Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 16 ~

For my credibility sake, I'm going to actually write as I pass through the experience I've questioned? Just under a month ago I had minor foot surgery, which I spoke briefly of in the beginning of this blog. I'd gone for a dressing change a week after and a week after that. The third week I was excited to get my stitches out. When the surgeon removed the smaller bandage he was quite shocked at the sudden, dramatic reversal in my recovery.

All the skin that had been stretched over and stitched had basically disintegrated. The doctor was shocked and said it was a million to one something like this should happen. He prescribed antibiotics and told me when it healed he may have to graft extra skin from my ankle area. Wow, a relatively simple thing turned to this; why me?

It continued to look worse and my toe became dark purple, yet I'm grateful I never got a fever. Between meditating, writing here, and this experience things began to come to my consciousness 48 hours later. I felt it happened to give me a chance to really heal something relatively big.

My friend who taught me to "flip it over" also stopped in to check on me a day later. He was disgusted something like this should happen, and he get's angry, whereas I don't. I choose to see it differently. The first thing he told me was I needed to give it air. This is also how I was brought up to believe; doctors today are way too cautious and we all know why.

When my friend, a cowboy in his youth, wanted to put a calf down who's hind quarters had been mutilated by an alligator, his boss said no, they were going to treat it. They did and it miraculously healed, so he immediately went to the pharmacy for iodine and hydrogen peroxide (I tried to resist) to spray on my nasty wound now exposed to air. I am taking the antibiotic.

In meditation last night I felt the sudden awareness to trust in my heart's ability to send messages, or whatever it does when I believe, to the organ's in my body that will heal me. I focused my attention on feeling the peace I speak about. I remembered the friend on Maui who healed his own crushed hand at a rate the doctors and surgeon's never believed possible.

In the past I've accomplished healing 2 minor medical issues for me, as well as a 5 situations I'll never know if I'd actually had a positive influence on as in a coincidence if you prefer. They are written about in my book on the back burner. So I ask myself, is this scenario happening today so I'll write about it?

I have 3 very concerned, medically trained family members (a doctor, a RN, and a diagnostic ultrasound expert) whom I have not shared my plan with; they would freak and I know it. They do not share my metaphysical views at all. Either does my friend the old cowboy. So it's me, myself, and I.

This morning I did call to ask my father why my entire toe is such a dark purple. He said it's not something to be concerned with. If I understood correctly, the blood has to reabsorb. So onward with faith, trust and belief.

Always ~ LL

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 15 ~

Heart intelligence is an absolutely fascinating "study", especially since most people have been lead to believe the heart's function is simply to pump the blood that circulates throughout our body system. It's only been a little over 20 years since a doctor in Canada brought this new awareness into the light so to speak. 

I know all my studies in the last 24 years have actually been related to heart intelligence, yet never worded as such. Now it can be found in many, many reputable resources. I believe this is our "highest" spirit or intelligence. I feel certain our ancestors knew of this.

For simplicity, I believe our spirit is the invisible energy created by our thoughts and feelings. Belief intensifies our thoughts and feelings that can actually be felt within us if we choose to notice a difference. It doesn't happen instantly, but you can experiment with you own thoughts and beliefs.

I'd love to see this proven with Kirlian photography. In the early 20th century, a Russian engineer, Mr. Kirlian, discovered energy could be recorded in radiating colors captured in a unique form accepted today as Kirlian photography. I feel certain this will be used extensively for healing in the relative future.

And it makes sense, to me, that our highest spirit would be the energy emitted from the heart's supreme intelligence, especially since the heart is the absolute first thing to form in any new life. Mankind has only been studying heart intelligence a bit over 2 decades, so we have a ways to go in thorough intellectual understanding.

I thank you to keep reading, and please begin to share this with friends and loved ones to expand the growing awareness of what is real and important.

Always ~ LL 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 14 ~

I've asked myself what good believing in some power or energy with unfathomable "intelligence" has done for me? Because the simple belief humbles us to know we are all equal, and are here on earth striving for love, peace and joy, with our own opportunities to to see ourselves more clearly.

And so what has that done? Well, that's huge enough if you ask me. Because I've seen for myself how everything has happened just the way it's had to when I take myself into account. So why couldn't I see that before? Because I never saw them as lessons and a perfect reflection of what I needed to learn.

