Thursday, March 21, 2013

Could this be the Reason ~

How could it have been I never put this two and two together, and here's my opinion on what should have been obvious. And yes this does include another of my pet peeves: mentioning "God" as if I truly am some BT. Abbreviations help me eliminate the use of that B-word that can and does shut down a lot of minds (therefore no longer open ~ see?). This is also not political.

I've already listened to Christians, with a righteous and narrow mindset too often, connecting "Republican" to "God". I do believe Republicans are concerned with personal gain, and with the belief in something giving each individual the opportunity to rise to any occasion using their personal power to achieve more. Then doesn't it makes sense from a righteous religious perspective is to believe Republicans are superior?

I'm certainly NOT saying that anyone who goes to church or reveres Jesus is automatically a narrow-minded hypocrite, because both Democrats and Republicans in this country worship a "God". Okay, most religions have massacred the true intent of the people that wrote bibles thousand of years ago anyway. There is no other explanation.

So here we are with another person spewing out their beliefs from their own perspective. Well that may be true, yet I'm writing to expand people's awareness of "God", and how we have a power within us that allows us to "see" differently than many have believed possible.

We're ultimately responsible for the outcome of our life. And no, I'm not about to say "God" decides when we're to "die". My goodness, I could spend "forever" with that one. My purpose is to shed light on a power greater than we are alone. And I realize I'm not going to change how parents bring up their children, but perhaps a miniscule nudge in the right direction is all a small percentage of us need.

More on "seeing" differently will be for another time ~ hopefully soon.

Please, let's join our hearts, our wills, our efforts to put some light on, and to share the path towards love, peace, and joy together.

Always ~ LL


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