Saturday, June 21, 2014

SMILE use of words ~

Good-morning and happy-summer. My use of hyphens may appear obsessive, to some, yet it makes logical-sense to our way of thinking and writing, and I'm sure it won't matter soon-enough. Enjoy ~

We (AisC) are more than pleased with the number of pages viewed in the past seven days; we hit significantly more than the first 18 months ever saw in a total month; let-alone a week. 

Our commitment is to the needs of readers' curiosity, insights, or willingness to share (even questionable) supporting-evidence. As we realize the genetics-of-man is evolving VERY dangerously for the balance of all-life.

   (We'll include the following quote now and again) ~

Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. ~ Frank Outlaw

* heart-intelligence: a Canadian doctor first wrote, in mainstream medical journals, in 1983 about his "discovery" of verifiable evidence of the heart-muscle's own-unique intelligence-system.
* law-of-attraction: as unavoidable as gravity; it is the magnetic energy within our spirit that attracts like-energy (compliments so to speak).
* taking our-self too seriously: this is very tricky. It's believing what we're doing or saying is SO critically important (to all life?) that everyone should pay attention and do as we're instructing or suggesting (as if we are the "almighty OZ" (understanding through the Wizard of Oz). Scientists believing they can manipulate the weather, food (for a tiny example friends) . .
* magic-in-life: defies human, surface-logic; appears as timing not within our control (it happens when our spirit is ready for what we need (even to enjoy more), or co-incidence (beyond, or deeper than, just our conscious thoughts and actions)
* faith: believing everything is going to happen exactly as it's going to anyway (result of all existing energy of our evolution (within our atmosphere anyway).
* nature-spirit: the silent-wisdom running through every living thing.
* life-purpose-flow: this is what our spirit enters when we feel enthusiasm with actions to follow in the positive energy of creation.
* collective-consciousness: the individual-consciousness (of all life on earth) energetically and unfathomably blended into ONE, whether in disharmony or gentle flow. 
* forgiveness-of-self: deeply forgive your-self for having ever being less-than what we want to see from anyone, or for believing: "I'm entitled to more in life".
* awareness-of-awareness: a sort of "aa-haa-moment" as you see deeper.
* "highest-good-for-all": what enables harmony in this intricate balance of all life and its purpose for being here.
* feeling-sorry-for-yourself: you're heart is most-likely closed to possibilities (you will not see) because of personal-resistance to what-is.
* mirror-phenomenon: actually holding a mirror facing a mirror enables us to see an apparent infinity of mirrors (as seen as the depth of a tunnel of mirrors).
* ego-perspective: an attitude of separation of self from all, because "I'm this or that and you're not", or whatever . .  
* silent-wisdom: the stillness within us that is I believe our subconscious 
* FEAR: False-Evidence-Appearing-Real (this is not mine)
* OO-ILE: Our-Own-Individual-Life-Experience
* 10-trauma or 10-drama: a life-changing-experience
* FILE: Flow-individual-life-experience
* DbA or Dba: death-bed-awareness 
* SLAP: Silence (opportunity to realize our ways), Love (for self), Acceptance (of self), Patience (with self)
* TRAIL: Truly-Realized-Awareness(of our)-Individual-Life. Look at it as the trail we follow when we're in the life-purpose flow (see above)
*SEE: Self-Effaceing-Ecstacy
* OWL: One-With-Life
* IALY: my written salutation to special-family; "I'll Always Love You"

Always ~ LL

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