Saturday, June 7, 2014

Life 101 ~ nearing #10, of hundreds ~

Just having fun with a title today. 

Okay  we'll begin to write about magic that others, including myself, experience day-to-day. Organizing this is going to be mind-bending, so please bear-with me, and I'd like to preface: magic-in-life is not the illusion. It is the reality of coincidence, timing, even the human ability to heal itself when in the flow of "ancient"-universal-inner-wisdom, or whatever one calls it.

And more and more of us humans, not only in this state or country, but the globe are wake up to the fact this globe has to unite on a level of the wise heart-mind living as one with nature. That sounds so ridiculously utopian. Too much to hope now we, as a species, realize the scope of earth? 

I honestly know as much as anyone here, yet as people learn to care for themselves (and nature) as if it meant something, we'll begin to see a change for what the people want.  Imagine humans not buying-into all these assinine diagnoses, personally doing more with less, and awareness  and appreciation for all creatures great and small having equal planetary value.

~ (science admits NOT understanding but a morsal of our mind, yet "they" create drugs as if SO MANY humans (brain-wash-'em) NEED and will buy it hook-line-and-sinker! You want to go down with their ship?  And our planet better balance itself in regards to natural, powerful (and unduplicatable-natural) medicines from the almighty nature of reality.

The problem is within each of us, not without where the illusion of reality exists. Oh course any medicine has great merit when not over-used or abused; and of course science has created many great things.

Of course LL has spelled assinine the way it should have been spelled, but some ass wasn't about to wear the shoe if it fit; because he wouldn't even try it on. Oh goodness, my soap-box.Think about it if you wish ~

Awareness-is-Curative wants to create a game pertaining to "If the shoe fits; wear it" because to me, it's about people facing-their-self with love, so their flow-in-life-experience (looks like FILE to me :) creates happiness. In other words, one's FILE is best open and going with the flow of a wiser, older, silent universe of astronomical infinity to create magic from energy-within.

I hope that statement resonates calmly. Our global issues are still so childish, yet without a parent, which all-powerful countries think they should be. We're fighting to see who can acquire more, as if they're playing the game of RISK. I'll figure most readers are familiar with the global-land-capturing game of dominance and power. Oh yea, I've had experience playing once-upon-a-time. 

What we focus on is what's created by a-combined-global-energy-created invisibly with hearts and minds of all conscious and lower-than conscious humans (collective consciousness). We have the ability to absolutely govern ourselves and create an energy humans don't know how to accept.

Well, today looks like I'm not ready to begin posting magic-in-life from people's FILE's,

 ~ hey, I like the way this is coming-about. The energy must be strongly-connected with my new place up in the trees of the wood-winds, with a magical and real window exactly  as I envisaged (as I looked at the wall in my last place). Could LL's mind-alone been able to "see-that"? NO. But I absolutely placed an energetic-part in the manifestation of my heart's obtainable-desire.

 Always ~ LL

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