothing less than spirit anyway.

This of course is not a new idea, yet I believe others will begin to put credence around the idea of having energy within them, that is unfathomably "intelligent" enough to "listen to". But to do that, we've got to be willing to suspend skepticism in order to realize the potential.

And I'm also a firm believer that our children deserve to be brought up with the realization of this unseen something connecting every living thing in the unfathomable circle of life. Because having belief intensifies the energy within us. I don't think that can be contended.

Children are certainly the foundation for the future. Why not help them to appreciate the magic of life in verifiable ways? Most children in the world do get to acknowledge a magical being that arrives at a magic moment. The moment is verifiable with celestial knowledge, yet has become so lost in religion. This is NOT about religion, and I know many need to believe in "A God" for religion's sake. 

I really don't care because I know religion is both good and bad and I ain't gonna change that. Yet I do feel strongly enough that people skeptical to A God must revere the spirit within, as it does carry the energy of an unfathomable intelligence that does have verifiability to guide us. You will begin to acknowledge the "signs" of guidance when you're ready.

And that timing, in great part, is allowed to happen through our choices.

Always ~ LL


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 34 ~

Awareness is curative if we stay aware and don't expect immediate results. 

It can be done and it's worth the insight we gain into ourselves that makes the path a good one to take if we're willing to keep putting one foot in front of the other in our belief and faith.

If you're unsure what to have faith in, I'd suggest to start reading the ideas I've talked about in earlier posts.

I'm still "contemplating" a more affective approach.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 31 ~

I've been asked to explain what I meant when I said I'd connected heart-intelligence with the unseen that transcends our understanding. Perhaps I could have chosen a more appropriate word than "unseen", because we know, for example, some animals migrate up to thousands of miles to say the least. 

Can man equate that to anything more than instinct? Has man tried to deeply study instinct and intuition? To be fair here, and not being a scientist, there may not be any explanation beyond the mystery of evolution and that may be near impossible to "investigate"; without saying it's a mystery.

But saying something is a mystery to such an intelligent thing as MAN could then leave us vulnerable to a "God". And that's the religion can of worms that man's ego has battled over for ions. When will we "grow-up"?

In my case, I realized I FELT the feeling of peace (unseen), in my heart area and that it could be turned on an off, as with absolute belief simply by thought. The process of thinking in connection with feelings produced, energy produced and how it translates to reality are beyond man's understanding.

I don't know how many of us have ever read or heard stories of people having a heart transplant and suddenly having experiences (thoughts, feelings/likes, dislikes) foreign to them before the transplant. Obviously "science" has never had any verifiable explanation.

Seems to me anyway, that in the last 2,000 years man should have and could have been further along in research of the heart. I can only speculate how man's ego got in the way  We may never know.

I couldn't begin to cover health practices, for people, used today that are often viewed as "out-there". But different, big cultures have used the heart's intelligence in connection to at least intuition, yet these remain unconventional to say the least again. Man has to unify with heart, mind, and most importantly, spirit. Those days slowly beginning to formulate.

I'm only attempting to impress on others that there IS more to us than a body with a personality and intelligence. The energy within us has the same unfathomable, perfectly organized intelligence, which is diluted or intensified with our free-will. The heart has capabilities far beyond circulating blood.

But what about all the single-celled creatures? Explain that LL! I'm going to fall back on the greatest mystery in life; it is the perfectly organized creation of every single thing in the circle of life. I'll never be able to go as far as to say it's some "God" with all the power, but whatever it is, is greater than man. It does guide us with signs and feelings we can be perceptive of.

I am working on my book, Raven Ravine, again, and it's a very demanding task to a person with common sense and organizational challenges to say the least. It takes me many hours each day I write something here.

Always ~ LL

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 29 ~

Stresses in life are often as avoidable as they are unavoidable. And I know most of us already know this. But the awareness of exactly what we're stressing about isn't as simple to see. Something else I've heard for over 2 decades is how repetition is the mother of skill.

What's happening in the world today, let alone the threatening weather, affects everyone. And I don't care if they're wealthy, the continuum of what life is about remains the same. Yes, money is essential to survival in this country and many more. But it's our individual ideas of how important every last penny is that cause stress to build upon itself.

But we're each exactly where we are for whatever the reason. And then our choices have again got us exactly where we're at on top of that. We must accept this or we will drive ourselves "crazy". The good news is we have a awesome energy in us all that flows with ease, and we must tap into it.

Resistance faces us against the flow. Being afraid to face resistance is only in your mind. But when you allow that fear into your heart, you prevent yourself from even facing what you're really afraid of and in most cases it's only yourself. It's never too late in the grand scheme of life.