I never believed in "something" that could possibly "give us" an opportunity to choose another path. If we've experienced the untimely death of a loved one, we can choose to view it another way. Try feeling it purely from goodness and not an actual death, because I'm here to tell you our energy does not "die". It's just different.

But you'll never understand this until you can accept not feeling a loss. Grief is necessary as it bridges the gap between a death and awareness. Yes, we do think of what we had and what we loved about what died, and hopefully that will never stop. The pain is in the thinking of loss, or what the "dead one" is missing out on. That pain is in your mind, not your heart. 

Try remembering our hearts have an intelligence all it's own. There are many resources to educate us. Yet it's not mainstream enough to be accepted by the masses. Same as believing in a God it appears. What's one to do? I suppose I'll continue to educate myself, and keep writing on awareness, because that ultimately is what heart intelligence comes down to I believe.

Always ~ LL

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 13 ~

I want to go over my main objective for writing what I do. I was brought up to believe there was nothing more to me, or life, than I could see. We were taught about evolution in school, but what about the perfect order to all of nature? More and more humans must realize there's more to life.

In the dark ages, mankind's explanation could only be external "Gods" controlled everything. Mankind evolved to realize his own power to get what he wanted. It's obvious this bred greed and control as we evolved further.  Yet mankind, with it's brain and abilities forgot the overall power of goodness?

Well isn't that why religions were created? Oh I'm sure that's how it began. But again ego wants to control, ego is about "What's in it for me/us?", and that breeds a kind of greed. So mankind never gave the power of goodness any deeper thought? 

Most animals and creatures don't appear to have a concept of the whole of life, but man has that ability. Did this concept evolve out of the majority of us? What is good for the whole of life? It's kinda late to turn back the clocks so to speak, so what about the awareness of what we've lost? A collective energy of awareness is the most powerful energy mankind can hope to have.

Awareness of unconditional love; cooperation; negotiation; doing what's best for all of life, not just ourselves; following inspiration with passion to do everything we can; helping others when we're able; and realizing the reverence we should feel for our abilities.

What's next? If you're reading this, then I hope you'll pass on the following:

Always ~ LL

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 12 ~

Doing something good is as simple as smiling to a stranger you may have judged in the past, picking up a piece of litter, parking where you know you'll have to walk a little further, just making a better choice, or realizing you're fortunate to have anything. It's as simple as we make it in our minds.

Life is still going to have it's ups and downs; it's unavoidable. The demands of life, no matter how simple your life, are constant no matter who you are. Taking control of our life requires a sense of self-worth. Belief in something greater than man alone doesn't lessen our responsibility to ourselves; it actually gives us more.

Because in life there isn't something for nothing so to speak. If we're here to learn the truth about how we'll handle everything we encounter, then we can expect a continuum of "lessons" (both good and bad) from birth until death. And remembering you are the student, teacher, and principal proves that.

Besides children, there are no victims, no matter how strongly we feel we've been victimized by life. Anyone and everyone alive has some kind of energy flowing through them that attracts, like a magnet, whatever our energy needs to expose itself in reality.

This may sound complicated, yet it's not when you accept it like you do gravity, the tides, migration of animals, or any one of the natural wonders of this earth we inhabit. Life is pretty organized in some magical order of perfection we honestly can't deny. Man's inhabited earth how long and is still discovering other species?

Belief in something greater than man alone does not assure anything beyond an energy shift we keep active within us with conscious reverence and awareness. Mankind has a brain, mankind has a heart, mankind's purpose seems to be to figure out how to live together as equals without hatred and greed. Greed is tricky. If desire extends beyond deserve it's greed.

But who am I to say any of this? Just another fellow human doing their best.

Always ~ LL

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 11 ~

More on deserving. In my experience, an open mind to the unknown possibilities of goodness, and a belief it happens for everyone, anywhere is the most powerful energy we carry within ourselves. Your experience with life may tell you otherwise and I understand that.

A very real natural law in life, that can't be beat, shows us that we must "do something good" to deserve more. And don't expect it happens like one reward for every one good deed. But what you "put out" (even in thought) does return in one fashion or another. We don't have to be perfect of course, just doin' our best. All I'm saying is we can't expect we deserve better.

