Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 14 ~

I've asked myself what good believing in some power or energy with unfathomable "intelligence" has done for me? Because the simple belief humbles us to know we are all equal, and are here on earth striving for love, peace and joy, with our own opportunities to to see ourselves more clearly.

And so what has that done? Well, that's huge enough if you ask me. Because I've seen for myself how everything has happened just the way it's had to when I take myself into account. So why couldn't I see that before? Because I never saw them as lessons and a perfect reflection of what I needed to learn.

I never believed in "something" that could possibly "give us" an opportunity to choose another path. If we've experienced the untimely death of a loved one, we can choose to view it another way. Try feeling it purely from goodness and not an actual death, because I'm here to tell you our energy does not "die". It's just different.

But you'll never understand this until you can accept not feeling a loss. Grief is necessary as it bridges the gap between a death and awareness. Yes, we do think of what we had and what we loved about what died, and hopefully that will never stop. The pain is in the thinking of loss, or what the "dead one" is missing out on. That pain is in your mind, not your heart. 

Try remembering our hearts have an intelligence all it's own. There are many resources to educate us. Yet it's not mainstream enough to be accepted by the masses. Same as believing in a God it appears. What's one to do? I suppose I'll continue to educate myself, and keep writing on awareness, because that ultimately is what heart intelligence comes down to I believe.

Always ~ LL

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