Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 26 ~

Imagine talking to a child about this mystery I have spoken of. Of course when I first mentioned it, I didn't have my intended focus on actually speaking to a child, and I shook my head at my own self. And as I'm made to look more closely at what I say, I'm gaining my own awareness. Thanks.

Here I couldn't even put the idea of this great mystery into words a child could understand, when I'd said how easy it would be. I was actually speaking about the opportunities to constantly say things to children about what they feel and see around them: all critters, people/helping, weather and so forth.

Children have an amazing sense to understand, they feel wonder and joy naturally when their needs are taken care of, and it's an absolute shame how mankind's astounding intelligence turned towards what's in it for me. It's time to start setting the record straight for all children.

When a parent completely and absolutely cannot dispute there is some mystical, magical something happening that we surely cannot see, until we're aware, they should find it rather simple to point out the obvious. 

The belief would be in the "perfection in the order" of life: every animal lives for the good of the whole - food down the chain, resources; the sun and moon are part of the perfect order; "timing" is ultimately outside our control as is gravity, everything happens exactly as it's meant to because we are energy within a body governed by evolution.

I've mentioned the man in Canada who started a major focus on the heart's intelligence in the 90's, yet I neglected to mention Aristotle's beliefs about where intelligence comes from. Socrates and Plato were also huge in bringing forth amazing awareness with Aristotle. Very intense and well over 2,000 years ago. What happened?

All my "studying" is child's play in comparison, and I'm well aware of that. And as I've said, I'm an ordinary person doing the best with what I have, and my heart believes in how I'm approaching a very necessary shift in awareness. I waited my entire second-chance-in-life for an understanding of this God-thing, and to be able to relate it to the life that surrounds me.

I still hesitate to bring forth my story of misinterpretations. Since I began writing it, I've become absolutely aware of unconditional love, judgement, ego, negotiation, not being afraid, and loosing faith.

I wish to see the connection made, in verifiable evidence, between our thoughts and feelings having an incredible "power" to create when we have unshakable belief in what we're doing. Evidence of uncanny coincidences just doesn't seem to be enough at this time.

Timing is everything when it comes to manifesting what we want. Because all we ultimately need is unconditional love, food and shelter, and timing takes care of what we need to happen today. So it seems to me that timing is the mystery we must accept, because we do not have any control in that regard.

"The Secret" never did include timing as something outside our ultimate control, and something about "The Secret" always bugged me; now I know. And Napoleon Hill's great book spoke of a secret to figure out, which I had over 20 years ago, and "The Secret" only exposed Napoleon's secret.

Enough for now I suppose.

Always ~ LL

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