Today, there's a pretty endless number of things we can do to improve our receptivity to the goodness available to all. Meditation is the first thing to come to mind, because it is something anyone can do, anywhere, anytime and it cost nothing, but a little time. That time is well spent just to practice feeling the calm of "everything is as it should be". I had to keep repeating that to myself if I found myself concerned in any way.

I resisted practice because I'd expected more than just to feel peace inside, which I never got to anyway. My mind wouldn't shut off until I learned to feel the feeling of "no concerns". It's not like concerns don't cross my mind ever. It's what I do with that thought that matters. I shut it off as immediate as I can because I know I'm doing everything I can, so "no worries". It works.
Once you're familiar with the deep feeling of "no concerns", sustaining that feeling does take consistent practice to master. I just felt people laughing as a response, because so many people can't have faith everything happens as it should. That takes a giant leap to believe what cannot be proven. But it is possible to prove it to yourself.

What have you observed and felt in nature? Stay open, stay observant and you will become aware of your personal abilities and how to use them.

Always ~ LL

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 10 ~

What are we supposed to do, be constantly analyzing every word that's said, or situation we're in? Of course not. I'm not suggesting something so extreme. Our life classrooms are what they are and it's not something you have to attend. Because you are the student, the teacher, and the principal. Pace your "self" to your comfort level of observation.

I love thinking of the different aspects of myself as me, myself, and I. And when I think of my life classroom, me is the student, my self is the teacher, and I am the principal, and the understanding of life is the curriculum . And as I've said, it's our interpretations that affect our lives, because they determine what we do.

I want people to understand there is more to us than basically a person with a heart and brain running a body system with a personality. We are all like a tiny grain of sand in an ocean beyond our comprehension. Forces beyond earth "control" the ocean's flow don't they? This mystery has been revered as just that: a mystery. But now humans don't seem to be able to revere a mystery.

So why care, why show reverence? Because simply acknowledging there is something bigger than us changes the energy flow within us that changes even more when we believe. You can literally feel a difference within you when you truly believe something versus when you honestly don't.

When you start to open your heart to the awareness of wonder, your intellect will follow ~ trust me. Just be open to observation, nothing more to start. You will notice your own "signs" or feelings to encourage you in the right direction. Our interpretations have a tendency to be what we want them to be, and it takes courage to follow the truth. But "your life" is going to get it through to you one way or another. Trust me; I lived unnecessary lessons.

Yesterday was an awesome cloud day. I saw perfectly formed a waxing crescent moon, a classic magic lamp, and two rabbits. To me, rabbits show me fear of some sort still within me, and the magic lamp is clear enough. These are the only shapes I attempted to hold in my memory; if I tried to remember more I know I'd end up forgetting everything.
I want to believe it's a hopeful sign to keep on the path I am taking, which isn't something I'm ready to write about at this time. But I can let you know if you're interested enough.

Enjoy your journey with awe. We create our reality; like it or not.

Always ~ LL

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Today ~

I'm not saying anything different, just differently perhaps. When it's said how everything happens exactly as it's supposed to (to help us see ourselves more clearly), it must be understood that somehow, someway our thoughts and actions, in the past, have culminated with the blended energy of our evolution. This is the unknown, this is the mystery, this is truly so unfathomable we've got to just accept it is what it is. 

This is certainly where our ego has to step aside ~

I know that's the part so many people can't understand and/or resist. If we've lived a good, clean life why must major negative experiences be a part of our life? This is where it's going to take everything you're made of to look deeply within yourself for which main "ingredient" is missing or needs work.

Start with asking yourself, and be aware of excuses, do I desire things because I feel I've worked as hard as I can? Have I done it at Anyone's expense (and it doesn't matter to what degree)? Do I desire things simply to make my life easier or more pleasurable? These may sound simplistic, but they do go beyond survival with unconditional love?