Continue to be very observant of as much as you can. Your interpretations could very well be coming from your intuition and those are the most powerful. Follow what's in your heart because it's always guiding you forward towards goodness in every way, shape, and form.

To build your trust in faith, you've got to realize the importance of adequate food, shelter, things, love without conditions, timing is NOT something humans control ~ it's the unfathomable evolution of life on earth.

And don't close you heart and mind to the possibility of extraterrestrials!


Always ~ LL

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 28 ~

I do hope you can hear this, because after 20+ years of attempting to settle my mind with meditation, I had "my own" awakening: the feeling of peace literally resides in our heart area. I believe this is why we can actually feel it. I realized what I was missing: the true feeling of peace is something I can turn on and off.

Even though I first learned of "meditation" so long ago, I still hear that word with the resistance from the person I used to be. Perhaps this is exactly why I may be able to speak to like-minds that resist the unknown.

Most people have heard of meditation, but do most people imagine they'd do such a thing? That's for "them" and my life is already overflowing with things I can't get around to or my life is fine. Why would I ever consider sitting there twisted like some pretzel from the "new-age" even though I know it's probably good somehow.
There's got to be a significant reason for all the positive affects meditation has on our body's functioning. I know what I want you to understand: when you focus your attention on the Feeling of calm and acceptance, (peace) IN your heart area, you will realize how your deepest thoughts effect that.

But how are you going to make yourself feel peace when there's so much to occupy your thoughts? Again, not expecting, if you can, is what's going to enable you to feel the difference. Having no expectations, period, is the key to handling most things we encounter. Sounds so simple, and it is, but it ain't easy. But we all know that right?

I already knew I couldn't change things that already "were" (as in are now), and worrying about the future is fruitless. I needed the missing-link to connect heart-intelligence with the unseen that transcends our understanding.

I've spent the last 24 years believing there IS something "magical" to life, which has been referred to as "A God". My upbringing didn't include acknowledgement of God, which I can now accept as an unfathomable, perfect energy including evolution, that is blended with (all) man's free-will.

If you've never meditated or stopped, you might give it a try again. Try at least 10 minutes to start and increase to what you feel comfortable with. Just sit up straight somewhere. Feet on the floor is okay too. Slightly bow you head and imagine looking between your eyes. I put my right hand, palm up, over my left, palm up, with my thumbs slightly touching. To me this feels like reverence that my self is receiving my heart's great wisdom.

Like I've said, at first I did need to remind myself everything is exactly as it's supposed to, so no concerns. Now I can just feel that peace if my mind starts to think anything. Remember; things are happening the way they do for us so we can see ourselves in that connection, if that makes sense.

Hey, I encourage feedback if you have any or more! I can take it as good as I can give it, so no worries here.

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 27 ~

I've written about awareness and puzzle pieces coming together; this may be a good opportunity to explain "seeing" things and heart-intelligence in a glimpse at my story. You may come up with similar experiences in your own life both past and present. It's the awareness of connections I hope you'll begin to appreciate and realize do add a significant dimension to life.

I once found a relatively large rock broken into 6 sections I could repiece, and it looked like a puzzle. My partner and I had gone to great lengths to walk it, 2 pieces at a time, back to our vehicle. The first thing my dearest friend said was, "It looks like a puzzle!" I knew nothing of what was ahead. It's been ten years since that time when I was bombarded with awareness.

But not enough to help me stop the destruction I created after finding Puzzle Rock.  Could this have been my heart sending unknown "messages" because it knows exactly who I am? The details of that story are written in my unfinished book when I was more unaware than I realized.

"Just after" finding that rock, life began to propel us in unexpected ways. Our special dog was hit by a car and put down, our rented home sold just 12 days after my daughter graduated, when for 5 years, my "prayer" had been for it not to sell until she graduated. I took that rock to our next two homes.

I ask if my heart's intelligence knew every aspect of me, myself, and I? Did it know if I didn't change, the puzzle pieces would be shown to me to piece together in time? I can't answer that of course, but I'm confident enough on Awareness Ave. to speculate the absolute possibility. Is it a coincidence things began to intensify as I was approaching mid-life?

How were things supposed to change if I couldn't acknowledge my own self? I'd already been in a critical "accident", my life was literally saved by my two children who were nearly 4 and 6 at the time, I met the most wonderful man to help me raise my children and open my awareness of "God", and still I couldn't understand my self.

