Thursday, June 26, 2014

~ S.M.I.L,E. #3 ~

We sense confusion, or lack of understanding of what's meant by "going deeper", especially when someone can't acknowledge any need to expand their own awareness. What more can I say than my story? I was SO far from silent-wisdom (actions speak louder than words right?). Deeper awareness is intuition without doubt. 

And if there's nothing to cure with human-evolution, why should any of us care if all's well within our-own field? Because we're one in a huge collective-consciousness of unawareness to what nature-spirit means. We don't recognize the heart-separation from each other and all life on earth any longer. The worst part is knowing how many couldn't care less.

Nature-spirit: the silent-wisdom running through every living thing.

Mankind has taken  itself waaaay toooo seriously simply because our brains control our actions so well. That doesn't make you stop and wonder? Anyone out there care enough to stand-up and speak in conversation in writing? We're not the wizard behind the curtain folks.

Always ~ LL

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