Unconditional love for your own self is key to feeling it for others also. It took me decades to become aware of this fact. But first you've got to honestly acknowledge your own feelings of self-worth. Don't let your ego "talk" ~ ha ha

Well man has a brain so he can produce things for exactly the reasons I've mentioned ~ so what gives? 
In my opinion, man's ego just couldn't stop wanting more and more and more of easier, simpler, faster, money, money, money. It took off like a rocket and got way out of hand with so many negative consequences. Mankind is paying the price with it's health and the condition of the world we're in right now. 

Evolution is a process taking millenniums, and obviously man is driven to create and discover. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking and enjoying nicer things. Desiring them is where the water begins to get cloudy. Granted none of us is perfect and that's what this life classroom is about. 

Remember evolution is survival of the fittest, but man is responsible to think about each other ~ always. The road to hell did start out with good intentions, and technology and medicine have advanced for the good of mankind. But corruption is the corroder there seems to be no cure for without the assistance of something more powerful than mankind.

So what has created a planet where things can even evolve in the first place?

Obviously I can't say for certain, either can anyone else unless they want to be labled and taken out of commission. So what's the point of asking? 

A willingness of the masses to believe, with an unshakable resolve, there is hope to change the course of mankind for unconditional goodness. As well as acknowledging a natural catastrophic event can wipe us out, so why worry?

But each individual asking for hope better be asking themselves if they're aware of their individual power? Otherwise you're energy is weakened simply by your own feelings. To me anyway, it makes sense that our feelings do create the energy surrounding us. People are subconsciously taking it all in, it mixes or charges (whatever) beyond our control and something results.

We can only control our own feelings, our attitude, and our actions, so the more you're aware of, the more you can shift towards living for survival of all on earth with an unconditional love that each individual is equal. It takes all types remember? Who are we to judge that one life is more valuable than another?

Enough today. Keep the hope going strong. Always ~ LL

Friday, March 22, 2013

Figuratively Speaking ~

Honestly, if we could as easily give credence to our feelings (often intuition) as much as we give to our mind, to explain things, I believe we'd be further along in the game of life.

I've spoken of our friends or acquaintances mirroring back to us our own selves. I'm a firm believer we can choose to view chance encounters, coincidences, friction and flow, or whatever you encounter, as an opportunity to "see" things differently if you choose.

Since we are each living a life totally unique to us, then only inside ourselves will be the awareness of what we encounter (in relation to us). Sure others participate in life with us and they see it their way also. It is what it is. But if everything is happening exactly as it meant to, and also beyond our mind's ability to grasp the entirety of "how and why", then could we possibly be left with the ability to "see" it differently?

These things to see differently can be as seemingly silly as clouds. It's our interpretations that affect our lives. If we choose to ignore what we see, we've chosen to prolong our lessons in our life's classroom. These things to see are occurring everyday, anywhere. It's a matter of how willing we are to be a conscious participant in the unknown phenomenon and to trust our intuition.

It takes discipline to flip something over, or over again, until you can view it, with your mind, as an opportunity to learn a better way, which is also to feel no judgment of any kind. Before you can fully "see" what's right before you, I believe you must be open to something greater than you alone and your immediate interpretations.

It's not only me saying this unknown phenomenon is ultimately goodness and unconditional love. It's people who have also gone through enough life experience, both good and bad, to bring them to the unquestionable knowing of this power, force, energy, light, vibration, mystical figure, whatever that brings us closer to the identical understanding. 

I'm confident that's the purpose of what's written in Bibles, but they were originally written so long ago they were written from the only possible perspectives then. I'm only hoping to expand awareness to the power in evolution and what role we do play, consciously or not. When we're fully conscious, we are open to the unseen creation of life.

By the way, please take the opportunity to say or ask anything you wish in the comment section. I'm always open and welcome more understanding. None of us is wrong, and questions and statements take confidence to "put-it-out-there".

Always ~ LL





Thursday, March 21, 2013

Could this be the Reason ~

How could it have been I never put this two and two together, and here's my opinion on what should have been obvious. And yes this does include another of my pet peeves: mentioning "God" as if I truly am some BT. Abbreviations help me eliminate the use of that B-word that can and does shut down a lot of minds (therefore no longer open ~ see?). This is also not political.

I've already listened to Christians, with a righteous and narrow mindset too often, connecting "Republican" to "God". I do believe Republicans are concerned with personal gain, and with the belief in something giving each individual the opportunity to rise to any occasion using their personal power to achieve more. Then doesn't it makes sense from a righteous religious perspective is to believe Republicans are superior?