I hadn't grasped the understanding of unconditional love with instinct, every person we meet being energetically connected for us to learn, or how adequate food and shelter is enough. I was very consumed with desire, impatience, and somehow victimized by the life I lead, because I didn't feel I was doing anything with a sense of purpose.

I was a very slow learner, and still am to a degree, and I know I'm piecing together a puzzle about awareness I certainly could have used ten years ago. A huge puzzle piece I have a hard time fitting into forgiveness is that nearly 4 years ago I made a very serious attempt to end my life, which I believed was not the answer. I lost faith in life.

But that's another story. And I'm now wearing the hideous arms I savagely sawed into with a bread knife to get to the big vein at my elbow, tried to overdose, electrocute, and drown, the same day, all without "successful" results. My failure humbled me in a very essential way. I will live out the rest of my days with evidence of my loss of faith. Or did it somehow strengthen?

Day 27 carries it's own significance for me, because I associate it with my daughter's "lucky number". When I started writing today, I had zero intention of mentioning what I'd done Friday the 13th, one week before turning 52. Yet here it is on my 27th day of writing on Awareness Ave.

Somehow horrific scenarios have a way of inspiring one to seek truth.

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 26 ~

Imagine talking to a child about this mystery I have spoken of. Of course when I first mentioned it, I didn't have my intended focus on actually speaking to a child, and I shook my head at my own self. And as I'm made to look more closely at what I say, I'm gaining my own awareness. Thanks.

Here I couldn't even put the idea of this great mystery into words a child could understand, when I'd said how easy it would be. I was actually speaking about the opportunities to constantly say things to children about what they feel and see around them: all critters, people/helping, weather and so forth.

Children have an amazing sense to understand, they feel wonder and joy naturally when their needs are taken care of, and it's an absolute shame how mankind's astounding intelligence turned towards what's in it for me. It's time to start setting the record straight for all children.

When a parent completely and absolutely cannot dispute there is some mystical, magical something happening that we surely cannot see, until we're aware, they should find it rather simple to point out the obvious. 

The belief would be in the "perfection in the order" of life: every animal lives for the good of the whole - food down the chain, resources; the sun and moon are part of the perfect order; "timing" is ultimately outside our control as is gravity, everything happens exactly as it's meant to because we are energy within a body governed by evolution.

I've mentioned the man in Canada who started a major focus on the heart's intelligence in the 90's, yet I neglected to mention Aristotle's beliefs about where intelligence comes from. Socrates and Plato were also huge in bringing forth amazing awareness with Aristotle. Very intense and well over 2,000 years ago. What happened?

All my "studying" is child's play in comparison, and I'm well aware of that. And as I've said, I'm an ordinary person doing the best with what I have, and my heart believes in how I'm approaching a very necessary shift in awareness. I waited my entire second-chance-in-life for an understanding of this God-thing, and to be able to relate it to the life that surrounds me.

I still hesitate to bring forth my story of misinterpretations. Since I began writing it, I've become absolutely aware of unconditional love, judgement, ego, negotiation, not being afraid, and loosing faith.

I wish to see the connection made, in verifiable evidence, between our thoughts and feelings having an incredible "power" to create when we have unshakable belief in what we're doing. Evidence of uncanny coincidences just doesn't seem to be enough at this time.

Timing is everything when it comes to manifesting what we want. Because all we ultimately need is unconditional love, food and shelter, and timing takes care of what we need to happen today. So it seems to me that timing is the mystery we must accept, because we do not have any control in that regard.

"The Secret" never did include timing as something outside our ultimate control, and something about "The Secret" always bugged me; now I know. And Napoleon Hill's great book spoke of a secret to figure out, which I had over 20 years ago, and "The Secret" only exposed Napoleon's secret.

Enough for now I suppose.

Always ~ LL

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 25 ~

"As ye judge so shall ye be judged". Ever consider it as we're the ones judging ourselves and not necessarily others judging us? Although that is true too. Judgment is one of mankind's greatest curses of learned behaviors. We certainly weren't born judgmental.

I'm well aware how our judgment skills are absolutely essential for mankind's well being in so many scenarios. I'm not talking about those. And my use of words like "lazy, narrow-minded, victimized, bla bla" are not teacher-like, and I am eating those words to make room for better ones.

Judgment is a symptom and reflection of ourselves in the physical. People aren't going to accept we have a spirit, when they cannot accept there's more to living things that governs unfathomable energy of organized perfection. Awareness reveals perfection of nature.

People will begin to wake-up to the fact there is organized perfection when they accept it as they do gravity. One only has to contemplate the mechanics of nature to acknowledge the perfection. Mathematics is mankind's greatest tool to understanding this perfection.

