Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 25 ~

"As ye judge so shall ye be judged". Ever consider it as we're the ones judging ourselves and not necessarily others judging us? Although that is true too. Judgment is one of mankind's greatest curses of learned behaviors. We certainly weren't born judgmental.

I'm well aware how our judgment skills are absolutely essential for mankind's well being in so many scenarios. I'm not talking about those. And my use of words like "lazy, narrow-minded, victimized, bla bla" are not teacher-like, and I am eating those words to make room for better ones.

Judgment is a symptom and reflection of ourselves in the physical. People aren't going to accept we have a spirit, when they cannot accept there's more to living things that governs unfathomable energy of organized perfection. Awareness reveals perfection of nature.

People will begin to wake-up to the fact there is organized perfection when they accept it as they do gravity. One only has to contemplate the mechanics of nature to acknowledge the perfection. Mathematics is mankind's greatest tool to understanding this perfection.

Somewhere in time mankind learned to ignore, so teachers never knew what they didn't know, and here we are! The geometric evidence in nature's creations abounds: snowflakes, flowers, plants, or crystals just to start. I had a horrible geometry teacher and hated geometry when it should fascinate.

Yet we've evolved and continued to ignore (because we didn't know what we didn't know) the unseen intelligence and perfection in nature? Fear somewhere in time? Fear is what leads to negativity in every arena. Fear does not protect us. Instinct does. Suppose this intelligence does come from our hearts?

Awareness is mankind's greatest gift, in my opinion, when it's used to "see" ourselves more clearly. It's a wonderful gift to cherish, rather than ignore, so back to judgment. There is a saying I've embraced since the day I heard it nearly 2 decades ago: "Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind."

Those that matter are the people who stand by you unconditionally. If they don't, then they really don't matter to you. Do not imagine they do in any way. Our self is invisible as is our awareness of self. Can you accept self and awareness are inseparable? Can you accept your self is not your body?

Let that thought digest into acceptance as we continue our journey.

Always ~ LL 

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