I'm certainly NOT saying that anyone who goes to church or reveres Jesus is automatically a narrow-minded hypocrite, because both Democrats and Republicans in this country worship a "God". Okay, most religions have massacred the true intent of the people that wrote bibles thousand of years ago anyway. There is no other explanation.

So here we are with another person spewing out their beliefs from their own perspective. Well that may be true, yet I'm writing to expand people's awareness of "God", and how we have a power within us that allows us to "see" differently than many have believed possible.

We're ultimately responsible for the outcome of our life. And no, I'm not about to say "God" decides when we're to "die". My goodness, I could spend "forever" with that one. My purpose is to shed light on a power greater than we are alone. And I realize I'm not going to change how parents bring up their children, but perhaps a miniscule nudge in the right direction is all a small percentage of us need.

More on "seeing" differently will be for another time ~ hopefully soon.

Please, let's join our hearts, our wills, our efforts to put some light on, and to share the path towards love, peace, and joy together.

Always ~ LL


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Own Awareness ~

What am I hoping to gain from writing some obscure blog? What's my ultimate purpose? Why do I feel it's worth others listening to my opinion? Why did I need to spend the last 24 years to get to this point?

I do believe my chosen path in life was altered by a life or death "accident" so I'd choose to write about what I've learned and what I resisted. And if it holds true that a wise man learns from the mistakes of others, then perhaps I've gained much hard earned wisdom that can help those that seek.

For 33 years I vehemently believed God did not exist. Everything happens just as it's supposed to. After that accident, I was in a brief three and a half day coma when I believed "God spoke to me". I only remember feeling it was deeply profound, yet I couldn't remember a specific thing and was left extremely frustrated. 

For 33 years I never believed in the possibility there was more to us than a physical body with a thinking mind that processes all information sent to it by our 5 senses. Why would I tell my younger sister I believed in prayer and knew people were praying for me when I woke from that coma?

Could it possibly add up to me finally rising to the surface of my awareness that I can help people at this time on earth? Possibly, but I'll never know for certain, and I too must follow my inner guidance. I've never been a "writer", and am doing it today with MUCH effort one would have no idea of, unless they too are overcoming great challenges. Mine are barely physical; they are receiving and processing information that I must then return unscrambled.

Emotional feelings have more energy and force than most choose to admit. Many take them for granted as being a part of this body and and never give it a deeper thought. I believe, our feelings "speak" unconsciously to the body system we carry around before we're even aware of them. I have no facts, per se, to base any of this on beyond the many, many book I've read, and to my own intense experiences. It's unfortunate how anecdotal evidence doesn't carry much validity for many people.

Yet isn't this probably the number one barrier so many people have between themselves and an understanding of, let's say, "God"? I'll say it again: I'm NOT a "Bible Thumper". I will always show you the power is within you as well as without. But how many are going to trust, or have faith, that it all comes down to an unshakable, beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt belief in the highest good for all (that you know of)?

It's almost impossible to have this kind of faith when you're relying purely on your own self, when you own mind is jabbering all the stuff that contradicts. To blindly have faith and trust in something we cannot see takes an incredible leap into the unknown. Most choose to be skeptical.

In mid 2003, a series of events, I had written down in the journal a good friend had given me for Christmas in 2002, began to expand my awareness, unfortunately to a point of ego obsession. When my prayer for our rented home not to sell, until our daughter graduated from high school, did sell only 12 days after she graduated, I was floored. Then the situations following became increasingly "connected" until I got myself flung into my own hell-on-earth.

That was ten years of my life prolonged in drama because, I believe, my ego had to continuously over-rule and not allow me to deal with evidence to the contrary. Wow, this is definitely where people may cease to "hear", because ego is what we think about ourselves, and those thoughts come from our mind.

Well isn't that where thoughts originate? I choose to disagree, especially since learning science is discovering heart muscle has it's own separate intelligence. This requires another leap into the unknown with the fortitude to follow what you feel on a level of knowingness. Does that make sense?

