Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 16 ~

For my credibility sake, I'm going to actually write as I pass through the experience I've questioned? Just under a month ago I had minor foot surgery, which I spoke briefly of in the beginning of this blog. I'd gone for a dressing change a week after and a week after that. The third week I was excited to get my stitches out. When the surgeon removed the smaller bandage he was quite shocked at the sudden, dramatic reversal in my recovery.

All the skin that had been stretched over and stitched had basically disintegrated. The doctor was shocked and said it was a million to one something like this should happen. He prescribed antibiotics and told me when it healed he may have to graft extra skin from my ankle area. Wow, a relatively simple thing turned to this; why me?

It continued to look worse and my toe became dark purple, yet I'm grateful I never got a fever. Between meditating, writing here, and this experience things began to come to my consciousness 48 hours later. I felt it happened to give me a chance to really heal something relatively big.

My friend who taught me to "flip it over" also stopped in to check on me a day later. He was disgusted something like this should happen, and he get's angry, whereas I don't. I choose to see it differently. The first thing he told me was I needed to give it air. This is also how I was brought up to believe; doctors today are way too cautious and we all know why.

When my friend, a cowboy in his youth, wanted to put a calf down who's hind quarters had been mutilated by an alligator, his boss said no, they were going to treat it. They did and it miraculously healed, so he immediately went to the pharmacy for iodine and hydrogen peroxide (I tried to resist) to spray on my nasty wound now exposed to air. I am taking the antibiotic.

In meditation last night I felt the sudden awareness to trust in my heart's ability to send messages, or whatever it does when I believe, to the organ's in my body that will heal me. I focused my attention on feeling the peace I speak about. I remembered the friend on Maui who healed his own crushed hand at a rate the doctors and surgeon's never believed possible.

In the past I've accomplished healing 2 minor medical issues for me, as well as a 5 situations I'll never know if I'd actually had a positive influence on as in a coincidence if you prefer. They are written about in my book on the back burner. So I ask myself, is this scenario happening today so I'll write about it?

I have 3 very concerned, medically trained family members (a doctor, a RN, and a diagnostic ultrasound expert) whom I have not shared my plan with; they would freak and I know it. They do not share my metaphysical views at all. Either does my friend the old cowboy. So it's me, myself, and I.

This morning I did call to ask my father why my entire toe is such a dark purple. He said it's not something to be concerned with. If I understood correctly, the blood has to reabsorb. So onward with faith, trust and belief.

Always ~ LL

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