Heart intelligence is an absolutely fascinating "study", especially since most people have been lead to believe the heart's function is simply to pump the blood that circulates throughout our body system. It's only been a little over 20 years since a doctor in Canada brought this new awareness into the light so to speak.
I know all my studies in the last 24 years have actually been related to heart intelligence, yet never worded as such. Now it can be found in many, many reputable resources. I believe this is our "highest" spirit or intelligence. I feel certain our ancestors knew of this.
For simplicity, I believe our spirit is the invisible energy created by our thoughts and feelings. Belief intensifies our thoughts and feelings that can actually be felt within us if we choose to notice a difference. It doesn't happen instantly, but you can experiment with you own thoughts and beliefs.
I'd love to see this proven with Kirlian photography. In the early 20th century, a Russian engineer, Mr. Kirlian, discovered energy could be recorded in radiating colors captured in a unique form accepted today as Kirlian photography. I feel certain this will be used extensively for healing in the relative future.
And it makes sense, to me, that our highest spirit would be the energy emitted from the heart's supreme intelligence, especially since the heart is the absolute first thing to form in any new life. Mankind has only been studying heart intelligence a bit over 2 decades, so we have a ways to go in thorough intellectual understanding.
I thank you to keep reading, and please begin to share this with friends and loved ones to expand the growing awareness of what is real and important.
Always ~ LL
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