It's not blind faith, no it doesn't mean you don't control yourself; it means you can believe things occur because of an invisible energy created by thoughts and actions combined with everyone's energy surrounding you, which includes the unfathomable energy behind creation and evolution. Even the most intelligent skeptics shouldn't argue this point unless their ego rules them.

Digest this if you can until you can feel a sense of truth within you. And hopefully I can take you from that point forwards ~ because awareness IS curative. 

Always ~ LL


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Awareness of Desire ~

Being aware of our desire is one thing, being aware how it directs how we go through our day is another. I believe this isn't even something we'll realize until we acknowledge, "Yea, honestly I do desire situations, things, whatnot", so therefore, I must not be accepting and grateful for what I have now?

Even someone with the greatest intentions can spend years "swimming against the tide" if their desire overshadows what they deserve to achieve. Well what sets the standard for deserve-ability? What's behind evolution?

So what is that highest good for all? Love (yourself and others), peace, and joy. What if it IS for man to achieve the awareness of acceptance and gratitude for what we've ultimately created? Only man, seems to be the species that can't accept, because our brains can tell us so.

If we are to believe that ALL is exactly as it should be for us to learn further, then what power do we have for getting the things we want? If you're wanting anything besides adequate food, clothing, shelter as a means to survive, you're already off the path to deserving lasting peace and joy.

First off we all know (in our hearts, our gut, or whatever you want to call it), when we ARE doing EVERYthing we can (without deliberately "stepping on others' toes") to put what we want (always for good) into motion. Does it make sense that's a step towards deserving? I absolutely believe so.

This is NOT as easy as it sounds! Do you realize the awareness you've got to have every step of the way? But trust me, concern yourself with those people in your sphere of influence; the rest takes care of itself. Deserving means "doing" for the highest good for all of nature, NOT just you. This should become second nature by the time a child leaves it's parents.

I know; I know! We're each brought up "as we are". Man's heart became consumed with "What's in it for me!" and our evolution (brain included) went in a different direction, which has brought us all "here" today.

Having the desire to do something "wrong" is something we know instinctively, which we may attempt to justify. Don't fool yourself it's not wrong if you even suspect it is! It's never too late to realize our motives, but that's the easy part, so more on that at another time.

Having desire and being open to deserving are two entirely different things or feelings. When we are on a path of learning how to always give and receive good, there's a sense of peace that grows into joy. Being aware of others becomes second nature the more and more we just "do it".

How can we have peace when we concerned with this or that about our own life? We already know there are things we absolutely cannot do anything about, and we know worrying doesn't change a thing ~ (except our well-being inside).

Isn't this attitude? And attitude comes from awareness? Changing our attitude is a process we can only hope to adjust if we openly and honestly look at who we are and BELIEVE the "evolutional power" is within every living thing. We humans have the brain and abilities to create anything we can imagine, then, doing everything we can to achieve that.

What we want to achieve is entirely personal to each of us. Only we can know what's right for us; only we can know what inspires us, and knowing it takes all kinds of us to fill the necessary roles on earth confirms it's all good. 

Imagine if parents simply gave unconditional love (this is an instinct), each parent did the role they're here for, and what if a child is brought up to want to help others, because it brings children pleasure to help. And what if the skill of negotiation for "win-win" was exposed to and practiced with children?

Imagine being taught further in school that evolution is not individual to a species, but includes all of nature as a whole. What if we were taught nature is perfect as it is (look around), and following what gives you happiness and inspiration will take you further and further towards a successful, meaningful life once you're on their own.
Imagine if schools taught this as well as building on personal responsibility. Imagine if children learned to sit quietly and feel peace within that it's all good (so no worries), and learn to absolutely feel that sense of well-being. Don't you believe a child would be more inclined to do everything they could to positively influence their "life" around them?

Yes, I know it's critical to teach thinking skills and reading skills. But what about the lessons in geometry? Schools got most of us to geometrty, but school evolved through fear to eliminate the truth of what's before our eyes in nature. Geometry could have been fascinating when related to nature, music, or science just for starters. Nature is a classroom.

Too late? You're already an adult with a screwed-up past? So now what?  You've got to start with believing everything in your life is exactly as it should be to further your journey towards joy. It just is what it is; accept it with the awareness for the whole of life, not just you! The sooner we reach this acceptance, the longer we get to experience love and joy before "passing on".

