Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 45 ~

Whether or not we choose to believe in a specific God simply doesn't matter, because the basic truth remains the same. My objection is to religions not acknowledging the power of personal-responsibility with awareness of who and what we are.

All the "avenues" to truth such as astrology, jyotish, tarot, whatever (the list is extensive) are simply alternative paths to personal truths. Some are thousands of years older than others. They give mankind knowledge into our spirit and ultimately "what's going on". They are only guides from deeper knowledge.

There is truth to planets and our moon affecting timing to births, and the aspects of the newborn-human with it's potentials and tendencies. If a person or ego is willing to acknowledge that possibility, then and only then does it begin to become clear.

I have never studied one particular avenue in great depth, and I have only elementary knowledge of our solar system, so I'm not even going to profess facts. And I will say the accuracy of truth is astounding at least in regard to myself and my closest family and friends. 

I wrote of separate bubbles of energy infinitely intersecting. Our individual bubble extends to become our sphere of influence. Of course we're conscious of what's closest in our bubble. I believe we are able to positively affect "the whole" the more and more we accept our awareness of self.

Just makes sense doesn't it? Knowing we only have the power to change our own-self gives us tremendous responsibility. And only we can acknowledge what we're willing to see and do. Hey, life's not about being perfect; life is about being a whole individual doing the best they know how.

The energy on our planet continually shifts with the combined energies of freewill and the unfathomably organized timing of the universe we live within. And I know people are waking-up as frustration intensifies. Teaching the next generation to believe in individual freewill blended with timing can only strengthen an evolution towards good for the whole of life.

Enjoy, continue to catch yourself doing "better" and happiness follows close behind to soon catch up for us to walk in peace, love, and joy.

Always ~ LL

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