Somewhere in time mankind learned to ignore, so teachers never knew what they didn't know, and here we are! The geometric evidence in nature's creations abounds: snowflakes, flowers, plants, or crystals just to start. I had a horrible geometry teacher and hated geometry when it should fascinate.

Yet we've evolved and continued to ignore (because we didn't know what we didn't know) the unseen intelligence and perfection in nature? Fear somewhere in time? Fear is what leads to negativity in every arena. Fear does not protect us. Instinct does. Suppose this intelligence does come from our hearts?

Awareness is mankind's greatest gift, in my opinion, when it's used to "see" ourselves more clearly. It's a wonderful gift to cherish, rather than ignore, so back to judgment. There is a saying I've embraced since the day I heard it nearly 2 decades ago: "Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind."

Those that matter are the people who stand by you unconditionally. If they don't, then they really don't matter to you. Do not imagine they do in any way. Our self is invisible as is our awareness of self. Can you accept self and awareness are inseparable? Can you accept your self is not your body?

Let that thought digest into acceptance as we continue our journey.

Always ~ LL 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 23 ~

I have yet to "know" a better way, and there are several things I've said that are throwing a reader here and there. I been told I have a somewhat forceful, or domineering, or even my own self-righteous attitude and I don't want to come across that way. I care too much and I want to apologize if you take any offense to what I say. I refine myself constantly and thank you.

Let me try this one again. Self-discovery should be an on-going, easy, natural thing. For instance, a situation we're upset or upset someone else, we can see our "selves" revealed. Perhaps using "revealed" sounds like it should stay hidden, but I don't think that way.

So many, many people take the lazy, victimized-by-life outlook, even though they believe, or not, there's a "savior" and want to believe they're doing "their best". I am so sad when people expect things to be different for themselves when they cannot see their own responsibility. Where did that go? With blame? With wanting this "savior" to do the hard work?

I'm not trying to be some self-righteous person putting others down to rise myself up. Do you know you have a strong sense things should be different, you wish things were more fair, or you're "only venting", or this or that? It's okay! Life is a schoolhouse. This is Awareness Ave; you're walking it to see what's out there that you may have never seen before. Don't loose curiosity.

Just one more thing at this point. "Timing" is everything. When we're ready to listen or hear, we're ready. Each student has their own unique life, teacher and principal.Without faith in perfect order to life, it's harder to see and hear.

Always, LL

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 22

Awareness is curative if we stay aware and don't expect immediate results. It can be done and it's worth the insight we gain into ourselves that makes the path a good one to take if we're willing to keep putting one foot in front of the other in our belief and faith.

If you're unsure what to have faith in, I'd suggest to start reading the ideas I've talked about in earlier posts.

I'm still "contemplating" a more affective approach.

Always ~ LL

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 21 ~

Have any of you ever heard anything similar: our adulthood is to overcome the negatives of our childhood? All of us are a product of our childhoods, blended with the spirit we brought to the table of life. And the good news is how our awareness is such a helpful first step towards overcoming most things.

Many of us aren't willing to do the hardest work of self-discovery, and I feel pretty certain to say they're most likely the ones that refuse to believe in a higher intelligence flowing somewhere within. So many have become hardened to the idea or have never heard of another way to view the mystery.

I trust myself that what I've experienced in my life has enabled me to speak from, at least a growing, wisdom. As I've said, I had a near-fatal car accident that changed my perceptions of truth about a thing called God. Our own awareness about ourselves is inexplicably intertwined with this God-thing.

By writing this, the best I can hope for is to "get a foot in the door" of a mind that rejects the unknown, unproven, or ethereal. And in order to do that I've got to come up with a new idea beyond just harping on awareness. I'm puttin' it out there again: I welcome opposing thoughts to challenge me to do a better job here.

I do plan to continue writing, but I've got to go within, even deeper, for the way to gather minds in a magnetic fashion. My life is challenging me right now, and I do hope I will rise to this occasion soon!

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day ~ 20

Thanks again to a reader, I need to add that meditation can certainly include hobbies that don't need constant mental attention. We need to be able to attempt to put our feeling-focus on the fact there is nothing to think about since everything is happening exactly as it must ~ so no worries. 

When we do begin to feel concern, simply be aware and feel peace to shut your thinking off. Practice as often as you can make yourself go above and beyond. Every day you must try harder than the day before, for awhile.