I'll tell you right here I wouldn't be the least surprised to absolutely know extraterrestrial beings play a major role in our lives. How, I do not know, but man is certainly on the way to finding out what's been "kept from us" by powerful earthlings.

Doesn't matter. Fear is an absolute blockage to openness. Awareness to danger is not fear. Do you fear physical pain? None of us want emotional pain, and our bodies are awesome enough that we'll live through physical pain if we choose to live. Most of us accept it isn't pleasant to feel physical pain.

So focus on what you're doing and be aware of who you are ~ always mirrored through your interactions with everything and/or the people you encounter. Shift your course for the better if necessary, believe we can all do anything we set our hearts to if we want it badly enough, and believe everything happens just as it's meant to according to how we've lived so far.

Always ~ LL





Saturday, March 16, 2013

Good Morning ~

A good morning is relative isn't it? So many different details, (outside of us and relative to our lives) can make it or break it in a sense if we allow it. And our awareness should kick in to our very own attitude about it. It's okay to feel as we do.

In my opinion, when we "own it", we acknowledge and accept responsibility for everything we feel, say, or do. We can then consciously make a decision to continue, if it's working for us, or simply adjust it.

I was inspired, (thanks "Cat" ) to write something about limited thinking in relation to our awareness. I related to her very real story that made me laugh.

Yes, often times our thinking is limited to what things look like on the surface. And that perception is filtered through our own belief system. When the younger woman and I had the two apartments upstairs in our little apartment building, she expanded my limited thinking about the tiny, "Manhatten-style" kitchen we had. I hated it, and she didn't let it squelch her love for baking all sorts of beautiful Christmas cookies. I can say she helped change my awareness immensely.

I must quote her here, because I absolutely love it. She said, "I don’t want to lead a normal life. I want to lead a fantastic one!" Wow, she's a major inspiration to me as she walks her talk quite gracefully. 

My own resistance to my life prolonged my unhappiness, and it's taken me many more years to finally feel I have another firm grasp on reality. I know my work will never be over; guess that's the hardest challenge of life.

Limited thinking is something any of us can be aware of within ourselves. I have another friend who used to always tell me to "flip it over" (look for another perspective), which is basically saying not to limit your thinking. As often as I've heard these things, it takes consciousness to use this skill.

Why would we even want to think differently? Because it IS true that what we think we ultimately create around us. When we're honest with ourselves we can see how our life reflects back to us our attitudes all rolled into what we've created. And when our attitude changes, actions change, words change, possibly our health changes, and it's basically endless. Use your imagination.

Have you ever been aware how your friends reflect you? If we're aware of what's good in them, I believe you must have similar qualities. And I also believe this works in reverse. This is where the real work starts if we wish to begin adjusting our own behaviors. Trust me; interactions reveal who we are. I never thought this way, but boy when I became aware, my life began to shift. I am the creator and student of all my life lessons.

Thanks for walking with me. Always ~ LL

Friday, March 15, 2013

What is real ~

Will I go overboard writing here? A possibility since I've already got more to say and hardly any time has passed since I posted last.

I've always believed democrats want what's best for the whole, and republicans are more concerned with personal gain. Honestly, I don't know how "they" have been eliminating any mention of "God" from everything. Who exactly are "they"? I remember being in early elementary school when "morning prayer" was eliminated. 

As much as I finally believe I understand my father's resistance to his children being brought up with a belief in "God", I'm now left with the intention to find out why supposedly conservatives (Republicans?) are all about "God". My parents have always been about equality, and helping the unfortunate. My mother has always believed in God and is a "democrat", and my father a non-believing "democrat". They also split decades ago.

Is partial information a "Christians" only way to express their grief and beliefs? I'm beginning to wonder. Perhaps what looks good on the internet is passed along as total fact and it sets minds like mine into turmoil. I wanted to applaud Oklahoma for standing up for their belief that a major goodness has been taken from the United States moral code.

And I believe, just as strongly, that Christians are spouting "religion" not the power within all living things. This makes me upset, but I have to choose my battles.  It's so difficult for me to follow politics even though my parents are avid followers. I guess I began to feel it's so corrupt why bother; although, growing up we went to all kinds of protest marches. I remember seeing the Washington Monument one huge demonstration back in the 60's.

