Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 36 ~

Each of us truly trusts in something, whether in ourselves alone, or in "something" greater than us. This "something" is a mystery, and it does have the ability to organize our lives in seemingly magical ways. Is it the idea of spirit or soul that's so incomprehensible?

Where else would the magic of creation and evolution reside within living things? To me, spirit and soul are the unseen, mysterious energy within life. It's obvious mankind has yet to figure out this mystery in a way that satisfies "our ego". I firmly and confidently believe all life is connected to a verifiable source found in our intuition, which is nothing less than spirit anyway.

This of course is not a new idea, yet I believe others will begin to put credence around the idea of having energy within them, that is unfathomably "intelligent" enough to "listen to". But to do that, we've got to be willing to suspend skepticism in order to realize the potential.

And I'm also a firm believer that our children deserve to be brought up with the realization of this unseen something connecting every living thing in the unfathomable circle of life. Because having belief intensifies the energy within us. I don't think that can be contended.

Children are certainly the foundation for the future. Why not help them to appreciate the magic of life in verifiable ways? Most children in the world do get to acknowledge a magical being that arrives at a magic moment. The moment is verifiable with celestial knowledge, yet has become so lost in religion. This is NOT about religion, and I know many need to believe in "A God" for religion's sake. 

I really don't care because I know religion is both good and bad and I ain't gonna change that. Yet I do feel strongly enough that people skeptical to A God must revere the spirit within, as it does carry the energy of an unfathomable intelligence that does have verifiability to guide us. You will begin to acknowledge the "signs" of guidance when you're ready.

And that timing, in great part, is allowed to happen through our choices.

Always ~ LL


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