Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 12 ~

Doing something good is as simple as smiling to a stranger you may have judged in the past, picking up a piece of litter, parking where you know you'll have to walk a little further, just making a better choice, or realizing you're fortunate to have anything. It's as simple as we make it in our minds.

Life is still going to have it's ups and downs; it's unavoidable. The demands of life, no matter how simple your life, are constant no matter who you are. Taking control of our life requires a sense of self-worth. Belief in something greater than man alone doesn't lessen our responsibility to ourselves; it actually gives us more.

Because in life there isn't something for nothing so to speak. If we're here to learn the truth about how we'll handle everything we encounter, then we can expect a continuum of "lessons" (both good and bad) from birth until death. And remembering you are the student, teacher, and principal proves that.

Besides children, there are no victims, no matter how strongly we feel we've been victimized by life. Anyone and everyone alive has some kind of energy flowing through them that attracts, like a magnet, whatever our energy needs to expose itself in reality.

This may sound complicated, yet it's not when you accept it like you do gravity, the tides, migration of animals, or any one of the natural wonders of this earth we inhabit. Life is pretty organized in some magical order of perfection we honestly can't deny. Man's inhabited earth how long and is still discovering other species?

Belief in something greater than man alone does not assure anything beyond an energy shift we keep active within us with conscious reverence and awareness. Mankind has a brain, mankind has a heart, mankind's purpose seems to be to figure out how to live together as equals without hatred and greed. Greed is tricky. If desire extends beyond deserve it's greed.

But who am I to say any of this? Just another fellow human doing their best.

Always ~ LL

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