Gardening, music, generally crafts, tinkering, mowing the lawn, fishing, washing dishes, sewing, art that flows from us, or dance that flows, and even being with a loved pet. I'm sure we've got a good idea, but activities tend to take our focus away from nothing. A silent, peaceful mind will carry your heart to a very deep place you will begin to relish.

Again, the awareness that everything happens exactly as it's supposed to can be incorporated and encouraged in a child's life very easily. But it's not going to come across naturally if the guardian doesn't believe it. So many adults are already too concerned about the things in life they believe make it flow. 

We need to take an honest look at ourselves, without judgment (not easy), or else how are we ever going to get on the track towards everlasting peace, joy, and unconditional love in the future?

Imagine how simple it could be to talk (everyday there'd be an opportunity) with a child about the fact the biggest things in life (all of nature) are governed by this invisible force none of us can do anything about. And the same force organizes, perfectly, what needs to happen so we'll be able to see how we feel and what we've done then. We don't need to have all the answers.

Most situations open the doors to opportunities to discuss feelings with children: it's okay to feel what we do, but angry feelings aren't going to change anything, or we can show them how they can help others that may need comfort, which is love. That can always lead to further awareness of conditions we feel (which is personal judgment) that can stop people from helping, comforting or simply reaching out. Awareness is curative ~

If you honestly believe your actions allow the timing of things to happen, you're sadly delusional. Absolutely, our actions do create, but if you've ever been disappointed it's not happening in your time frame, you may wonder why. Frustration grows, especially if you mentally believe you've done things well.

All I want to say to you, is that "timing" is as unfathomable as nature. Most of us accept nature is what it is, in conjunction with man's influence, so why can't we accept this same invisible force or energy could possibly have some affect on our lives that we ultimately can't do anything about?

When you think about it, all situations show us how we handled them. Isn't that where the old phrase "Hindsight is 20/20" came from? The cliches are pretty endless. Try catching yourself doing good things! Acknowledge it and it will happen again. Catch yourself again, and what happens? Happiness?

Thanks for being here, and lets begin to help others wake up more too.

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 19 ~

I've been called upon by someone who reads this to look even deeper into myself at what I could still be resisting. Perhaps I am afraid of stepping forward somewhere in my life, as shown to me now, with this "one-in-a-million" toe scenario.

Did those clouds, I spoke of seeing last week, grab my attention for some reason my heart-intelligence was aware? I chose to pay attention beyond my intellect, yet I still needed deeper awareness. I obviously needed someone to bring this to me. Isn't what we need always available?

This is what I call "magic" in an ethereal sense.

This "magic" is outside our control, yet within our perception. See? I can only hope a skeptical mind will accept this with its own growing awareness. The awareness is ours, the silent wisdom is within as well as outside us. But it's obviously not our intellect or ego.

Being aware of our "selves" takes courage, vigilance, and surrendering to the silent wisdom found within our human heart and evolution. I believe this silent wisdom is our "God". Put your faith in a silent wisdom; be aware. See?

Hey, we're human and humans aren't perfect, so we're still susceptible to errors of interpretation. But the silent wisdom of evolution is urging us to believe in and revere just that, because our feelings send messages to our heart and our heart sends messages to our body which come around again.

Puzzle pieces!

Always ~ LL

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 18 ~

The fear of death, is one most people have tucked into the recesses of their minds, because they've probably never heard of another perspective to view and embrace with belief. I even surprised myself when I wrote, "grief bridges the gap between loss to awareness".

Each of us lives in only "our life", so each individual's loss is unique to them and I'm aware of this. I am also aware that death does not need to cause anger or depression in a normal-functioning human. And it's all of our "job" to learn to handle our life's experiences in a graceful manner.

Fear of the unknown is a very natural response to life when you haven't been brought up to realize who and what you are. Mankind has evolved to believe it's in control of it's destiny. Why should mankind be any different from any other living thing on the planet? Afraid of missed opportunities?

Grief over a death is essential, because we are intelligent animals. The sooner we begin to acknowledge the pain is in our minds and not our hearts, the sooner we'll focus on the wonderful opportunities we came away with from that life. This is what brings acceptance. If we continue to focus on our loss, we prolong our pain.

There are animals that seem to express grief after a death, and I believe this is heart intelligence. And that carries them back to survival mode. But most humans haven't figured this out. Because our brains cannot accept everything happens the way it's meant to for us (to see more clearly with these brains).

Grief is absolutely essential in the process. It is an intense sadness to be honored. Sounds silly, but I believe honor is an energy extending out of respect for ourselves and what we've lost (in relation to death). This too shall pass when we allow it to, and we must!

Always ~ LL