We each perceive moments in time from our own, unique, and individual perspectives. Is it fair to say humans can basically be divided into two distinct groups: the individuals who see the brighter side of things first and those that see the darker side of things first?
And those groups are divided again and again; differences in human nature perhaps? A unique set-up of chemicals within our bodies, culture, DNA, ancestors, environments . . ?
People existing within their countries "laws". Wouldn't it be wonderful if "continents" could agree to divide the work and survive, consciously sharing global resources for the well-being of the entire planet? Mankind will learn to work as one family or we will certainly perish the way we're going.
And I choose to believe observing life from the perspective of everything happens for a good reason is a very solid foundation from which to begin to see and feel the wisdom of what is. Perhaps this wisdom appears after living many experiences from which we can consciously choose to learn something far greater than just what's evident on the surface.
Don't we all want to feel enthusiastic and passion for the life experience we're having? There is never a good-enougnh reason to feel so sorry for your~self long-term; or be paralyzed with a deeper-fear (subconscious?). Prolonged feeling-sorry-for-yourself means you're heart is most-likely closed to possibilities (you will not see) because of personal-resistance.
What we resist, absolutely will persist until we face whatever we need to learn. We will not recognize it unless we're ready for that learning. Life is a classroom, and we make up the curriculum within the bounds of exactly who we are (at every given moment); and we've got to respect nature; which is more powerful, if you will, than any human.
Sure, most of us wish we were "this or that" (mental accomplishment), or wish we had
Oh BTW, mankind has about 98% of human DNA figured-out, and the fascinating thing, if you think about it, "we" share 98% identical (to the depth of scientists' understanding) DNA with chimps and orangutans for instance. And look how different we truly are! So for science to be able to identify individuals with 98% of the DNA they're working with, it's quite admirable.
Stay observant and smile as often as you're able ~
Always ~ LL
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