I believe in sovereignty for states. I would love to see this happen on a large scale. I believe this is the only way for Americans to save this country from what appears to be the Federal Government.. Yes, our "founding fathers" wrote a constitution and a Bill of Rights. Yes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Who are "the bad buys" here? It really is so involved. 

I believe this whole "God" thing is at the core. The power of good within mankind is really what "they" are evolving out of us. Scarey, but true I think. But the "church" can't ~ they too are probably very corrupt even though they hide behind "religion". Government let corruption seep in and overtake good intentions.

When will mankind remember we're all just a tiny spec in the whole energy force of life, and that we're here for evolution of goodness, nothing more, nothing less. Honestly, we're all equal in worth. It takes all kinds to make it all work. That seems to be a good enough reason why some are this and some are that.

And if we're aware of areas we need to improve in our "selves", and that's the only real control we have, just "doing it" seems pretty logical.

And awareness is curative! Always ~ LL

Was I more concerned about me ~

Oh my, an hour and a half after I was supposed to leave for an orientation on volunteering in a facility that helps grieving children, I looked at the clock as I sat down with something I'd just cooked for supper.
My heart sank in utter disbelief; how could I let something I'd planned slip completely from my awareness? Why? Was I feeling a sense of "high" because I'd finally found another way to feel I can contribute to society (writing this), which lead me to ignore others? Or am I simply being too hard on myself again? 

Either way, I'm horrified I could have so "conveniently" spaced on something I'd been planning for a couple weeks. Hours before I was to leave, I even set out my bag with water, pen, paper and directions by the door.

I realize I've had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) since '89, but does that mean something like this is what's been happening over and over for years that I just can't explain? I hate to make excuses for things like this. Relatively speaking, things like this happen all the time: for weeks (right up to the eleventh hour) I seriously believe I'm going to two places at the same time, same day, whatever. 

I've never been able to explain why or how it happens. In 2005 I was taught to implement strategies to help me cope with being on my own for the first time in my life. I should have set a timer when to leave, but I'd gotten so caught up in myself when I was writing yesterday. I guess there is nothing more I can do except to forgive myself and call to apologize. Well that's not going to go over too good as a perspective volunteer.

But I counter with believing if I'd absolutely had it as a top priority I never would have spaced. Does that "get me off the hook"? I could justify no one was relying on me to be there, so a call to apologize should cover it. 

Do similar things happen in your life? Do you figuratively beat yourself up? Or worse; then physically allowing yourself to make wrong choices to control not feeling? Do you let those things control your self-worth? I absolutely have, and still do at times, but as they say, "Awareness is curative." 

So wouldn't this be a perfect time to bring up God? No, I honestly don't wish to be a "Bible Thumper" because my opinion is that the Bible has taken a person's accountability for helping themselves away and puts it into the hands of some mystical figure. No offense, again, to God, and yes this higher power is also within us (if I understand the Holy Spirit). but in general a person's higher power is the energy within all living things that governs things like evolution and gravity. How can any scientist explain just these two things?

Don't you agree that we should be in awe of things so incredible? Don't you think it's reasonable to revere such unfathomable power? I believe that's the intention of churches, but organized religion has taken the power away from us and put it into their hands. I'd say this is probably why my father resisted God so much, and put all his energy into being a medical doctor.

But my awareness today is how everything happens just as its supposed to and there is no blame for parents' decisions. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? Yes, I believe the innate survival instinct of ALL animals is the energy within evolution. And aren't we humans fortunate we got the brain to think and create! Did greed overpower love for the oneness of life?

I say oneness of life because it's my belief that the energy of evolution runs through every living thing on our planet. When that energy is for survival and the highest good for the whole of life doesn't it make sense the results only go in a positive direction? Isn't that where the Golden Rule came from? Doesn't that sound like unconditional love?

Unconditional love for ourselves does not include feelings of "What's in it for me?". This breeds greed. Our planet is being consumed with greed, which creates corruption, control, and a myriad of negativity which brings down society.

There is hope; awareness is curative. 

Always ~ LL